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A member registered Apr 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Nice short and sweet game. I thought the premise was quite interesting. 

Loved the art style and music. The game play is a bit confusing. It's pretty tough to get the stationary enemies if you don't have the flag. It was still quite fun to play though.

I'd appreciate it if you rated my game. Thanks a lot!

Pretty neat game, though I struggled quite a lot later and didn't feel a sense of progression. I had no idea how long this game is and ended up giving up at level 12. It would be good to give a sense of progression and achievement to the player.

(1 edit)

This game is quite amazing. Looks professional. Great job! Recording the right phrase is sometimes frustrating, especially for the shorter one word phrases. I wish I could click on the phrases to record them, though that might take away from the tape recording feeling.

Great game, short and sweet. I loved the premise. I wish the dialogue wouldn't show up when I fail a level and have to restart. Also, I wish rewinding was explored more as a game mechanic. Otherwise, I enjoyed it a lot. Good work!

Thank you for your detailed feedback! This is very helpful.

We added the instructions after the first person to play test it was completely confused. Unfortunately we can’t modify the game until voting is over.. Thanks for your feedback and I’m glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

Nice polished game with a complete story. I enjoyed it a lot! The platforming is quite challenging.

Cool game, I liked the art style and music quite a lot. This care center is strangely labyrinthian... I wish there was more checkpoints. It's quite frustrating to almost make it to the end of a level then get caught and have to start over. It's also quite jarring to suddenly see the game over screen as soon as you contact the caretaker. Maybe a brief animation of you getting caught? Otherwise, great work, I enjoyed it a lot.

Check this out Thanks!

Cool game. I like the feel of the game. The spectral damage when rewinding is satisfying to use. The game is surprisingly challenging, maybe a little too difficult actually. I think if there was more interesting mechanics around rewinding this would be an amazing game.

Check out my game! Thanks a lot

I think the graphics and audio styles worked quite well. Like others have mentioned the jumping mechanics is a little confusing. Nice work!

Try my game! Thanks.

Check out my game. Thanks!

This game is one of the most polished ones I've played so far. Was a blast to play:

Thank you for the feedback!

We dropped the ball a little on instructions/tutorial. Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks a lot!

Thank you!

Glad you liked it!

No bin chickens were harmed in the making of this game..

Cool game, the concept is quite interesting. I could see it being expanded upon to make a great game. I see a lot of potential for the mechanics.

This is one of the most polished games I've played so far. With a few more songs, it could totally pass for a full game. No one would suspect it was made from scratch in just a week! I hit 40115 on my first try thanks to how lenient the game is on the timing.  Great game!

By the way.. the "funkiness" option in the settings.. does it do anything?

Nice polished game. The shurikens are very satisfying to use. Really nothing to complain about.

Nice job. I liked the ending scene. Felt very serene.

Good game, quite polished. The sound effects and graphics were consistent and nice. I wish the gameplay evolved a little bit more but it was still fun regardless. Great job!

This game felt very polished. It's got a complete story and fun gameplay. The enemies felt very hard to kill, but didn't pose much of a threat, so I just ended up dodging most of them. Great work!

I think the concept is quite original. People here already mentioned adding the rules in the game screen, but I think there's a way to make what's happening more discoverable. For example, if you put a delay between the player's movement and the enemy's response, and also make the enemies take a bit of time to move, it's more obvious in what direction the enemy is moving. Great job especially for a 1st timer!

Cool game. I'm not sure the rewinding mechanic adds too much to the game play. Another point of frustration is the camera not looking ahead to the next platform. But I enjoyed the game anyway. Good job!


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Great game, I like the style. The robot is strangely cute. I don't know why it was necessary to destroy Antarctica even when no one is there..

(1 edit)

Great, it worked after downloading 3.1.6. I'm glad I gave it another shot. The game is super polished. The audio, graphics are top notch. The game play is interesting and engaging. I really like the twist when the time bar became much shorter limiting the amount of jumps allowed. Great work guys.

Cool game, good job! I think you should add health bars to the enemies. I'm also not sure how the rewind ability was useful. I liked the controls and the music. 

A neat game with a solid mechanic. I thought it was short and sweet. Even though there isn't much the player can do besides rewind, it was still fun to play. Good job!

The concept is solid. The jumping is a bit floaty but still, great job!