lurn momen
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Yeah, I see what you're saying. If there were more cards, you probably wouldn't be able to lose them, but since there are only twelve it adds a bit more of a challenge to keep the game going. The game's meant to be a somewhat idle-based game, but I do hope to have more stuff the player can do in the full version. Thanks for your feedback!
I've been working on an original platform fighter in my spare time for quite a bit, and I've created/polished the engine enough to move on to creating characters. After realizing that it'll seem really repetitive and boring if nobody knew any of the characters (as they'd all be made by me), my first thought was to have Haiku make an appearance in the game, as I've been watching lots of gameplay and it seems like a great game. Of course, I'd need your permission to add him to the game, so I figured I'd give you a few details (I'm really sorry if this comes across as advertising. I figured this was the best place to ask, but feel free to delete/ignore this if you want :P) While the game itself is free, I'm creating a Kickstarter campaign to help fund it, so it IS commercial. As I'm the only developer, I don't plan on having a full credits roll (lol) so I figured I'd thank you in the main menu instead. Thanks in advance :)