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A member registered Sep 03, 2023

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Thank you for the reply! I hope you can figure out what's going on. Please feel free to reach out anytime if you need any more information from me that could help.

I'm having an issue with this plugin that is rare but consistent.

Sometimes, during the pre-title movie, if I click or press Select to skip to the title screen, the pre-title movie will continue playing, but the title screen is fully interactable.

For example, the pre-title movie will still be playing and can no longer be skipped, but I can hear the title menu music playing and can click/select things like load game / new game, but I can never see the actual game screen until the pre-title movie is over with.

This happens quite rarely, maybe 1 in 50 times I boot the game, so I can't pinpoint what exactly is causing it; but it definetly keeps happening.

(1 edit)


Thank you for the replies and assistance. At the moment I am using an older version of the tool because I need the dragonbones folder encrypted and need to focus on getting things properly working for the steam release. But I will return to this thread after things have cooled down and get back to you with this information for the newer version. My apologies for the delay.

As an aside, the last issue I am having is that the Cook Tool does not appear to be fully compatible with the Visustella Core Engine. I am having an issue where the Core Engine's Controller Button Assist window does not work on a build of the game created with the Cook Tool, but does work fully in a playtest or an RPG Maker build.

For further specifics, what should happen is that the button assist window in menus and when called through text code in message windows should display controller buttons while a controller is connected to the computer and the last input from the player was made using a controller. This is all works properly in a playtest.

When a build is created with the Cook Tool, this does not function. The button assist windows and text codes will not return controller inputs properly, they display the inputs of keyboards, regardless of whether or not any input was made with a controller by the player.

I know that the game build is properly recognizing a controller, however, as my own code to check if a controller is plugged in and take certain actions DOES work, so it's specifically an interaction between the Core Engine and the Cook Tool.

Edit: I figured out how to fix this issue. Not sure why, but once built with Cook Tools, the game is not reading my controller as an Xbox gamepad. By setting up to the Plugin Parameters to use button assist windows on a similarity match with "Controller", the build properly switches to controller inputs in game.

(9 edits)


Testing out the latest version, and game still does not boot properly. It launches and you can hear the background audio on the title screen, but all that is displayed is a black screen overlayed over my desktop.

Edit 1: Also, when building, the tool cannot find Package.json 90% of the time. I don't know how exactly I get it to work occasionally, but most of the time it just fails to build because it cannot find Package.json, and deletes the project off of my computer.

Edit 2: I figured out that something in the project settings is causing the package.json to not be discovered. If I reset them, and edit nothing, the game will build 100% of the time. Still working on figuring other things out.

Edit 3: I noticed in the latest version as well, the dragonbones assets folder is not encrypted in a completed build, and the files insides are able to be taken. This did not happen in the version of Cook Tools Deluxe from December. It is also not encrypting the languages or mapshots folders in the project, either.

Edit 4: Okay, I figured out the package.json issue. This is because I am changing the out folder location in project settings. If I leave that blank (which is the default), the game will properly build.

Rgr that! I will grab the new version as soon as it's up.

I really appreciate you working with me to get things going. Very professional and means alot!

(1 edit)

Alright so I think I figured out how to make a build perhaps.

What I had to do was change the settings of the NW.JS from Auto Detect to Latest Version, clear the cache, and download the NW.JS again.

From there, the tool was able to find package.json and build a copy of the game.

However, the game still won't boot. There is nothing in the task manager indicating anything is running.

(3 edits)

I'll check as soon as I can. Right now after trying to do another build, it just keeps failing due to being unable to find the package.json. Not sure what is going on.

Edit: Tried resetting to default settings on project settings, still cannot find package.json. I'll keep trying to get to the point where it can do a build and reply back if any of the other tips will help.

Edit 2: I don't know what NW.JS version I am using, I have the tool set to auto detect and I clear the cache with each build, as that sometimes seems to help the tool find package.json.


The newest version unfortunately does not function either. While it can now build a game, the game cannot be booted up. I have tried running the game.exe that used to run things, but that now simply boots to a screen that says NW.JS and nothing else.

If I try to run Dragonhouse.GameBootstrapper, it says it's booting up the game for a second, and then nothing happens.

Would appreciate any assistance that can be offered here.

Thank you in advance,


Awesome! Thank you so much!!!

(2 edits)


I downloaded the latest version of the tool (5.3.2) but it is unusable because it does not let me save project settings, and thus it always says things are invalid and a build cannot be created. 

For further specifics, when I go to edit project settings, no matter what I change, the Save button is always greyed out. Therefore I cannot fix any errors related to a build because even if I do, they cannot be saved, and so the errors persist.

