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A member registered Jul 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really cool game, loved the concept and how you fit the game to the theme! The music was odd, but in a good way and help amplify the game. Awesome job!

Really fun game and I liked how the overall game was put together. 

Really fun game and I liked the rewind mechanic and the art-work, it reminded me of a digital version of what I see in my local fair. Awesome work!

It is a really pretty and lovely sounding game. I'd love to see this as a fully fledged game! The only thing is I couldn't figure out what to do on the first level, I jumped over the gap and I couldn't go forward or interact with that girl... maybe I'm missing something? I'll give it another go if I am!

Cool game, I had fun playing it.

Really fun game that I greatly enjoyed, it seems reminiscent of that purple elephant game from a long time ago. Cool concept and I had a laugh with some of the things that happened.

Really nice animations, I enjoyed playing this one!

Fun game! I really liked the mechanic of shooting to rewind, though it took me a little while to figure that out. I like the art-style as well, great job!

Really cool game with awesome graphics (I liked how the sprite had an animation for turning around). The rewind mechanic itself was really cool, I'd only say that I think the movement could be faster.

That was a fun game, I like the inclusion of different characters and the use of the time rewind mechanic. The art-style is very minimalist and unique which just added to the overall game.

Really fun game and I liked the choice of music, really gave the game a comedic feel. 

Really cool game! I liked the way you used the theme to tell a story and the colours you used really brought out a dreary state when playing. Great job!

A fun game, I enjoyed how smooth the controls where and I enjoyed the animation when you walked around! One thing I would suggest would be to add some sort of feedback when an enemy is hit so I know I'm shooting correctly.

A really cool game with a great idea for a puzzle mechanic. 

Try out mine here: 

Happy to do a rate for rate with anyone!

Really cool game with a great mechanic that lends itself to the theme. One thing I really liked it how I could save myself from falling using the width of the helmet!

Good spot, I forgot to block off that control when I did the rewind mechanic (I added the undo button last minute)! That'll be something to fix after this week.

A cool and addicting game. It took a little while to get used to, but once I got the hang of it, it was fun trying to figure it out!

Really cool game and I liked the art-style! Took me a while to figure out that space ends the dialogue (my fault for not fully reading the text at the start, I'm more of a skimmer). I really enjoyed trying to figure each room out.

I enjoyed playing through multiple times trying to find all the screws; the rewind mechanic worked really well! The music also fit the atmosphere very well and gave a very spooky vibe.

Really cool game, I love stealthy-type games. The time mechanic was a really nice touch and the graphics suited really well!

Really great graphics and fantastic mellow music. I had a great time playing this, if I had any suggestions it would be to use keyboard keys that are further apart. I found following the melody relatively easy, but when it came to the double notes, I kept instinctively pressing keys that were further apart like on the game.

Really good job with the visuals and overall aesthetics. I enjoyed the audio work and thought you put into the story. Great job!

I thought it was going to be a really simple letter match game and then it spiralled into something else. That was a really cool game, I really liked the animation when it swapped to a different type of game. Great job!

I like the game, the animation and sound effects are cool, and I like the tiny punch the character has.

Yeah in hindsight, it is quite slow... I was used to skipping levels so I didn't really think about it!

Thanks! Yeah level design is something I need to work on for sure! I've fed-back to yours as well, love the frog animation!

I'll share mine here too:

Happy to play and feedback on any games here too!

Really cool game with an awesome mini-pixel art art-style! 

A really fun game with a cool use of the theme. I really like the animation of the frog and the overall art-style!

That's true, but it could work well as a mobile game, maybe having different locations, store upgrades, etc.

Cool game, it was a bit difficult to keep them all off, but that made it quite addicting!

Really cool concept, I like that you only had yourself to blame as an obstacle in the game. It'd be great to see this taken further!

Fantastic game, I love the idea of having to rewind different games along with the management of the rental shop (something that is long gone where I am). This would be great to see taken into a fully fledged game! The only issue I came across was that some customers came in asking for a game that I didn't have yet.

Thats odd! Thank-you for pointing it out, I'll have a look into it.

I like the graphics and the idea of slotting in the characters in a sort of defence-type game. I thought the grannies were a bit strong as I could keep the enemies away without using the one with the gun, so maybe some balancing is needed. Cool game!

I really like what you did with the graphics and the camera shake/particle effects; it really brought the game to life! My only suggestion is that there might have been a bit too much shake for every shot, maybe only do it when you charge shots or explode the bombs?

Thanks! Yeah, I need to work on my level design; there was meant to be much more traps but I didn't have time unfortunately.

Cool game, I really like the blue star that indicates where you rewind to, also like that you can just keep whacking the enemies even when they are dead (that little thump sound is great).