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A member registered May 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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Glad to hear you enjoyed, and thanks for letting me know, i appreciate it! :D

Definitely not lol

Thank you for your very kind feedback!
You are totally correct about, well pretty much all you said lol. A level select (In that exact spot) and a highscore system has already been implemented. I'll update as soon as the jam is finished, but thought i'd keep the jam version up for the duration of the jam.
I didn't even think about how they were placed in the menu, but i will definitely be switching their spots. The Challenge mode is where the game is.
I'm glad you enjoyed, thanks for taking your time to write such a thoughtful review.

Amazing art and music. Honestly i could just stay in that world for hours! I wish i could see which unit i had selected, and that it was a bit easier to place them. sometimes the unit wouldnt be placed, even if i hit the correct place. I really like the idea though, and i might even get back to this one later. Great job!

Awesome, i really liked it!

Great point, thanks!

Thanks for your feedback! I agree, the first player definitely has a disadvantage in Versus Mode. (Especially when playing only 1 round lol. Maybe that shouldn't even be a possibility but anyway) I must say that i simply have no idea how i would balance it. Maybe doing two rounds instead and changing starting player, but that's all i have. Do you have any other suggestions?

Yeah there's definitely a difficulty spike near level 6-7 lol. I'm working on making more levels, so hoping that will help pace the game a bit better
Thanks for playing though!

I'm happy to hear that. Thanks for taking your time to play!

Thanks for playing!

Haha i was surprised myself, but as i said, he was stuck in the beginning, and i couldn't see him for a while. might have been a bug on my end, or maybe it's tied to framerate rather than time? anyway, i enjoyed it a lot!

Yeah sorry, i couldn't open the file either. If you get it fixed i'd be happy to return and give you a fair rating :)

Nicely done graphics! i really enjoyed that, though i wish the game wasn't so dark, and had a bit more general lighting. Also, i think using lighting to guide the player would be really nice in this game, as i often had a difficult time figuring out where to go. Because of this, i also constantly tried to look down to see if there was any platforms below, but the camera was restricted so i could not. That got annoying pretty fast. On the bottom, i think you have the nice basis of a pretty interesting platformer. like, what is this beetle doing here? What is this machinery? Great stuff to elaborate on

(1 edit)

Pretty nice game! I agree with others that the camera could feel a bit weird, but i got used to it. To give a little feedback, while the ingame instructions were nice, i think some visual cues as to what you can touch and cant touch would be better. Walls being spikey and some dead person lying there, or the broken platforms being even more broken. The animation on those did help a ton though! The reverse mechanic worked really nicely, and i did complete the game. Another thing that would be great, is if the music didn't restart on death. Great job for such a short jam!

Good stuff! Artstyle was great and it all worked really nicely! It did get nauseating though, as the mouse sensitivity while in 1st person was very different from the mouse sensitivity while in top down view. But i am also very prone to getting motion sickness :)
Hitting enemies could be hard. It often looked as if i could hit something, but then couldn't. Also, in the beginning i thought i should shoot the treasures, but later figured out i was supposed to sail into them.
Anyway, great job! Pretty fun to play!

Funny take! and great use of art and music. Got around 150 seconds in, but i also think the bear may have gotten stuck in the beginning? It got so far away that i couldn't see him, but later he ran so fast that i couldn't get him off me. Also, the 4 lifes were kind of pointless as i died right away as he came to me lol. Great job!

Now i've gotten around to playing it. Thanks for the help!
Great concept and game, and i liked that it mixed fastpaced gameplay with puzzles. However, i often got stuck on walls, and sometimes (the very last puzzle) it was a bit too fast, i could barely think before clicking, and ended up getting through on luck pretty much.
Loved the artstyle! Awesome and easy to understand as well

Intriguing concept, and the dead people were really nicely done! Some feedback. Sometimes, the animation for my character getting damaged did not show up, and then i just suddenly had a life missing that i didn't see. I wish i was able to damage up and down as well, and it would have been great if trees had a slight translucent effect when the player is under them, so you can se what's going on. Anyway, great job! Loved how the theme was implemented, and i was impressed by the landscaping!

