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ManoloView game page

Manolo is an old man with alzheimer. Help him to recover his memories!
Submitted by SupHernan, Gabriel, Huhu Developers — 1 minute, 21 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#1813.7583.758

Ranked from 124 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
Manolo rewinds in time to remember his past life.

Did you write most of the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
All code, artwork and music are done by scratch. Only sound effects and a couple images for the background aren't ours.

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A game that touches your senses not so much as it touches your soul. A gaming reminder about how important health and memories are in all our lives. Well done encapsulating the rewind topic into this solution. I believe that you could put this type of game also in another format than 2D Platformer to get even a more intense experience while rememorizing his life. Congratulations on your entry!


Thanks so much! That's actually a good idea that we hadn't thought about... Manolo 2 might be a 3d game! Not sure if that is what you meant but definitely a good idea. Thanks for the nice words!


A lovely game! The mechanic is original and works great for a platformer like this. Great use of the theme.




This game utilizes the theme in a very clever way with a host of mechanics that are heavily utilized in the games design. Fantastic work


Thank you so much for the nice words! :D


Really nice game! I like it a lot, the idea of the ages is great, everything is nicely put together and the story is also very nice. The only thing that I don't like was the punching mechanic, it wasn't responsive. But overall great work! Keep doing great games!


The punching mechanic is kinda odd as it is now, but we've already changed it for an update. Thank you so much!


I had a lot of fun playing your game. The graphics are nice, the sounds fit very well and your idea is very unique. Good Job!


Really cool idea! Loved how time changed your abilities!


Really cool game, loved the concept and how you fit the game to the theme! The music was odd, but in a good way and help amplify the game. Awesome job!


Thanks! :)


I really had a lot of fun with this entry! The idea of having three different ages with different abilities is super cool, and executed really well! It was really cool to see parts of the level changing as I was playing it! My only big critique would be how fast the clock moves. I feel like in some sections I didn't have enough time, where in others I was stuck waiting to age. My suggestion would be to give the player just a little bit more time, but also give them an option to fast forward if they needed. Overall though, this didn't really take away from the game at all, and I thought it was a really well thought out and well made game!


Thanks! We really appreciate the feedback :)


very cool idea, I enjoyed the game play itself though I do wish I could age a bit faster as I found myself waiting for the Manolo to age, that's about the only negative for me at least (i know i have no patience) . Good Job :)


Very nice! Really enjoyed it!

The age mechanic was really nice. Having to wait for the time to run out to grow older is kind of annoying sometimes, but it actually fits the theme of the game so it doesn't bother me that much.

The music was good, but a bit repetitive! Maybe it would be better if it didn't repeat after every stage, so it doesn't feel like you're hearing the first 5-10 seconds all the time.

The powers for each character are well chosen, being thematically and mechanically appropriate. However, the implementation of the adult punch is kind of weird. I wish you could punch enemies from further away... I had to position myself in a really specific place. Too far away and I wouldn't hit the enemy, too close and I would die... there should really be more range to the attack!

The level design is generally OK, but there is this one level in the middle of the game that completely threw me off. It's a level inside the house, and it's the one that makes you go all the way to the right as an elder, go down a bit, punch an enemy as aduly, go all the way to the left, crawl under some spikes as baby, go down a bit and then go all the way right as an adult. At the beginning, you need to be really quick to reach the clock in time before you die. It's doable, but it makes the level a lot more difficult than the ones after it. Then at the bottom there's this one jump which is almost impossible, where you need to jump over a pit with four spikes. This is an almost pixel-perfect jump! I think three spikes would have been enough. It's not a particularly interesting jump (you don't have to make use of the main mechanic at all to go through, it's pure mechanical skill... or maybe I missed something), so the difficulty of this one jump is kind of off-putting. Actually, this level was so much harder than the ones before that I actually thought it would be the final level! I was super surprised to see this level followed by much, MUCH easier (and shorter!) levels. I don't know if you could reskin this level to fit the end of the game better, but it would be much better as the last level.

Speaking of the end, it's kind of depressing that you get a screen saying "You win!" and all you can do is watch the clock run out repeatedly... But that was the tone you were going for, so in that regard you succeeded.

Overall it's a very solid game, despite me complaining about everything. It's certainly one of my highest rated here! And it's one of the most memorable, too. Good job :)


Thanks for the feedback! Wow such a big comment!

Waiting to age can be boring and we have already added a fast forward mechanic, which we'll launch in the next update.

