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Omer Perry

A member registered Jun 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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As I said before, I'm inspired and appreciate your thinking process. I will check out the update soon!

A suggestion from my first play session - there was an overwhelming amount of "mods", and I wasn't sure what fits my gameplay the most because, well, I haven't played the game yet. So I ended up taking one of the easiest options - to be able to tell if I like the game or not. 

...which is a pity, because I later discovered the game has much more depth with the other mods. I think it's worth checking if anyone else experienced it the same way I did, and maybe make the beginning more streamlined.

So many!

Right now I'm working on a "whac-a-mole" concept within the polygon. Letting players run around from place to place to smash things with their hands sounds like a good idea to me. I have countless amount of idea for arcade games that can be ported to VR.

Otherwise I want to explore more strategy-oriented ideas (tower defense is my top candidate), and maybe some action game (the thing you said about the door made me think - you could divide the polygon to two halves, each is a different world, and you need to move between them all the time). Anyway, there's SO much potential there IMO

Hey there void room!

I just came across this great game. I actually created a similar experience using the OuterBoundary input and wrote an article about it, mentioning your game as a pioneer in procedural generation in VR.

Take a look and tell me what you think :) and DM me if you want to collaborate somehow

Nice job managing to create all that sound, art and gameplay in 48 hours! It needs some polishing, but overall very nice concept. I would add some checkpoints because it was really hard for me ;)

Pretty solid mechanic, it's a bit short and needs some polishing but it's really worth expanding! Good job!

Fun art, the monsters remind me of Don't Starve's nightmares :)

I didn't understand if there's any objective I need to fill or otherwise progress in the game, I think it can add a lot of depth!

Very humoristic and whimsical, the character has a lot of personality! I liked the idea, it's a bit hard for me to beat (I always die in the beginning of the second map), maybe add checkpoints. Good job!

Loved it! Very smart utilization of the concept of limited control. I think the puzzles can be a bit more challenging with those mechanics (it felt more like a platformer than a puzzle but it has puzzle elements you can really emphasize IMO)

Mechanics need a bit polishing (mostly sliding, I believe it's Unity's Rigidbody2D?), but besides that I love the idea of continuous map building :) 

Really really cool mechanics. While it needs some more polishing, the idea is fantastic and perfectly slides into the "Out of Control" theme. I would make it a bigger game (better onboarding/easier levels are important IMHO).

Nice concept, I think it would be easier to control if the map was zoomed out. Definitely felt out of control...

Really liked it!! It was challenging and fun. Consider introducing some difficulty curve, but other than that I really love the mechanics

What a hidden gem! It doesn't receive the attention it deserves :) 

Awesome work, awesome (even if minimalistic) art, even awesome screen shake. Great great job!

Wow, I'm really bad at this even after finding the brakes. Great choice of music and great work of art, really put me in danger mode, a scoreboard would make it competitive and perfect (and would make me feel really bad about my performance probably)

I really really wish the controls were easier. This game has TONS of potential (5/5 for originality) and the gameplay can be so intriguing. I really wanna see more of it!

Hidden gem :) I loved it, nice art work for a jam. I didn't see any glitches. Wish it was a bit longer so I can explore the mechanics a bit more, please release more maps!

The game is super hard! I think it can benefit from more iterations and polishing, it looks and feels good. Maybe add some difficulty curve with maps and more concepts. Good job!

Great idea :) I agree with the need for fine tuning for the drunkenness feeling, tbh I only failed when I couldn't find the items on time - the noise meter didn't scare me much.

Genuinely fun! Apart from some bugs that can be easily fixed during polishing, I think this is a great platformer and I wanna see more mechanics and levels!

It's very clear from the very first gameplay minute this game was designed cleverly :) I loved the theme (reminded me of Pokemon), unfortunately I couldn't play very long without the game crashing so looking forward to seeing more. Maybe add more "panic" effects and make them a bit more controllable? 

Loved the aesthetics, I'm really impressed by the fact you did all of the art during the jam! I wish I could see more logic and challenges, it's pretty short :)

So little control! I think the beauty of this game is that you actually get some sense of how to move very quickly, even though it still feels very chaotic. 

I would love to see it with more variety of mechanics (maybe follow some checkpoints?) and some polishing to the movements (let the player understand the lack of control a bit better, so they can leverage it in the course).

