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A member registered Dec 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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Took several tries, but I got it! Simple and kinda trippy. I love it xD

Top score: 15
I make as bad a cat in video games as I do in real life...

I love this. The immense delay between jumps, in my opinion, effectively dramatizes the frog's patience and it's hilarious. It's a solid 1-2 minute experience, which is totally what I'd expect from a game made in 3 hours. The quality of the art, however, exceeds that expectation.

Haha thanks. They're supposed to be ghosts, but now that you mention it - I can see the resemblance. Nevertheless, I love them too :}


I at least managed to take out the homework and most of the hand-holding. Safe!! Very polished btw.


I tried very, very hard to beat this. Very hard. But ultimately I was defeated. I must know what happens!

I spare the gost

Using a weird resolution (3440 x 1440) the gameplay is getting cut off, but the menu looks good, minus the missing cursor issue. I'll try it again later when I'm at my 1080p monitor.


The animations are great. I especially loved the cactus dude - instant smile. If my house wasn't such a mess from packing I'd test the VR.

Such a beautiful story. Wish I wasn't so bad at the game so I could see it how it ends haha.

Feedback... I find myself wanting the sword to be a little more potent. Or perhaps I wasn't using it correctly.

This game is adorable. Time was 01:29:35 on my second run. On the first run I had to see what happens when you immediately jump into the sun haha.

Issue(s): At one point I jumped on a planet and the controls were inverted until the next jump. Couldn't replicate the problem. Maybe it was all in my head.

Awesome! In case you're curious, here's the full list:

Well, this is awkward. Not sure how else to contact the ppl who made this game (aside from myself) what with my discord account getting nuked by a glitch and the platform on which we met shutting down.

Anyway, I've made updates to the game. Small stuff; Engine update, some polish. Figured I should get permission before updating the itch page.

If I don't hear back in a week or so, I'll go ahead and do it. Contact info is on my profile.

That big moment when I finally realized what the game was all about... this is a really really cool concept. Tested both versions. The menu is freakin cool too.

I was too smooth-brained to figure out how to get past the menu using keyboard, but controller was good. Had the same joystick deadzone issues but it was fine with the dpad. My sweetspot for deadzone is 10%, YMMV.

No video, tragically. My power supply decided that today was the day. Thankfully it's still under warranty.

Thanks! On the art, I've been toying with a couple ideas for a big upgrade. Will likely stay with cubes being a one-man show and all. But the cubes will be better. Also got a big update coming that's fixed all the known (to me) bugs, but there's sure to be plenty of new bugs!

If nothing breaks at work tonight, I'll squeeze in a review on yours when I get home.

Started planning more content tonight! My goal is to make this game worth at least $2.00 before calling it quits.

Hm.. there were lots of switches, with Kens jumping around all over. Got really close to beating that level, but not close enough. I was worried it might get worse xD

Very polished! Sadly ran out of gamertime before I could finish. Also, this game is pure evil. 

It ran flawlessly in wine. My only legit(?) complaint is the trouble I had initially finding the pink exit, what the border also being pink.


I am seriously impressed with how much you were able to cram in 2 months. It's pretty clear you guys have been working together for awhile. I may find an excuse to keep playing this...

--On to the issues--

What tripped me up the most was figuring out how to get back to my avatar after clicking the fire button. Thought it was a game-breaking bug until I found the focus button. I did read about it in the instructions but apparently forgot. To idiotproof this: Perhaps make the move keys re-focus back to the player after clicking the fire button.

On Linux a couple files needed to be made executable. I guess zip files don't preserve Linux permissions unless a special parameter is set. I've always just tar'd them first. Also I was able to rename the nw file and it still worked, so I suppose that could be changed to something more obvious.


Thanks for playing! I fixed a bunch of problems over the weekend, then found even more. Will likely post another build later today.

3440x1440 is good now and the Linux build performs great. With improved framerate I'm sucking a lot less, much easier to time those jumps.

I love this. Played through it so many times I lost count.


-Almost want the player's attack range to be a little higher
-Perhaps too much ground to cover, though it does make a certain event much more impactful
-Slightly disappointed that you can't set off car alarms

Spoilers ahead:

Will rate later.

