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ozone647 (megan)

A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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fun and frantic arcade experience, with an inventive use of the theme. scales up in difficulty a little quickly, but for 48 hours its a really nice submission

really enjoyed it!! pitch perfect atmosphere with the mix of music and handdrawn art, with a unique mechanic of moving houses around (we did a similar thing with rooms, lol). had a few small bugs but overall really nicely produced with a melancholic vibe

clean, cartoony artstyle and nice environments to explore! the growing/shrinking mechanic lends itself to some fun exploration and puzzle solving. i had some small issues with items clipping through doors, but considering the length of the jam that is to be expected (hey, our game has it too). i love escape room style things like this, and this one is worth a try!

a fun take on the jam theme! taking down other ships to salvage their parts is a nice choice and it could easily be expanded into a bigger game. the camera controls are unfortunately a little bit nauseating, but overall the aesthetics make a nice clean look out of simple shapes. nice QoL with the keybind menu as well!

really nice handdrawn artstyle, with some transparency and aliasing issues that could easily be cleaned up postjam.  unfortunately i experienced some issues where the rocks i knocked would block off paths i needed to access. the concept of having to navigate in two different forms with different vulnerabilities is fun, and could definitely be expanded into some fun puzzles (and creepy atmosphere, which the music does a really good job at adding now).

love the neo-noir look, especially in the menus! everyone here is mentioning portal, which im sure is an inspiration, but it also really reminded me of superliminal. the voice acting and music add a nice atmosphere to the experience. unfortunately, i experienced a lot of bugs with the camera but that is very fair for a jam project. would be fun to see it expanded and polished up!

super cute!! i love the little lizard guy and i am deeply sorry for cutting off his tail. on a more serious note, the art style is really clean and stylish, and it really brings me back to playing random dressup games as a kid. not exactly a deep or mechanically complex experience, but it is light and cute and worth a go

the constantly changing map turns the long-term planning of a tower defense game into a much more frantic experience where you constantly have to reevaluate the placement of your towers, making it a pretty fun use of the theme. unfortunately, the towers are very expensive to both place and move, making mistakes pretty punishing. the lizard vs bird concept is cute and i liked the art and overall aesthetic!

super fun theme, i adore the knight's pointed helmet. very simplistic gameplay wise, but the concept of slowly lifting a huge sword is inherently charming and fun, and it doesnt overstay its welcome due to the genuinely delightful enemy designs. 

hilarious art direction, kinda makes the whole experience feel like a windows based fever dream. it transitions from calming to overwhelming pretty quickly as you scramble around for the right guy to move each piece. pretty fun, but clearly not meant to be a long experience as it grows fairly repetitive. worth a play even if only for the vibes

the most stylish thing i've played this jam!! thought it was a really neat interpretation of the theme and i'm impressed by the extra bells and whistles you fit in here in the time frame. i unfortunately experienced a bug where i got stuck under a box and couldn't jump or pick anything up until i won, but it didn't seem to be a regular occurrence. nice game!

nice art style, especially enjoy the greek aesthetic. unfortunately the grain filter over the screen takes away from it a bit, but i like its toylike execution overall. definitely a big scope for a jam game, doubly so considering the 48 hour time frame. i really like the concept of using the tower defense environment to fight back against enemies, although the bugs take away a bit from the experience. would love to see this get cleaned up post jam!

really like how this makes an aesthetic around the concept of a debug area, plus the cute little cartoon guy. the concept is really fun but in execution can sometimes feel a tiny bit finicky. definitely room in this for a full game

really fun concept with an art style i love!! lacks a bit of visual feedback and i was sometimes unclear why i was hit, along with the escalation in difficulty being a bit harsh. it's very fun when the mech grows in size between stages and you get to physically move yourself to the next stage, much more effective than a simple level transition. would love to see it polished and expanded upon

super stylish with a very fun concept. i'm extremely impressed with the amount of polish for the length of the jam. i'm complete garbage at bullet hell games normally, let alone with these mechanics but i think it's a really nice take on it!!

looks and sounds beautiful, i really really love the look of both leviathans. the changing look of the environment throughout the game is also really nice. unfortunately, the gameplay is pretty limited and doesn't really evolve over the course of the experience, i didn't find the white leviathan to be a compelling or dangerous threat. still, the game is gorgeous and it feels satisfying to grow your leviathan

super polished with an impressive amount of levels for the length of the jam!! visuals are really satisfying and make the inherently limited look of a jam project into something stylish, and the controls make me feel like i'm playing a difficult old flash platformer