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A member registered Jan 05, 2016 · View creator page →

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The April 15 build yes ;) We later went back on it a couple of days for the Oct. 15 build.

Yes, it has an ending :) What have you seen / done so far ?

(1 edit)

Ah ouéééé, un perfect dodge. Je pourrais même faire une évaluation du dodge comme sur un jeu de timing (BAD, NORMAL, GOOD, PERFECT) et sur le perfect déclencher l'attaque.

Merci d'avoir jouer ^^ !

Merci !

Merci ! Oui c'est tout à fait ridicule, donc indispensable XD

Merci ! En fait comme les rail-shooters avec une mécanique de cover, je voulais que le joueur soit dans l'obligation de choisir entre se mettre à couvert et perdre du temps ou combattre au risque de prendre des coups mais avancer.
Le fait que ce ne soit pas un bouclier mais un élément du décor servant de couvert est un clin d'oeil évident à la mécanique (avec un bouclier ça aurait été moins flagrant, mais peut-être plus immersif - à voir).

Good job taking a non-obvious approach to the theme ! A peaceful experience ;-)
Some issues with the way the text is displayed though :P

That's awesome ! I'm having so much fun XD

Really great idea ! It's very fun ;-)

Yet another cool design, simple but efficient ! Well done !

Il est lent, je m'en rends compte aussi, mais dans la hâte j'ai pas pris trop le temps de l'équilibrer.

Merci d'avoir testé !

Merci pour le feedback, je prends note ;)

Merci ! Je pense que je vais le peaufiner dans la mesure du raisonnable oui ^^

Merci !

Je note, je note, stamina ++, afficher le dodge que quand on est à découvert. Merci !

OW SHIT ! Mah oui c'était complétement ce que je voulais faire...

Merci d'avoir testé ^^

It's just that I had trouble timing the jump, sometimes I try to press the jump button, but nothing happens as I might be already to far away from the platefom I was on just before. Nothing's wrong, it's just a matter of habit that I have (I'm used to more permissive jumps) :D

Really good, fun to play, the several scenes are a great idea.

Nice ! A bit hard to read visually, but the retro feeling is here !

Good job ! Graphics & sounds really match, gameplay simple but efficient ;-)

For a first jam, it's really fine ! Congrats !

Really good ! I've a bit of trouble with the jump, but that must be just me.

Good job ! Graphics are really nice, gameplay is classic yet fun, not really linked to theme though.

at first I wanted to have some shuriken to fall from the top of the screen to force the player to be always in movement but I didn't manage to finish the programmation on time (^^;

Yeah like so many of us ;-)

Nice ! I see that you tried something with the computer interface but it's a bit confusing at the moment.

Good job ! Gameplay with several difficulty levels but fair, music & graphics that mix well !

Good job for a first jam :) Might have an issue with the controls (They are not very responsive, but I manage to put myself in the right corner and spam the attack one the incoming enemies :D).

Nice one ! Cool idea to have several arcade games in one game. I found it a bit too easy though. I appreciate the will to remain in the food thematic all along ^^

Still required some work, but I found the atmosphere pretty interesting. Graphics & Audio work well together.

The hell ! That's awesome, I really like this concept !
A bit hard to know when you do lose something however and sound & music could really add to the frantic, but overall goody good !

Yeah, real nice ! UI & graphs are complementary, single ressource for two usage is a good idea, and there's real challenge.

Yeah, real nice ! UI & graphs are complementary, single ressource for two usage is a good idea, and there's real challenge.