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MonkeyBlue Games

A member registered May 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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Loved playing this game, lots of fun and certainly has future potential for a bigger game. 

Great work with the game having watched your streams the past few days it's been a blast playing the actual game.  Really enjoyed the game and can say I completed it mate :D 

Great game and jump scares without giving out any info one pretty much made me jump out my chair. 

I did find that when I entered a second room, the door kinda disappeared then came back not sure if it was part of the game design.

I'll keep an eye on updates after the Jam as I think you have the  start of something good here

Loved all the little mini-games I think my best one was the running jump one and I'm a master at chopping wood now.

Great game the retro graphics and sounds are good, especially when you get the ball in the hoop I did feel though that the music was a bit too happy/upbeat  and something with more of a horror theme would have perhaps worked better but that said all chiptune music is quite upbeat etc. 

I love the graphics on this and the canoeing movements work really well, at times I felt that the pace could have been a little quicker but overall I find it quite soothing paddling with the water noises

Who doesn't love a good old game of darts the game plays really well when taking shots and the story and changing appearance of the character kept me hooked to play more and see the outcome. 

Was a bit confusing at first I though the other characters were coming to play with me, but once I figured it out it was fun running around.

Thanks for taking the time to play my game I really appreciate it, and there certainly will be more coming soon. 

Thanks for the great feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it although a little limited in gameplay. 

I revisited the project last night and figured out why the other courses would not work it turned out I made a typo in a reference  🤣 but in the heat of the jam submission I totally missed that, so there will be more to come for sure after the Jam and hopefully a smaller download size too. 

Thanks Aaron

I know that feeling, what you have works great and it did keep me hooked for a while wanting to see if there is more :) 

Quite a fun game popping heads was good fun, and I love the explosion effect you made along with the camera shake and sound effects. 

I'm also curious also, does it progress pass the popping heads?

Having submitted a golf game myself I had to check this out and I have to say well done I found the game easy to understand and play and it works really well the monster chasing me literally gave me the chills and made it more intense to get into the light and take my shot. 

Great game I had issues running it on my ultrawide monitor the buttons at the bottom were cut off but I switched it to my smaller monitor, and it worked perfectly fine. 

I went in as a Rookie and found it a bit too fast-paced at first to understand what to do but after a few goes I got the hang of it. 

Woah, easily one of the best submissions of the Jam. When I saw your screenshots earlier on and saw Ice Picks, I thought, what an excellent idea. 

The game certainly had me on the edge of my seat from balancing across the drop to the ice people creeping up on me. 

Having the ability to save and load would have been nice but I'm sure that will be a future addition after the jam.

Great work

Thanks for playing it, yep I'm super sad all the holes would not work I just had an annoying bug this morning that I discovered that caused the game to crash exiting any of the holes, so due to time, I had to hide the other holes. I'm going to work on the bug and post an update post the Jam finishing :) 

I do hope you enjoyed climbing around and I'll be sure to check out your submission too shortly

Thanks for checking it out so quickly; what spec was your PC?  I ran out of time to test on other PCs but have just realised perhaps not everyone has a beast of a PC like I do, and I should have maybe added some in-game quality settings. 

I've also just made a video clip of the game too, I do want to finish building what I planned as I think it could be pretty cool when properly finished. I'll also check out your game shortly. 


So I've committed myself to the Scream Dunk Jam and have made my first video dev log

I love this game the graphics are fab and the voices, especially the ghost armour one. 

I got a little stuck with how to get past the vampire but will give it another run later. 

Thanks for the review and checking out my game it sure was fun learning everything and I'm also pleased I just made something with a start and an end instead of ditching it all :) 

Played this a few times, and it really does give the sense of anxiety although I've been lucky and never experienced that it made me realise what people suffering from anxiety could feel, and I think the game pulls that off very well. 

Thanks for reviewing my game last night just watched back the stream :) The first voice indeed was AI and also the second it was not until adding the end voice I realised it was better for the main one but ran out of time.

Really appreciate all the feedback and I'll take them onboard when continuing the game soon. 

Great little game loved all the rooms that you had and also how the drawings were so simple, and you focused on more gameplay and exploring rather than polish which can always be added later. 

Initially, I found the controls difficult but didn't thoroughly read the instructions after that it became straightforward forward navigating around, I think I found 3/5 stones but have saved it to come back I suspect it's hidden in the room with the 3 number isles, but I'm not sure if they are just the same or not. 

I'll keep an eye out for updates on the game, and great work again.

Everyone loves a cat game, it plays really well. 

This has been on my list to play for a few days, and I'm so glad I made the time for it today to play it all through; it's really well polished and plays well at first; I got a little stuck but then remembered at the start you mention somethings can appear after a while.  I'll certainly keep my eye out for any updates. 

Amazing game really enjoyed playing this one :) 

Thanks for the feedback, I think all the graphics etc need an overhaul and more learning from my side and your spot on with Brian, he's everywhere originally he was just a place holder so I can get things hooked up but then I ran out of time to design my own character originally I wanted a younger person.  I'm going to fire up the iPad at the weekend and get sketching again :) 

Just gave this a blast it's certainly a good start the bottle noise in the storeroom freaked me out I was like what is that noise then realised it was the bottle moving as I was walking over it. 

Good concept for the game, I did feel that the player movement was slow. Perhaps it was my computer playing it in the browser, but it felt like the game had low fps. I still managed to get around though quite slowly. 

At some parts I did feel it was all kind of the same but the choice of audio is good too. 

Thanks for checking my game out and the nice comments I'm still in disbelief in all these years of wanting to make a game i've actually finished something and now have the bug to do more :) The voice stuff was AI both in game and at the same it wasn't until the final hour of submission when doing the credits scene I realised that should have been the protagonist voice, and there was not enough time to change it all. 

I'll check your game out shortly too :) 

Just played this as well it got me curious about what happens next and wanted to keep on playing it, I think at first I got confused with the controls i.e. i was clicking to walk then realised I had to wait for the screen to scroll but once I realised it was fine. 

I also have to agree with the limited colour pallet a great choice.  

Wow, what a game, and I really like the two possible endings. One thing I did notice when playing in the control room the player walks through one of the machines but apart from that everything was super move. 

Finally got round to playing this game and it sure was lots of fun; really liked everything about the game although I did at first manage to accidentally launch the nuke but then played it again and got a better ending. 

Great Work. 

Thanks for reporting the bugs I've just fixed them and uploaded a new build :) 

I can't seem to work out how to play the game I can move left right to select continue, start now but can't seem to figure out how to start the game?

This was a fun game to play great work, I did find in a couple of spots the hitbox was a little sensitive especially in the mushroom field

Love the graphics and music in the game and how you move between the rooms :D

Great game the music fits really well and I really like how you can move between all the rooms. 

Amazing work on the game love the atmosphere and puzzles it kinda reminded me of stranger things when they initial house came into scene.