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A member registered Jan 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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the gun sound's a bit annoying, the game gets boring after level 2 because there's no new content or anything, and i feel like the enemies have way too much health. If you're gonna make them that buff atleast make it so you can hold down the mouse button to shoot instead of having to click so much. The music sounded pretty cool but the fact that it resets after every level is very annoying, and the battery thing felt like it was just there.. it doesn't really help you much in battle and it lasts so long you might as well just have permanent good vision. the art by itself looks pretty good but i feel like none of it really matches very well, the style for the weapon, enemy, player and battery all look very different.

papers please and ktane were definitely big inspirations for this game, loved botha them as a kid. And yeah you're definitely right about the logic, you have no idea how bad my code looks (i should add that i did have 1 error in the OG version)

i had no idea what was happening and what i was meant to do

very cool, i didnt really understand how getting caught worked but you had me hooked anyway

500 score! very cool game, music slaps hard. maybe the player could slide a bit after stopping, but aside from that, I like how responsive everything feels.

im gonna be completely honest: the reason i put the underscores there was because whenever i put spaces in the text, the outlines would mess up, and i had about 30 minutes left at the time so i just went with the bandaid solution lol. Also yeah, the wording was definitely lacking. Thanks for the feedback!

yeah, i definitely had difficulties wording the prompts.. its so hard to make them both clear and concise

I really wanted to add both of the features you suggested(signifying which rules were changed, the rule broken on death) but i completely ran out of time - i even left a bug in the game: if you got the "if all [color] buttons are pressed" and died that's probably why( it gives false negatives :( ).  Fix coming soon!

lame jam 39 community · Created a new topic ra


Thanks! and i definitely admit that i didnt spend very much time at all on the cover.. i kinda forgot about it till the last second haha

i forgot to actually give any feedback in my previous comment - the game is really good. I had a lot of fun playing it.

very funny and charming, but i wish there was some sort of button to fast forward/skip the dialogue. The art is very nice

the game is really glitchy for me, i could barely get it to run so i feel like i cant give the best feedback, however i wish there was some sort of tracker that kept track of how long you've survived, maybe a highscore system? the ui was a bit hard to understand as well

its really hard, i wish there were checkpoints more often, and the size of pixels in your pixelart should be consistent. I like how you incorporated the theme, the concept is pretty good

i couldnt talk to the pirate after getting his anime and part of the UI was cut off. The art is really nice, wish the game had some sound effects

adding a quit button to a web game is diabolical

rip, got 13300

(2 edits)

Hey so I'm not sure what the rules are on this whole thing but I'm pretty sure its somewhere near Oregon, USA?

edit: if this is correct XYZT got it like 2 minutes before me lol

a crime that this only got 6th place

godot 4

i love the video you provided lol, you'd do great as a youtuber. also thanks for the feedback, I'll make sure to keep all that in mind! also thanks for pointing out the repetitive melody, i really want to get better at making music and that's a very good critique

the concept for the game is very good, but i have to say i think the execution may have been a bit weak. I frequently just spammed clicked in place without moving my mouse or thinking at all and often got accuracies >90% - I feel like the food dropping system could have been implemented better, and also i feel like some of the upgrades hurt your income, as a cookie's only worth 3 or 4 bucks while basically everything else in the game is worth more. Besides this, I still had a lot of fun in the game due to all the little details you put in(such as the upgrades you buy appearing in the game space), and i think the music's quite nice. This game definitely has potential!

very fun gameplay loop, though i got tired after reaching 1000xp because nothing new came up. I love the style and the humour and basically everything else, the only thing i could ask for is more content

ending was a bit unclear, the soundtrack could've been a bit longer and since you're using pixelart all the pixels should be the same size(rn the bg pixels are alot bigger than the swords/arrows/towns pixels)

otherwise the game is pretty good. The gameplay loop is very unique and fun.

I know that im writing this *after* I've already made my game, but I'd like to learn level design in the near future because I've rarely gotten far enough in games to make levels(I am a FREQUENT project hopper). I feel like levels account for at least 50% of the experience a player has(depending on the game) and since im so bad at it I feel like it makes my games automatically worse

what did i just play

very cool

ohhh my bad

I get stuck whenever I get on a space with a chest. The chest appears in the bottom right corner and im not sure what to do, I cant click it to make it dissapear or anything

how the hell did you make this in 3 days?

the game just bugs out after i press "it is my duty to become the beacon of the revolution"

I think that the idea was pretty cool,  the art style is nice and I like the music, but I feel like there should be some tutorial in the game itself on what you're supposed to do as its not very clear(I was completely lost until I checked the game pictures). You sometimes start moving in 1 direction and are unable to stop, which is pretty annoying and got me killed a couple of times. I wish this game had more SFX for stuff like shooting and killing enemies. You can also get stuck in objects and if an enemy dies too close to the border of the screen you cant pick up its orb. Overall I think the idea's pretty good, but the execution could have used some work.

what's the shovel for?

is this working for anyone?

yeah but i cant place them on poop, and no enemies were going near the lane that had all the poop so i couldnt explode them

the "civil war" challenge can place poops at the very beggining of the track, causing you to not be able to break them. One time an entire track got covered by poop and i couldnt break them so i just insta-lost.

i got softlocked so i decided to do this