Hope this can be fixed soon and thank you for your work,


Edit: In attempting to figure out a workaround for this issue (by using an older version of the tool to create a recipe, then loading that recipe in the new version of the tool) I seem to have broken the tool entirely; now it always fails to find the package.json despite creating one with the metadata editor. I'm not sure what's going on exactly but the latest version of the tool just does not work properly for me :(.

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Thank you for the reply and I very much appreciate your work in creating a universal plugin for the save issue! I would love to take a look at it, but I'm not sure where to go to find it.

Could you point me in the right direction please?

Thank you in advance,

Edit: Nevermind, it's on the page for Cook Tools Deluxe in the downloads section. Didn't see it at first, my bad!


Curious as to whether this tool is able to build a mac compatible version of the game from a deployed mac version? Or from the standard deployed web version?

As a follow up, if it is possible, can the save issue be fixed? The suggested plugin in the documentation states that it is Windows only.

I don't have a mac computer myself to test these things or I would, have to get in touch with an acquaintance who has a mac on hand. Wanted to ask if this was feasible before going through the troubleshooting of getting everything functional on a mac, so I don't end up spending alot of time trying to figure out what works and what doesn't if it was never possible to begin with.

Thank you in advance and happy holidays!


(3 edits)


I have recently purchased the Cook Tools Deluxe and I am trying to get it to work with a project  but am having issues.

Whenever I compile the project and then try to run it, it will sit at a black screen with the loading circle endlessly running.

I have read through the documentation for the tool and it appears this may have something to do with plugins? Is this correct? Running the game from the RPG Maker MZ editor works just fine however, no issues on startup.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: After some testing I have discovered it is indeed a plugin related issue. Am currently testing plugins one by one to see which is causing the compiled game to fail to work properly.

EDIT2: Alright, I have figured out the cause and wanted to report back here for the sake of the author of this tool as well as any other users encountering this issue.

There were 2 issues:

First, there was a plugin that had a name with an empty space in it. Deleting the empty space and adding an underscore "_" in its place allowed the plugin to function as normal and the Cook Tool was successfully able to create a fully working and playable build.

Second, and this issue was unable to be entirely resolved by me, is that there is a specific plugin that is not compatible with Cook Tools. This plugin is Eli Book by Hakuen Studio. I found the RPG Maker forum thread about this tool and saw that another user had posted a similar issue with this plugin and sure enough, I have the exact same issue. The only thing I could do to resolve this was delete Eli Book and all associated Hakuen Studio plugins that rely on Eli Book. Fortunately I was able to find other plugins that did what I needed done for this project, so as far as I am concerned, I am good to go. Others, however, may not be able or willing to replace their Hakuen Studio plugins as readily.

All in all, by fixing plugin names and removing the Eli Book plugin, I am able to create a successful, fully functional build via Cook Tools Deluxe.

Thank you for making this software, it helped my very small indie studio move forward with the development and launch of our first title, and I wish you the best.


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Well after deploying the project and trying it on a different computer with the new videos, the other computer did not have the black flash on transistions.

Turns out my nividia graphics installation at some point became corrupted. Got in touch with support there and got those issues fixed, and voila, no more jarring black flash transitions with your plugin!

So with this, and the correctly coverted webm files, both of my issues are fixed. Both problems were on my end. My apologies for wasting your time, and thank you again for your reply and work on the plugin.

Have a great rest of your week,


PS: Your information that you did not have these issues on your end were key to figuring out that the problems were with my own methods. So, thank you for this information :).

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The black flash doesn't always occur, it seems like 1 in 5 times it'll happen. It is very jarring when it does though, looks like the game may be about to crash.

Edit: If it helps any, to clarify, the black flash occurs after the background title movie is loaded and displayed, like a second after it is shown immediately following the end of the pre-title movie.

Also, with the pre-title movie, I've only ever seen this black flash happen once, and when it did the words on the screen got scrambled for a moment as well. For whatever reason I cannot get it the issue to repeat on the pre-title screen, so that may have just been a weird computer blip for a second?

Again though, with the transistion from pre-title to title, the black flash happens a good 20% of the time in running the game.

(4 edits)

Thank you for the reply!

So actually I've figured out what was going on with the audio, that was a mistake on my end. The video wasn't converted properly, with a proper conversion the audio plays just fine! Seems you cannot simply just change the extension to .webm and everything is fine, lol.

However, the black flash problem persists with the new videos. It occasionally happens at the start of the pre-title movie as well. This is with no other plugins whatsoever on a brand new project.


Love the plugin! I am having a couple issues with the MZ version of this plugin, however. I would greatly appreciate any assistance that can be offered.

The first is, on a pre-title movie, my movie's audio is completely silent. The video plays perfectly fine, but for the entire movie there is not a peep of audio. Is there a way to enable the audio?

Second, when the pre-title movie transistions to the title movie, there is a black flash across the screen about half a second after the title movie is playing, and it looks very jarring. Is there something I can do to remove this black flash effect?