Thanks for playing and for the kind words :)
Narrativi Digitali
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Grazie mille per il tuo commento. Hai colto in pieno l'essenza di ciò che volevamo trasmettere: la capacità umana di affrontare gli alti e bassi della vita, senza permettere che i momenti più bui ci impediscano di vedere l'alba di un nuovo giorno con speranza.
Le tue parole sono un bel incoraggiamento nel continuare a creare esperienze capaci di coinvolgere e ispirare le persone. Grazie di cuore per il supporto e per aver condiviso il gameplay! ❤️
This is lovely.
The writing is witty and full of personality and It’s amazing how much you’ve managed to convey with relatively few elements. The tone strikes a perfect balance between humor and thoughtfulness, making it super engaging from start to finish.
I honestly think this game has huge potential to grow into something even bigger. It’s already special as it is, but I can easily imagine an expanded version that dives even deeper into this world. Fantastic work—I can’t wait to see what you create next!
Hi Wings-poo,
thank you for the kind words and for trying our little game. We've been thinking a lot about how to provide a plausible representation of the condition, and especially how to incorporate it into the game mechanics without trivializing or romanticizing it.
Anyway, we hope you'll have a chance to continue with the game-there are some “variations on the theme” that we think you could find interesting :)
Hello MissSweetViolet :)
We are sincerely touched by your words, and we're really happy that you could identify with the character. It was really our intent to provide a reflective tool, and we hope that Leonard's story can help someone.
Thank you so much for your words and for sharing your experience, we wish you all the best on your journey :)
Hi LaChapeliere,
we're glad you tried our game. We really wanted to create an experience that was light but at the same time representative of the protagonist's difficulties. Regarding the relationship with the neighbors, I've got to be sincere: we had not thought about that aspect, but it's true! It's really wonderful to see how everyone can notice different things in the same game :)
Hi Jacob,
we're glad you liked the game and appreciated the little details we included here and there. The effect we wanted to achieve with the long stairwell was exactly that excessive repetition, even at the cost of making the player experience some frustration (similar to that experienced during an episode of OCD).
Again, thank you for the kind words and congratulations again on your entry.
Artistic quality, atmosphere, clever gameplay, and truly original design choices—but there’s so much more to this game. Until now, no other entry in this Jam has given me the same sense of community and warmth. It feels like a vibrant postcard about the impermanence of life and the lasting bonds we create along the way.
Joran & Tijmen, please keep making games, because this time, your blend of ideas has created something truly special. Congratulations!
– Simone
As someone who’s also worked on a 3D project, I feel a bit of solidarity here.
If anyone asked me how to tell a detailed story with very few elements, I’d show them this game. Some parts genuinely resonated with me, maybe because I’ve experienced some of what’s depicted—I’ve been a 'Boy in the Play' too. Behaviors that were considered strange, and the experience of masking, are portrayed here in such an authentic, heartfelt way and yet clever.
Thank you for sharing this journey.
– Simone
I’m truly impressed by the quality of this work—especially the animations, transitions, pacing, and overall art style. The theme of mental health is handled with humor but never in a trivial way, with a witty and well-crafted narrative.
The shooting gameplay brings Cuphead to mind, and I love the references (am I the only one who sees a bit of Pennywise in the Emotional Demon?). It’s clear that an incredible amount of effort went into this project, and it really shows. You should really be proud of what you’ve created.
– Simone
I’ve experienced anxiety disorder myself, and it was wonderful to see this theme addressed with such care. The game treats the subject delicately yet with the gravity it deserves.
The accessibility settings are extensive, showing a true commitment to inclusivity. The clever idea of using puzzles to balance narrative moments with gameplay challenges works beautifully. And the art style is so unique and elegant!
Thank you for this thoughtful experience.
– Simone
Even though I’m not the best at platformers, I wanted to give this one a try because it seems so well-crafted. I’m so glad I did!
The level of detail in the environments and the refined writing completely transported me into this world. As someone who’s also passionate about embroidery and crochet, I’m convinced that stitching has a magical quality – the power to heal and mend relationships. It’s clear that a lot of love was put into this project, and it truly shines through.
Thank you for creating something so meaningful.
The game is nice and is consistent with the theme, as a suggestion I would tell you that perhaps it would have been better to lower the character's charge when he moves and not when he presses the input keys, so as to prevent losing charge when you get stuck on some wall. Anyway, it's a very nice puzzle game!