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A member registered Jul 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Oops! I must've missed that. My apologies.


Thank you so much :D

We're really glad you liked it. I've only played the older versions of Jetpack Joyride, but now I feel like I should go check out how they've implemented that armor!


Others have mentioned this, but the spike placement needs to be a) more strategic, and b) more visible.

It has a charming ambiance in terms of art and music.  The gameplay is fun and reminds me of The Lost Vikings - which is always a plus in my books. But a little more  variety would be awesome!

All the best :)

Ah! Thanks :), I'll try both the suggestions once the jam is done.

Cheers :D

Very charming and quirky visual design. It also follows the theme(s) with great fidelity.

It would be nice if you could implement a high score system after the jam is over.

All the best!

Thanks :D

You're right, the hit kinda goes on even after the player is dead. I guess the collider isn't getting destroyed due to whatever noodly thing I've done to the script.

The inertia thing I was a bit torn on. On one hand we thought making it faster would feel more dynamic...but then we figured hey, it's space after all. Maybe things should be kinda floaty. Do you think more inertia would feel better?

Thanks :D

Glad you liked it!

All the best with that! :)

Hope to play it once again after it's all finished.


ty :D

Lmao :D

But serious kudos to you. Quite an entry, this.

I hope to play your game once it's finished somewhere down the line.

Rated and reviewed :)

Loved your game a lot :D

I love how true to both geometry and the theme your game is! The puzzles are quite well-designed and fun to think ways out of.

I wish there were more levels though. there's an unlimited potential for more shapes and puzzles here.

Rated and reviewed :)

Ok first thing first, how on earth did you upload this mate? I nearly panicked after my 50mb game failed to upload 4 times in a row, and yours is almost ten times that! Granted I was trying to upload during a thunderstorm and my net was slower than usual, but still! :D

On to the game, it looks awesome! Controls feel like they could be  a bit tighter, but it's perfectly ok as i t stands.

There are some clipping issues with the translucent walls though. Not sure if it was intentional.

Interactive objects need to be pointed at pretty precisely in order to trigger them . . . which could be streamlined with a crosshair i guess.

Finally, it's rather difficult to tell where the weapon will get reflected to next. I shot myself inadvertently a few times.

All in all, excellent game! I hope you take this further once the jam is done :)


I won't call it trash lol. It is decently challenging.

But yeah, a nice puzzle element would play nicely into the "hacker" stereotype.

Really innovative gameplay. Made me wish there were more levels to explore (which says a lot about gameplay value).

There are two issues that I've faced. One is that the browser version is too blown up and once started, isn't giving me any option to either zoom out on the browser or make it full-screen. I'm using Mozilla. Not sure if other browsers have this issue with it.

Secondly, there seems to be an input lag. At times the middle mouse button works as usual. Then at times it does nothing, and upon re-click executes two clicks at rapid succession.

Otherwise, awesome game!

Loved the story element. Especially the end. Very funny writing.

Maybe in later iterations, instead of a click-spam system, you can implement a puzzle minigame of sorts?

This is a really interesting collection of minigames, each completely different from each other. I can only imagine how much you've had to work to make it all come together!

A few things I'd like to note is some of the minigames has slight input delays. or it could be by design, I'm not sure.

Another thing is, it'd be simply amazing if there is a narrative tying the minigames together.

In all, a very fun experience with charming art style.

Wish you all the best going forward.

Thank you so much! We highly appreciate the feedback.

Once this jam is done, we shall definitely try to add in further gameplay elements and polish the ones already in place. In fact, we're planning to overhaul the entire game so as to cut out the weird scripts that are causing some of the issues.

Cheers :)

And it's well-deserved :D

Thank you so much! But we can't take all the credit, since we had to use certain assets from other content creators. But once the jam is done, we intend to improve it and add more of everything in order to make it a more fulfilling experience.

Thanks! We're really glad that you liked our game!

And you're absolutely right. We do need to increase the time between successive attacks. A cool down should do the trick without seeming like artificial padding!

Thank you so much for the review. We are glad that you liked our game.

Cheers :)

Ah, you found that one, eh? :D We were trying to get rid of that, but then we ran out of time, unfortunately. The previous build was allowing us to fire the weapon after death, if you can believe that.

We shall definitely fix that going forward. This is our first game ever, and we are committed to making it an increasingly enjoyable experience over time. We highly appreciate any and all feedback.

Cheers :)

Being able to balance school and game dev is commendable in itself! Congrats!

As for the coins and stuff, maybe different people are getting different results due to varying specs and all? Regardless, we wish you all the best, and hope you keep devving ;).

Oh nice! We used Kenny's music ourself lol.

Congrats on your first game, and all the best going forward! :) I'm sure now that the coding framework is already in place, implementing animations would prove much easier. We know the pains of coding. We had once bricked our game due to a minor error. Thankfully we managed to bounce back before hitting the deadline:D

No worries! All the best :)

Done :)

Here's our's

This is an all over fun game! :D

The objects can be a little confusing though, since it's hard to tell what a 3d object's exact shape is on the fly. But that could just be my sleep-deprived brain trolling me.

Looking forward to finishing your game :)



Thanks, I shall check out the creative mod too.

Nice visuals and ambient musical score. Gameplay is nice, but a bit more variation to the combat would add a lot of depth to it. Keep  up the good work :)

Done, here's mine :)

Very arcadey, very fun, and quite challenging despite being mechanically simple. I loved it, both the gameplay and the visuals. The fact that the x axis loops is something that contributes greatly to the combat. Took me a while to figure it out.

Reminds me of this one DOS game I played back in the day. Copter or something it was called. Good old days... :D

The game is too hard at the moment. I'd recommend decreasing either the rate at which the chopper drops, or the rate at which it rises after clicking. i couldn't go past the first level lol.

Just rated :)

Neat concept. Now that I've read the other review, I know how Q works lol. But fair's fair, you did what you did in the limited free time you had. 

I'd recommend tweaking the collider settings a little, since the boxes are sticking to the obstacles if their jump makes them collide with said obstacle. If you give it some more time after the jam is done, I do believe this'll end up being a neat puzzler.

Thank you :)

We're glad you liked it.