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A jam submission

GOD'S BANEView game page

Defeat, absorb and switch between gods in real-time, exchanging powers as you eliminate them
Submitted by dinakar_7068, Monishcreate — 2 minutes, 58 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
ART / VISUALS#394.0424.042
SOUNDS / MUSIC#613.5003.500
BOSS DESIGN#863.2503.250
USE OF THEME#1073.0423.042

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Game's take on the theme
Player defeats bosses and absorbs them. You can switch between the absorbed bosses and exchange between their powers in real time

Did your team create the vast majority of art and music during the game jam?
yes everything from art to animations to music and sound design were made by us except for vfx (game uses cartoon coffee vfx pack)

Did your game use PlusMusic?

Did your game use Playroom?

Did your game use generative AI art?

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(1 edit)

2.5D was great, the double-tap turn based thing was a little strange and in general it wasn't as much fun as it appeared, it was pretty laggy in the WEBGL also. Really great job with the production of it all 3.8/5 


Thanks for checking out! 


This game is beautiful. The art, the music, everything. The switching mechanic is also really cool. The parry is difficult though.


Thanks a lot for the kind words!

There Def needs to be some kind of balancing for the parry mechanic...I'll figure something out.

Thanks for the feedback!


A good game with its own style, dynamic music and gameplay! It’s a pity that Web JL lags and I can't complete the round, I'll try on another device later


The game kinda does break when performance isn't stable...

But thanks for checking out the game and the feedback!


Still couldn't run this on browser, wish there was a downloadable version there, looks fun!


Oh, it's not running? That's weird. (You can't use mouse in the main menu...only W S and Enter)

We didn't upload the windows build because we ran out of time ( we submitted this 3 minutes before deadline 💀)


The gameplay are fun, it pretty simple but the switch powers mechanics is nice. The visual look nice too, the background with the smoke effect looks really cool, The stick figure animation look cool too. The bosses are challenging but fair.

The power switch is a bit slow but its fine, tho unfortunately I meet the frost ball insta death glitch twice, so I basically skipped the whole speed fight...

But still, cool game!


Thanks for the kind words!

Ah the frost ball glitch can be avoided if you shoot from a distance lol (maybe you can give the final boss another try using level selector:)

Anyways Thanks for playing!


Great visuals, especially the backgrounds. This is totally my opinion but this game could be really amazing with faster paced combat.


Thanks for playing and the kind words on the visuals!

The fastest the combat gets is in the final boss. It does feel too slow in the first 2 bosses.

Anyways, Thanks for the feedback!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Nice game! I really like the aesthetic and how the bosses have personalities to them. The music is also really good, and the last boss really felt like a last boss when he declares that he can go all out now. I liked the implementations of the abilities, and while the reflect ability is clearly the focus of the game, the bosses are well-designed around you getting the next ability.

If I could comment a couple of things, the transition when changing powers sometimes felt a bit... slow? Like, I change to flight, press space, but sometimes it feels like it takes longer to fly than others, but it may be just me. Also, is there a reason why you can't sprint when using Frost? Is it for balance reasons, since Frost gets the combo attack? You can sprint when using both Reflect and Flight, and it felt jarring changing to Frost and not being able to sprint, because I would shoot at Speed, freeze it, then try to run to land a combo aaaand... I'm walking. 

Other than that, the game feels great, really good job!

Developer (1 edit)

It makes me so happy that you saw the game till the end!

Maybe we have to change our transition animations as it is quite slow.

For flight it might be coz we have press and release for flight. (or maybe its because there is a hitstop before flight is done)

And yea frost wasn't given the ability to sprint coz we thought that would balance the game (it probably is way too unnecessary honestly, we will def buff the player a little bit if we ever update this game!)

Thanks a lot for the feedback! (Honestly these were the words that I really expected to hear lol)


Reminds me of the stick figure fight animations from newgrounds and has the same level of juice/attitude -- nice work on that :)

I agree with other folks that the timing window on the reflect was a bit small. I'm not sure if it was frame perfect or not, but saw that you mentioned it was using animation events, so you could have the animation event store the time, then check the time delta between the last animation event and the player input event -- that'd decouple it from the framerate. It's tricky though, I also hit a couple of frame-dependent bugs when working on the code for my submission too. Writing bulletproof game logic is hard...

I like the music and sfx too, very nice level of polish on it. I'd love to see some combos and tightening up the controls so you can switch more fluidly between the different abilities.


Thanks for playing our game!

The timing window on reflect is actually 12 frames for all attacks....the reflect mechanic works just fine If the game runs smoothly.

Right now reflect input gets accepted only during that 12 frames...if you pressed right click anywhere in that 12 frames the parry will happen during the damage event.

But yeah I agree with you that writing bulletproof logic is hard.

There is much more to learn for us.

I'm really glad you liked the music and sfx!

And you know what? We might just update this game after the jam! (Right now you unlock combos before the final boss...we will make some balancing to this game and make it not so frustrating to play)

Thanks a lot for your feedback! 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very cool game. The blocking mechanic is too complex for me, I dunno why it works sometimes and why sometimes it doesn’t. The game overall is fun but I only got to the second boss due to me not knowing how to use that block (that frost one).