Great game and very polished! Loved the art and music too!. If i had to come with some feedback, i think that the large flag pop up gets a little annoying, and caused a few deaths for me. It would often, when i got far, impair my vision so i would get hit because i couldn't see the curve of the boulder. Maybe making it a bit smaller or placing it in a corner would help. Good stuff, keep it coming!

Haha, i don't remember exactly, but definitely longer than 29 seconds :o i took my time not to get hit lol.

Pretty funny concept lol. Made me giggle at least. It is very hard to control though, but i guess that's the point. I would've liked if the course was just slightly bigger, as it was really hard to make it through sometimes. Also, the car goes faster when it's going directly left or right?
Great job!

Nice concept and the reverse mechanic is pretty funny! However, having reached level 13 i had to stop as it was just too repetitive. By the 3rd time i played each of the two level designs, i knew them so well that finishing within the time limit was really easy. i'd suggest making the difficulty curve a bit steeper. Would also be nice with some animations and music

Nice game! definitely polished for what it is, however i'd love to see more levels as well as more fluid controlling.

Couldn't find game files either :/

Controls are weird as others have said, but when i got a grasp of it, i could complete the level. I did find the spikes's collider to be a bit too big, as i would constantly die while not hitting them directly.
Great job though! The art is great and it was pretty challenging! i had fun at least :)

Thanks for clarifying! Yeah i think he just didn't realise haha. Good stuff!

Oh i didn't realise! I guess what made me confused was that we didn't seem to be able to move after one fell in the hole? the hole just followed the path that the person who fell in had when he fell in.

A pretty nice game. i dig the artstyle, but i guess i need a bit more visual guidance in order to know where to go. Especially in the second level i found it hard. also would be nice with some music or game sounds. Great job! Also, i'd recommend doing a Web build next time, that way more people will play your game if you'd like that. :)

I liked how it fit with the theme! Great take! Gameplay got a bit repetitive and easy in the end. Would have loved to see different types of flags meaning different things for example. Nice job!

Liked the game mechanic! Level 3 was kind of hard though, and i couldn't get through.

Agree with other's feedback. I did like the artstyle though, and i found the music very fitting!

I retried but no luck. I can't see the bottom half of the screen for some reason and moving around does not help at all. :/ If you wanna look into it i can send you screenshots on discord if you message me, but it might just be a problem on my end. thanks for trying though :)

Awesome game! I got to the green door level and had to quit. i would have loved a level select or a way to see how far i was. would have come back to finish it later if possible.
Polished, nice looking and cozy music. Great job!

Pretty fun. I loved the hats lol. Art was nice and cohesive and gameplay felt smooth. I wish there were more interesting mechanics or powerups though. Great job!

(1 edit)

Fun concept!
As the blocker is rotating around i found myself frustated and often using the wrong arrow-keys. Maybe using letters and then letting them sit on the blocker would help this? It was really hard to determine when the balls would rush towards the flag, but i guess that's the point haha. i'd love some sound effects on this one. Also, did the colors of the balls have any meaning to it?
Anyway, i had fun! lovely little game!

Awesome to see an online multiplayer game! I found quite a few bugs (Like my friend falling into the hole, then being able to move the hole so i couldnt get in lol) There's definitely some nice-to-have features missing, but it was pretty fun! Great cozy music too

I liked this game a lot! It is way too hard though. i got through the first level on 15 seconds but still only got one star. I wish it was easier to reach the next level, but that the hard part was getting those 3 stars. Right now that seems impossible.
I'd love to see this get polished a bit and then try again later. Level design looks really good, art is nice and the music is fantastic!

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I think there's some bug, because i couldn't see half of the game. It looks intriguing though, so i'd love to try again later if this problem is fixable, or if you can provide a downloadable windows copy? Artstyle and music is really good from what i saw though!

I'm guessing that this is unfinished because of the time at which you submitted the game. That is also fine! I think what you have here could make some pretty great puzzles where you have to go back and forth to solve it, maybe even with several more flags in different colors that do different things! However, in the state it is in now, it's unplayable. Maybe it would be possible if the flag was on the right side of the character rather than the left, or you could change position of the flag? I hope you'll continue trying!

Really fun take on the theme! i found it way too hard though lol. I loved the puzzles, but as soon as the platforming started becoming significant (that Kiwi level) i had to stop. Maybe a short timer as to when time will continue would help so i could time everything better? Lovely game though! I wish i had the patience.