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Mossbone Digital

A member registered Dec 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Not according to the post date of 42 days ago. That was specifically for the remake, the itch page logged it. It also doesn't follow the theme.

This one was definitely the best execution of a rhythm game for this jam, I could tell a lot of thought went into mapping the drum strikes. My only real critique has already been brought up by others, which is that more feedback when hitting the notes would have been nice, as well as maybe some physics on the drumsticks so they don't go through the drums. Overall, this one was very fun and was only really lacking in terms of feedback for the hits.

I really liked the concept of this one, but it was a little hard to use at times. I've tried to do something similar in the past with a flute, but I stopped pretty early on due to how hard it is to map an instrument's fingerings to a VR controller. You definitely have my respect for seeing it through to the end. I know a previous comment mentioned having the notes update in realtime which I also wished was the case, but I understand why you went for the approach you did as handling the inputs more dynamically was the main reason I had given up on my flute in the past. Overall, I really liked the idea, but I found it a little hard to use due to the limitations the controllers present.

The environment was cool, reminded me a lot of some of the bedrooms of my metalhead friends in high school lol. I definitely feel like there was a lot put into the presentation, and the amount of content was very ambitious. That being said I definitely felt like some of the interactions and feedback for the interactions needed some more elbow grease to get them to be a little bit smoother. I think focusing more on the guitar would have led to it being more polished, but I respect that you tried a lot of different things. I feel like games are really about learning and experimentation rather than making a perfect product, and by that metric you definitely succeeded. 

I loved the clones and how they looked and felt. I also loved the use of AutoHand, the physics in that package are stellar and so the use of it is always an up for me. The physics felt really fun but definitely made it a little hard to control the tone at times. It was also really difficult to record everything in time but that's something I figured going into this as trying to solve that issue would definitely go beyond the scope of this jam. This was super fun and once again I really loved the clones and it honestly made me think of all the really cool implementations for them in other types of projects. If you ever made a packaged-up clone system and threw it on the Unity Asset Store I'd definitely be first in line to get a copy.

I really liked how everything felt in terms of the shooting gallery mechanics, and the animations gave this a lot of life. I especially loved the effect when you shot the gun. My only real critique is that it felt like the theme only really went into the aesthetics although the aesthetics were definitely on point. Overall, this was a really fun one to mess around with and I'd definitely put some time into a more complete version of this if you did continue with the project!

I really liked how everything felt in terms of the shooting gallery mechanics, and the animations gave this a lot of life. I especially loved the effect when you shot the gun. My only real critique is that it felt like the theme only really went into the aesthetics although the aesthetics were definitely on point. Overall, this was a really fun one to mess around with and I'd definitely put some time into a more complete version of this if you did continue with the project!

Hmm, I'm not really sure. I know there's an issue with the Meta SDK where sometimes if the users left hand can't be seen it won't properly load the hand tracking models but that typically doesn't cause them to not work at a system level with the menu shortcuts. My only guess would be to try and either restart the headset or turn hand tracking on and then off

This game was made significantly before the jam

It's for the Meta Quest platform only, it won't run on a phone.