Concept is really clever, I think I would use weapons rotation rather than complete randomization to let the player have some control - there was one level I just ended up restarting over and over again until I got what I wanted. Polish the concepts and make more levels! :)

One of the better interpretations of the theme, I liked the moving limitation (and liked the cap even more - how you need to strategize your moves and maybe not collect everything at once). Two points I personally would consider changing are - red herrings (when you restart the map just because you took a wrong turn, maybe put something worth exploring on the dead ends, or make it an optional achievement to collect all the dots/boosts?) and the relatively loose controls (it was a bit frustrating to lose points when I just try to walk through a wall), maybe a grid system can help with those. Overall I think it's a great one!

Really cool, worth giving it another polishing iteration to show its full potential :) mostly balancing (enemies respawn a bit too quickly and once you're losing your projectiles you're essentially stuck). Good job!

Really liked that it was simple and quick to learn and yet had some depth. With some good balancing it can be a very addictive game :) Maybe make it Dead Cells-esque with some power-ups you can save for later runs?

The concept is awesome! I like the idea that you need to strategically decide what would the enemy, umm, not do :)

I think the two things I would improve is making the mechanics much clearer (perhaps with some onboarding?) and not letting the player stick with one strategy (I just used defense powers until the enemy died). Otherwise, nice job :) 

An absolute 5/5. One of the best games I've played in this jam. My only feedback is maybe to telegraph the jump predicted vector (just draw a little line that shows where he'd start the jump) because I had to memorize some locations in the fast ones. Liked the variety of mechanics, I wanna play more levels!

First of all, kudos for the impressive amount of puzzles and mechanics you've managed to pull off. Your game is visually compelling, I liked the mysterious sound and the concept is cute. 

I think the major flaw in the game is actually coupled with the theme of the jam: the loss of control, in puzzle games, might be super frustrating **once you've solve the puzzle in your head**. More than often I found myself just waiting for the right character to show up, or almost getting to the right position before falling into a hole. 

I think that it's not a fundamental issue: if the player had a way to improve the chances that a specific character would get nominated next, or maybe get to choose every other round, or perhaps if there were multiple ways to solve each puzzle... anything that would not make me just wander around until the vital character shows up. Maybe sticking to a grid could feel a bit more tight in terms of accidents, but that's a minor technical comment :)

Great job!

Awww thank you so much 😍

We struggled to make the mechanics even work 🤭 it definitely needs a lot of polishing, glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the feedback ❤️

We totally agree, polishing all the tiny glitches right now. Thank you ❤️

Awesome job :) Loved it. Take a look at ours, it has similar vibes!

(1 edit)

I have some general feedback. At first glance the system looks fair and unique, but it has a major positive feedback loop flaw (somebody here is watching Mark Brown!): once games are being highly rated, they have a higher chance to be rated again and again - because the raters can choose from a list of 5 games and probably just choose the most popular ones on the list (that's what I did). On the other hand, this snowball effect is important to find the needle in the haystack as the rating progresses.

I think it would make MUCH more sense to hide the rating information and only publish it in parts, maybe something like that:

  • First 72 hours: don't show any data on the rating page, just give random games to raters.
  • Next 24 hours: show a boolean indicating if the game was rated (>=1) or not.
  • Next 24 hours: only show amount of ratings in gross scale (>5, >50 etc.)
  • Next 48 hours: reveal all the information.

Another thing to consider: if you ask people to rate 25 random games first, you might as well block them from rating any arbitrary games ever (not even after 25 ratings). That might incentivize people to randomly rate games in order to get to the 26th rating (there's no way to enforce the raters to actually play!). I wonder how many of the raters just rate everything but one game with 1 star.

On a personal note: we made what I think is an amazing game, and we get great feedback from our friends and colleagues - but we get so little feedback from jammers and raters and it's really a pity for us. We learned a lot and had a hell lot of fun, that's for sure - I just wish the rating distribution would make more game makers notice our game and give us the honest feedback we need so much.

That's so nice to hear! We have many many more puzzle ideas we didn't have time to implement, and we improved the tutorial levels (we can only release a new version in a week, after the rating ends). Thank you for the feedback ❤️

We got many feedbacks (thanks everyone❤️!), and apparently the onboarding is a bit tricky. Make sure to:

  • Press Space when prompted to choose your set of actions (ASWD or Arrows for moving, Q or LCTRL for jumping) 
  • Select your controls and press Space again to lock it 
  • Press Space once again if you change your mind in order to change your preset! 
  • If you're stuck, hit R to restart the map :) 

Due to all the excitement, we will keep updating the game and release a new version with more maps and bugfixes soon 😊