EDIT: I also forgot to mention but the player attack should be stronger when you do it from sprint? I dunno it’s just my logic. Also in tutorial I think it said to use WASD for movement… I can only use A and D lol


ayo thanks for playing! It's kinda funny (cries inside) now that we've got a Lotta bugs that we thought we fixed.

I tried running the game on my IGpu....resulted in bad frame times.....this made parrying not work properly as the parry window and parry events use animation events. Frame rate is prolly the same reason for the falling from the top thingy.

We actually put in most of the work in boss design for the 2nd phase of the final boss, but the game being too hard or bugs ended up making people not get to the ending (some did so I'm kinda happy lol)

Plus there's a glitch of shooting frost ball at point blank range causing insta death for boss.

This is the 3rd game we've ever we'll take all your feedbacks and consider bug fixing as an important task and balancing the game as well.

That was a long rant...Anyways Thanks for the feedback dude!


Very cool aesthetic! Blocking was tricky at the beginning, took a bit of practice. But that made the victories all the more satisfying.


I'm glad you took time to play the game!


I love the art, music, and concept. But I feel that the game doesn't give freedom to the player to choose how they want to play. Almost feels like it's scripted. Great work overall! I could see myself playing a full release of this.


Thanks for playing!...yeah it is kind of scripted right now considering that your options are quite less.

Thanks for your feedback!

Maybe we'll balance some stuff out...and make an update for the game.


I love the presentation, clean, minimalistic and very atmospheric. I guess the only thing that was quite hard was the main mechanic, which was parrying. Took me some time to get used to, but at first I thought RMB wasn't working. So some feedback like playing a blocking animation at button press would definitely improve the experience. Also might be nice if the hero does a short 1-2 attack combo for those button mashers, I believe that would be satisfying, especially when enemy gets staggered. Btw, I beat Speed so fast using frost orbs, is that a bug?


Thanks for playing! All of those are valid points, Though Frost can do a 5 hit combo in the end ye maybe I could have let the other character do at least a 1-2 combo. And yes the game insta kills the boss if you shoot frost balls near the enemy, we got this bug around the end of the jam and we couldn't fix it. But you can use frost balls on the enemy when hes in any state.

But anyways, Thanks for the feedback!


brought me back to playing all those old flash games! I had a blast, cool vibe, loved the 3d backgrounds with the 2d characters. Thanks for making this!


That's great to hear, Thanks for checking out our game!


This reminds me of those flash games. I really like those animations, I like stickman fighting.
But I feel like I could use ability more easier than having to change in order to use the ability.
The freedom in combat is not so much.
I still like it though. Good job.


Hey thanks for trying out the game!

Yea you are right...the game does tend to be a little too restrictive and, maybe the character switch mechanic would make more sense with more added abilities for each character.

Thanks for the feedback!


was God's bane! Reminds me of the games I used to love on Newgrounds.


I'm glad you enjoyed!


Interesting idea. Realization, visuals, aesthetic is pretty good! Maybe there should be some improvements over  movement mechanics. Anyway, keep it up!


Thanks for the feedback!


First of, your game looks great and I had a lot of fun. But I think a game around parrying makes the boss patterns less interesting, since a lot of them are punches or kicks. I think my favorite attacks were all the specials moves of the bosses in fact. I wasn't able to beat speed, and I think having some other way to parry would of helped (for example on the keyboard) since I always found parrying with right click to be unreliable.

Developer (1 edit)

Wow! Thanks for playing! I'm really glad that you had a lot of fun.

I do agree that the first 2 bosses have the least interesting patterns.

The best boss in the entire game is phase 2 of speed and he has 2 more special attacks in it (its where most of the work was put in, if you have the time you could use level select and retry the final boss :D)

And as for the Input keys.....We just assumed people would prefer Mouse because of games like Sekiro. We did plan to have J and K for attack and parry but we didn't include it in the end sadly :(

Anyways, Thanks a lot for the feedback!


I like this art style and mechanism

The player's movement is a bit slow

It would be even better if both attacks and parry were on the keyboard


Thanks for playing our game! 
We thought of using "j" and "k" for the attacks and parry but we ended up not adding it in the end :(
Thanks for the feedback!


Oh my god (joke intended), this was so cool, I love the parry mechanic (even though I'm not good at it), and the other powers were cool (flight was too slow for me to actually use for some reason and frost just oneshoted the final boss). Also, cool enemies with interesting patterns and good music? It's almost perfect.

Almost because of some control jank when switching.


I'm glad you found the game to be cool!

And for flight ability, you have to release the spacebar to actually initiate it lol that might be why you felt it was slow.

For Frost....Yes that's a game breaking bug that I wasn't able to fix (Frost ball one shots speed if you shoot it right next to him but it is fine if you shoot it from a distance). Speed's Phase 2 has the most interesting attack patterns...and it's like that level is the whole reason to even play this game (if only the bug wasn't there). 

Anyways Thanks a lot for playing!


I like the stickfigure badass element of the game, but I think it being so centered on the reflect mechanic makes the attacking part kinda boring. The punch being this kind of slow and underpowered attack takes a bit away from the really flashy style that you’re trying to bring. That said, the core concept is really strong, and I think the game has great potential going forward.


Thanks for checking out our game. The first boss fight may feel a bit too slow. Use level select and play the final boss. You can use combos in the final boss battle.

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