The way the upgrade system with the centipede body evolved really grew on me, It adds a great level of strategy. One thing I wasn't sure about, was there a health bar? I didnt notice it so I felt a little unsure when I was gonna die. But all said, love this one, great job!
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Game: Hmmm, flag is flying
Me: time to break the game :)
Super fun idea, I love creation mechanics, I think they're some of the most fun to both make and play. Maybe adding just some kind of delay after to add a slime along with a limit as to how many you can make.. or not I mean sometimes going wacky is super fun too. Nice job!!
this is fun! I love when these smaller games lean into letting you get pretty powerful or break mechanics. As soon as I started shooting the 3 way spray attack, that gave the experience really fun progression. Nice job! One small thing I might do is just give character a little shadow sprite, help ground them in the top down perspective
Great structure here for a mechanic based game, with art and animations I think this could really shine, especially more indicators for what's happening between my round and the quick enemy round. really impressive considering everything in here, and the idea of placing dice with these restrictions is surprisingly fun! great job!!
This is a super unique concept! Definitely some up sides and downsides, but I think that's what game jams are for. Trying something weird and seeing what works and doesn't work with it. Shout out to the cool little ghost guy who flies over everything, felt super fun getting them and hitting the hour glasses to maintain it! Nice job!!
Same as plexsoup, as soon as I got to the number pad I couldn't solve it, tried twice and I guess just by randomly choosing numbers figured out second and forth number, but the restart to the beginning felt super discouraging. I took a screen shot of that puzzle, maybe I'll figure it out at some point lol
*Edit! Because I can't accept defeat, I randomly guessed until I got the number! the rest of the challenges seemed good! nothing unfair, really wondering what that one password was. Overall super fun idea! love little minigames and the narrative with the bombs. Kind of a sad ending though!
it might depend on the browser, I know for chrome you want to make sure you have hardware acceleration on, I think other browsers have similar options. I made this game on my laptop (actually all my game dev I do on this laptop) it's got like a 1660 ti or something. not very powerful lmao
Also thank you so much!! game dev is definitely a grind
I HATE YOU, I love this game and also hate it, god damn. I played this game the longest, had the most genuine fun, and had the hardest time putting it down. So as far as rage games go, I don't think I've seen one where jank allows for creative choices. I was almost certain I was doing everything in an unintended way, using planks to solve everything. At one point I spent an hour trying to cheese a section, only to give up and do it the right way. But even now I'm thinking I could have done x or y different. I managed to get 210, the LAST gap and the physics bug pushed my guy off. I figured it was always going to end that way. Loved this submission, I think for me this is my favorite game I've played
Love the idea, and the small details like using the music from the show in the title screen. Feels like a minimalist version of overcooked. I liked that the other waiters weren't running random paths, learning their movement felt rewarding. Although I think just having the anger meter would have been enough, ending the shift with the timer made me feel much more capped on replayability to get a higher score. great submission though! I think you nailed the scope of a weekend game jam
Insane polish on this for 72 hours! You guys did an amazing job. The premise totally broke my brain at first. getting used to optimizing for getting this little guy up vs traditionally playing Tetris feels so foreign, but super cool. The game looks stunning and the little animations and effects between screens is amazing. Really pulls the whole experience together. I would love to see a more fleshed out version, I feel like this would have been a stellar week long game jam concept! Great job guys!
I couldn't manage to beat this one, but I wasn't sure if it had an end. The score screen with Pablo always having a higher score than you is really cute, I liked that. I wish the game play had some way for me to come back. Because the screen moving speed and player moving speed are the same there's no way to get back position when I accidentally bump an edge or a bird. I like the idea of playing the level multiple times to get farther/better, but maybe just needed a little something
I love the narrative and connection to the theme especially with e being the most used letter. Lots of little details here I didn't notice at first. Like I think in the song there's screaming "a b c d" or the floating books in the background that I thought were building at first. Super creative! I managed to get to the end I think? but it just goes black. not sure if I was missing something
I think this is one of the most fun games, I genuinely enjoy navigating my way through each level and the instant restart made me compelled to figure each level out. I also love that they're all single screen designs, I think that worked out super well, some of the later levels I felt quite cleaver barely making it to the ruby. Awesome job!
WTF THIS WAS SO CUTE, So many little inside jokes and little references "first place reserved for mich" or the little guitar icon, I loved it . I did not expect to see my dumb worm drawing. then realized that I was the main character LOL, The voice over was so good and it absolutely sold the goofiness of everything! The concept also fits surprisingly well. This whole submission totally made my week, and it sort of brings me back to old school flash game days, where games weren't made with any intention of being anything huge. Just fun little projects made with love. Amazing job!
omg that ending "no one gave you glory" LMAO I love this concept, I found that I immediately made some goofy nick names for the difference pieces and tried my best to never go back once I started putting the gun together, you guys did a good job making the art pieces different and memorable . Man if you guys had time to add a visual timer or feed back for getting it done quickly I could imagine playing this trying to get a high score. Definitely a fun concept, great job guys!
For being your first platformer with combat you're definitely trying a lot! I really liked the feeling when I could get far ahead of the person I was defending, like I was banking time for later. Then when he slowly creeps on screen, I feel pretty tense. I think some bug definitely prevents me from attacking at one point, but I think I got pretty far? I'm not sure if level 5 was the last, but I totally got stuck there lol Great job on it, and on trying new things!