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NanoMega Studio

A member registered May 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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I like the game mechanic with the horse! I struggled a bit calling the horse to just get on the button to move the platform, but it was rewarding when I finally got it moving.

Thanks LukeCGG for checking out my game, glad you had fun! :D

This could be a stylistic preference, but a version of this with ms paint anime eyes on the characters would just as funny.

Yess.. a cowboy game in space, a diligent managerial cat, and a rooftop standoff!

This is a lot crazier than I expected! I liked the little quotes from the cowboys that caught me in the end!

It's really fun to play as-is, particularly with the whole revenge backstory (evil-tumbleweed-laughter). After playing this game, it's like I that realise every time tumbleweed rolls by in cowboy movies, no one shoots because no one wants to incur the wrath of the tumbleweed.

Haha thanks! My sister actually did let some of her students playtest it during a break in class!

(3 edits)

you guys really do make cool-looking games. I feel like you could make some cool gifs with the "they see me rollin'" meme (or they don't see me rollin' haha) :D
When I was playing, it felt like it was a little bit less of a stealth game and more like I'm a Sonic the tumbleweed. It was fun dashing around, doing a tiny hop just in front of the cowboys and then exploding!

Loved the voice acting and bullet time.

The local folk at Little Hill were mystified to find the next day that deadbeat Wendell had finally quit the moonshine after a flying bottle with a cowboy hat had slapped him in the face and then possessed him to roll around the sheep pen. This was followed by an equally strange dream of a cowboy fencepost.

hehe, the sheeps go boing!

(1 edit)

this is a fun and polished game, the music just so amazing it makes me want to line dance to it in real life. :)

I like the 2.5D style and reckon lo-fi farming is going to be the next hit music genre. 

Playing this game makes me smell the charred wood from a smoldering campfire and fear the dark night as I side-eye the colorful characters gathered around it. Who needs amongus when this delivers a superior experience?

truly a masterpiece. RDR has nothing on this game with brilliant voice acting and.. where else can I strafe and reverse on a horse? 

wow this looks amazing guys!

thank you for playing! yeah I wanted to make a boss character, so I decided on weaponised horses (which have actually been attempted in history!). I gave the horses blinders over their eyes so they wouldn't be aware of their situation

thank you! If I have more time to spend on this, I'll add more content and fix the jump when tiny (the jump velocity was meant to be reduced proportional to size)

I really enjoyed your game and I think it's got great potential to be made into a full game. The combination of abilities really make this stand out from similar looking projects!

(1 edit)

This game deserves some more screenshots and a better thumbnails to get more players because the gameplay and level design are really smart! AND you have made your own assets and everything!
The combination of the different abilities really sets this game apart.

I really like how each ability can easily relate to the level and as the player it really made me think about how to use my abilities together.

I don't get excited about platformer/metroidvania games much these days, but your game does!

If you do decide to develop this further, a small minimap would be helpful as the level is big and there's so much I want to go back to explore.

thank you!

I feel like the scale was more just a way to experience the town and its folk, which was nice. As others commented, I like this game's style and the overall atmosphere!
The game's thumbnail could have helped to convey the 2.5D nature of the game a bit more and somehow indicating the detective aspects of the game would have been nice to lure more people to play the game!

it was fun running around the town!

out of all the tower building games in this GJ, this has felt the most polished experience so far. the height comparison was a great addition. I really struggled to get past 30m, but that's because I tried to use the triangle bits, I'll try again later just throwing them away haha

this is a really well made a fun game, congrats!

Please make this into a full game, it's really fun!

This is the first game I've given a full rating for. Just sharing thoughts as I was playing.

"wow no way, the dimension system is really intuitive!"

"oh phew I can move cakes.. I feel bad about throwing the one I cut wrong away, maybe I can save it for later." (I didn't throw away any cake in the end!)

"Neat! I can color the icing!"

"What are these rectangle decorations? Ohhh they're windows! that's really cute!"


Not sure if I was missing anything, but was there only one level for design? 
Please make this into a full game!

I haven't seen many 3d games that I could easily play in my browser let alone one that lets me mine asteroids and composite ships. This is really cool!

I haven't seen many 3d games that I could easily play in my browser let alone one that lets me mine asteroids and composite ships. This is really cool!

The tutorial was super helpful, thank you for making that. It helped me get familiarised with the controls.

It would be really nice if you could add a little arrow to point me back to where the ship blueprint is as sometimes I just got really lost in the asteroids.

Hey this is pretty fun!  I rated it highly. 

Good points: matches the theme, executed well and nice level design. pleasant music choice! I'd like to play this again after the game jam is over.

Hey this is pretty fun! 
I rated it highly. 

Good points: matches the theme, executed well and nice level design. pleasant music choice! I'd like to play this again after the game jam is over.

To improve later: Add a little <--> double sided arrow to the yellow blocks to make it visually clearer to new players that these are the objects that can be resized.

I reset the first level a few times before I noticed that clicking the circle at the top right of the screen was the progress to the next level. Would be good if this could be done automatically once there are no more green orbs.

Making the second a little easier by giving the player 4 balls would help players get into the game a bit further. Setting a "par" system (complete the level using two balls for a star) would give optional challenge for more skilled players or full game replays. Level two was already pretty tricky in itself!

thank you! I almost wasn't going to enter this year. It was 5 hours out from the deadline and I thought I'd at least try to make something.

it looks good with the video!

From your game's page and screenshots, this looks really good! You both should be proud of creating this in such a short timeframe!

I don't have a powerful laptop, so it could only run the game slowly, but I could still manage to play it. I found the controls a bit difficult to remember, but it was nice that you added a little menu for key binding.

I think the game name could have been a bit more creative to encourage people to click to your page because once I saw your game's page I wanted to try out your game!

Maybe try sharing a youtube video or gifs on Reddit and get more people interested?

Thank you!

I just played the updated version and it's great! thanks so much for incorporating my feedback!

oh! I get it! it's actually pretty fun to play!
I'd suggest adding a little green arrow in the direction the player needs to click or drag on something. I didn't get what to do because I didn't realise that I couldn't interact with the switch until the light went red.

I really like the art and game design, but I really don't have a clue what I'm meant to be doing. What should I be doing first? Do I wait for the first cycle and then click on something?

the new levels are really good!!!

(1 edit)

It was a bit of a pain getting started at first.. but then I realised that you can add new pieces in the gaps of existing towers! Unfortunately I didn't get to finish 320m. lots of fun though!

(2 edits)

I just played your other game Nub city - I like that style!.
Also if you give them some funny examples of things to draw, e.g. a butt (even if not in the game) I think it would get people clicking.

Whoa, this is actually a really well-made game!
I had pretty low expectations because of the art from the thumbnail (so I almost didn't click on it), but the audio+sfx and technical implementation are really great! If you can find an artist to work with you on improving the UI and characters, I think this game would have heaps of players!
It's really amazing you made this in 48 hours.
I'd suggest somehow incorporating the drawing part into the game thumbnail.