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A member registered Jul 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Very cool puzzle game, I'd love to have this on mobile. Nice art and music as well, love how minimal yet meaningful it is. Bravo.

This game is gorgeous ! I love how it fits the theme, how you chose to represent it. I would've liked to have more control over the units, especially warriors but otherwise it is a nice aleatory strategy game.

(the zoom/unzoom pixellation is so nice, is that the "pixel perfect" setting on URP cameras ?)

Interesting idea. A bit confusing at first. The capsule enemies are not colliding (or the collider is not big enough) with the player and if feels a bit disorienting to look for enemies that are partially inside you. Could become a fun arcade shooter.

Very juicy ! The game feel is nice, the core concept is fun and fits the theme in an amusing way.

Really nice puzzle and fitting the theme perfectly, well done. It would've been even better with some calm / focus music. Everything was well explained and easy to grasp, it was pleasing to play.

Thanks for playing and streaming it !

We'll make UI and available moves more clear in the future and try to reduce retry frustration.

Thanks for playing our game ! We'll try to make more levels (and harder ones) to push the idea a bit further.

Hey, thanks !

We're (not that) far from what we planned after 5 hours of design on the first day (we filled a few mood/concept boards) : multiple planets / biomes, multiple types of objectives, some storyline, multiple player actions — not just moving in four directions — and a lot more ; but 48 hours wasn't enough.


(Vive les frites 🍟)

Loved it during the jam and love the updated version even more. The floatiness is still a bit frustrating but I made it and immediately wanted more.

You should consider not restarting your soundtrack AudioSource on death, that triad becomes more irritating on each death, which could occur quite quickly (and often) on harder levels. There's more to your soundtrack than those three notes.

Maybe more tracks as well ?

Loved it ! (please update it even more :D)

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Only one system left: your 1mpulse core. Go as far as you can while fleeing an exploding nova in 1mpulse using your space bar, in space!


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Really fun take for a one jump platformer ! And a catchy tune on top of that.

If I may, here's my report :

  • jump physics isn't satisfying, you should experiment more to find a sweet spot between precision and speed, feels kinda off at the moment
  • your most important sound would've been the bounce effect. Sad there's none (or inaudible).
  • putting your 'level end' trigger on the sign post kills the high speed flow a player can achieve. Especially on horizontal levels, where trying to speed up and skip most of the goblins is a fun challenge, you arrive at full speed , hit the end of the screen and... have to backtrack to hit the sign post.

Fun game nonetheless, nice job !

Thanks for playing ! Tested your game and had fun, that literal 'one jump' is theme fitting, well done.

Quite theme fitting for a take on a genre already so diverse. Really cute art as well. Well done.

p.s.: you should propose arrows as alternate controls. AZERTY peeps shouldn't have to switch their keyboards to play :(

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Smart use of the theme, that one minute soundtrack is very pleasant as well as it embodies the concept and the narrative. And I like the fact that you have to discover your evolving abilities. Again, quite smart.

Well done ! Nice gamefeel and a catchy tune, instantly hooked. 

Thanks !

p.s.: I don't know if you plan to develop a complete version of Soulward after the jam ; please do, I look dumb throwing money at my screen :p

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Hi, thanks for playing. If I agree with that our game could use some balance tweaks, I'd disagree on unlimited impulses as it would remove some strategy, some depth.
With limited charges, you have to orbit a planet to charge, slowing you down, loosing some time for the nova to catch up. It serves the gameplay, the art and the narrative. For me it's a core mechanic we shouldn't touch too much.

More planning, less spamming.

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One of the best games I tested so far. Nice concept, nice execution, nice art. 
Animations have a really rewarding feeling, love the dagger throw and teleport flow. 

If I may, I'd suggest a 'recall dagger' key (which could be abused, maybe not optimal) or at least a dagger respawn when lost. Lost my dagger once in spikes, and disappeared once. Forced to restart.
The soundtrack volume could use a few percents increase.
Movement feels a bit sluggish as well. More on this :  Why Does Celeste Feel So Good to Play? | Game Maker's Toolkit
And finally, it would make your game more accessible for AZERTY players with an alternate key for teleport. Since the layout is ZQSD instead of WASD, I was forced to use the arrows and enter with my right hand, which was not optimal. (maybe left shift ?)

But... you're game is great. It has Celeste / End is Nigh potential. I'd buy a complete version of it without hesitation. 

p.s.: again, love your animations — feels awesome.

Thanks ! I'll try your game as soon as I can access my PC — seen 'ninja' in the title, already into it :D.

Really well made. You got something really smart and fitting the theme so well. 

Thanks for your feedback ! Your game concept is really nice and I totally dig your art.

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Thanks !

The picture is made using Satyarth's pixel sorting algorithm : https://github.com/satyarth/pixelsort) #SpreadingTheLove (and a bit of Photoshoping afterwards)

Really pleasant puzzle game. Like your color choices as well.

I'm happy you liked the game (even more now that you mentioned sound design ;p). Thanks for playing !

Glad you liked the soundtrack and effects ! Thanks for playing.