Ran smoothly, didn't encounter any major issues. I wasn't strong enough to play it through proper, so I cheated with a click macro. Shameful, I know :[

A few minor issues:

- Perhaps more contrast for the main menu font
- The hitbox on the first cup was a little weird
- Couldn't figure out how to close once I was in-game; ended up switching to windowed mode and clicking the X


Will rate later.
(1 edit)

That was pretty cool! Especially when the snake gets reeeeeal long. Lost it when I saw the crab leg thing xD

Some issues I encountered:
- The framerate was pretty low in wine, CPU bottleneck. But the web player seemed smooth enough, and it ran nicely on Windows. Ryzen 7 3700x / GTX 1060 / 32 GB
- The UI gets cut off at 3440x1440, so I switched to 1920x1080 for my playthrough.


I'll circle back for ratings after my thoughts have time to marinate.

Thanks for putting this together! Tell ya I've been making games for a long time but never bothered to put a price tag on any of my projects. Feels good to finally do that.

Had to miss the stream, tragically.

(4 edits)


That was a wild ride. Clocked 187 hours and 5 minutes by the end of it.

Here's a rough breakdown of where I spent my time:

  • Programming: 56%
  • Art: 12%
  • Planning/other: 32%


  • Not spending more time on art
  • Not enough levels
  • Found a huge flaw in my code design at the last minute that's affecting stability, too late to fix
  • No sound, no animations

Was fun! Can't wait to play the other games.


Welp those 3 full days of juice ended up being ~half a day because 1) I slacked off for a couple days and 2) totally forgot to QA my stuff. Fixed a lot of bugs though. Also got a (simple) tutorial level done! We'll see what all else I can cram between job stuff. Made a crapload of burritos last night so I'm ready to gooooo.


  • Fell into a trance and lost 3 weeks. Luckily, I was able to snap out of it when my Skyrim save got corrupted. Had to make a lot of cuts to stay on schedule.
  • Added 3 hero types with unique behaviors that level up and stuff.
  • Fog of war, tax collectors, market, graveyard, ...?
  • Lots of random fixes

Still got a handful of programming tasks that I'm hoping to finish by Monday, which should leave 3 full days to juice things up and mash some levels together. 158 hours so far.

A little late but "NOOOOOOOOOO". I hope they're better now/will be soon. Was quite looking forward to your game. Tragic.

Quick-hide feature... that's beautiful xD

Been awhile since I posted. Bunch o' stuff has happened, but most notable was the visual overhaul. I SUSPECT the people in dark rooms are gonna hate this game lol.

Still got a couple days of boring work then it's onward to content creation. 119 hours in the log.

A throne fit for a king!

70 hours in and still strong, dodging those social obligations like I'm Muhammad Ali.

The game still looks like garbage BUT a lot of stuff has happened. Constructing & upgrading buildings, cube peasants, guards, various AI fixes, and just a bit of artwork.

I'm hoping to have the basics wrapped up this coming week, and then I shall focus on aesthetics. Admittedly that's not really my strong point but I'll at least try to have fun with it.

THIS IS PRETTY SWEET. On I wonder if there's a clean way to prevent maximized windows from getting cut off at the bottom... XFCE has a margin setting that does the trick. A place I used to work had a Windows app that semi-reliably pulled it off but no idea how.

Ok, that jump mechanic is very clever. Kinda excited to see how far ppl can push it.

(1 edit)

I was inspired to try making a game similar to one of my childhood favorites "Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim".  Haven't decided on the art style yet, so for now it's just cubes. It'll probably still be cubes at release haha.

It's essentially an RTS where your units have a mind of their own. The player's control is quite... limited.
So far I've written design docs for a bunch of code and other stuff, implemented my frameworks for building and AI. Pretty much have been no-life'ing it since I started about 5 days ago. Hopefully I'm able to keep up the momentum.

Here's a hideous screenshot that won't make much sense:

Best of luck to the other combatants.

Pictures, yes!
I absolutely love your style, and the way everything seems to be animated really puts it on a whole new level.