About the music I definitely agree, it was rushed through in the jam, so yeah we'll spend more time on it to make it longer and have more parts to it.

Punching is also something we have already changed and we'll add to the game once the jam is over. The character now only hits in the first frame of the animation instead of doing it all the time, which we knew it was a problem but didn't have time to fix during the jam.

About the levels... the order isn't really the best one. We had them all done and we had no time to put them in place, so we had to decide an order quickly which led to this problem. They are all in the same scene so it is not just about changing the scene that loads in. We'll definitely add more levels and change the order in another update in the future. Also the really hard jump you talk about has already been changed, now it's way more unforgiving lol.

Same happens with the end, it is better than having nothing. We'll also work on it.

Thanks so much again for such good feedback! After reading all of it I didn't expect that last paragraph hahaha. Glad you liked it :D


It is a very nice game! It's not the first game I've seen with that idea but it's executed very well.

The controls were a bit uncomfortable, like I kept pressing space instead of w to jump, and stuff like that, but overall it's pretty good!


We'll keep it in mind for sure. Thanks!


Really liked the memories and the rewinding to the different ages of Manolo to get through the levels. The controls could be a bit hard or get stuck in certain areas so I unfortunately got stuck on one of the levels and couldn't complete it to the end. But otherwise a great game :) 


Thanks! Too bad you got stuck, we'll try to remap the controls for an update :)


This game's story is very nice, I liked it a lot.  Maybe it's because I know people who have Alzheimers.  The controls can be a bit confusing though, having space for actions instead of jumping, they are fine as they are but they were confusing for me in areas where you need precision, especially considering "W" is jump.  The graphics, menus, and music were all very aesthetically pleasing though.  The music and the gameplay were good as well!


Thanks! We'll probably change the controls for a new update :)


Your game is very cool ! Music, graphics and game design are awesome ! It's my favourite game for this Game Jam, Well Done !


Thank you so much! It really means a lot, I'm super glad you liked it :D


Great idea, love the style and the different skillsets of the player characters. In the beginning I actually had a similar idea where I wanted to make a game with a caterpillar and it's different states of metamorphosis. Oh one thing for the future, maybe some checkpoints would've given the game a more fluent gameplay.


Thanks for the feedback! The memories that Manolo collects are actually the checkpoints, and we didn't add any cp inside levels (only between them) because the levels are mostly super short. We'll keep it in mind if we build longer ones in the future tho, thanks :)


Really nice art style. Your game has a good tutorial making it easier to play, the background music and sfx are well made. You really used the theme well with Manolo. I like how the background changes depending how old he is. Well done.




Cool Game really addictive and you clearly spent time thinking about the puzzles!

very well done!


totaly love it! there are some things it could be improves id you want to keep working at it, like... adding a key to be older(e for example) so i didnt have to wait until time pass by to be an adult again.

that the pieces that the old man has to get had a gost image, so the other 2 phases know where to go, since the leves are so intuitive its easy because you know that you need to reach the end, but what if the memory piece was in the mittle of the level? 

and also you could add a key to the memories, the player doesnt have to use the mouse to read the memories.

but overall congrats! its an amazing entry for your first jam!! 


Thanks!! All really good ideas, and we are definitely going to further develop the game!

About going forward faster, we'll add a button in the next update. Then the ghost memory, we hadn't thought about that but it is an awesome idea and we'll implement it in the future! And lastly the key is also a good suggestion, we'll keep it in mind.

Thanks again for the feedback, we really appreciate it :D


great! also i forgot to mention, it should be good that the man has a large hitbox, i touch the ghost some times before really hit him, and maybe add a patrol to the ghost


Thanks! Patrol will maybe come in for newer levels, and the hitbox is something we'll look at :D


Great job! The fact of having to wait at certain times makes it a bit tiresome to be honest but the game really is a great idea.


Thanks, we'll fix that in the next update!


It was a very very good game.
I had some problems with the background at some points, with some unmatching colors (was that the Ruby / Sapphire end background I spotted ? <3) but I mean...the game was so good to stay focused on something so small.
Great idea, melancoly, nostalgy, alzeihmer...yeah, nothing to add. I loved it. Take your stars and my most heartfelt congrats most of all for a first game jam.


Thank you so much!About the he background, I think you're talking about a problem unity has with tilesets, where suddenly lines appear between them. We did several things to fix it, but still happens to some people, we'll be working on it! Not sure if you mean that tho.

Also yes that background is from Pokemon hahaha how did you notice lol.

Thanks again for the feedback, we really appreciate it :D

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