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A member registered Jul 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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thank you!

Really solid base if you decide to continue it, love the art/theme and music of it, and movement feels really nice! Hope you continue it to a finished game!

Although very simple, I think the graphics and music are very good and fit nicely. I also like the idea of your upgrades being extra jumps, you could make interesting map layouts and challenges around that.

Sadly, the character movement being so slow really drags down the game. I think you can have that speed in a game, but mixed with upgrades that improve your jumps, and your jump being so fast and high by its own, it makes the overall movement feel bad.

Still, it was an okay entry, and I didn't find bugs at all, so nice job!

Really nice entry, the bomb mechanic is really fun to play around. And the art of the different sounds was very good too.
Some more sounds could have been nice, specially for the enemies, and the bomb sound was really low too. But super enjoyable overall!

I love the ideas of just being able to stay in the shadows, and having to dash between them, also getting different abilities to dash to ones that were inaccesible before.

I think it still lacks some work to make it really work though, shadows would work half of the time (I think I ended  up being stack because the character wouldn't climb one of the shadows), the dash would also work sometimes, the attack felt really bad to use too.

Presentation was okay, but I don't know if it was just in my computer, but I found the sound when you are out of the shadows to be really grating, to the point I had to turn off sound.

The idea and mechanics have a lot of potential for a metroidvania, and I think that by polishing it more it could be a really good game! For now, it's still a very interesting entry, so good job!

Very solid game! I liked the different powers and the way you used it for the different platforming challenges, and the art was simple but very appealing.
Some things that I think would make it better is, like most said, some kind of map, because the map was kind of big and easy to get lost in, while being very similar, and also the spikes being to similar to the rest of the environment.
And also there was a bit of a disconnect in some of the movement and animations speeds, your character movement and jump felt very fast, while your attacks and climbing the waterfalls were very slow in comparison. I think adjusting the speed of both cases would go a long way of making it feel a lot better to handle the character.

Thank you for the thorough feedback! It's appreciated! It's seems that the floor issue is common, do you remember approximately where it was so we can patch it for after the jam?

Hi! Thank you for playing and the feedback! Do you remember where you fell through the floor, so we can fix it for after the jam ends? (if you don't remember exactly, maybe in which of the biomes it was? mushroom/caves/above?

Very interesting entry. I loved the way it looks, character and enemy design were really good, environment designs were also very nice, and the music was excellent too.

I really liked having to stomp enemies as an attack, and then when you unlock the dash, dashing into enemies and then tumbling upwards felt super good. But there were issues in enemies just mostly doing nothing (it didn't seem that any of them dealt damage or attacked me at all, except the turret whose laser hitbox was weird). And wall jump worked half the time, and didn't felt that good to use.

I managed to get to the final boss (I think(?)), but I couldn't defeat it becuase it couldn't die or something.

Overall, I think it has a lot of potential! Mostly lacking some polish in some parts

yeah! I tried meleeing the first robot in the roof, but it was a bit inconsistent. Sometimes it would stay still and not hurt me while I was able to melee it, other times it would push me against the spike while damaging me with its hitbox, that was my biggest hurdle.

This is an incredible game! This could easily be a full game that I would pay for.
The levels, character desing, music, animations, enemy variety (except that texturless turret, which was funny), were all amazing. And the movement, with the different upgrades is so fun.
Congratulaitons in the awesome game, and can't believe it you did all of this in less than a month.

I really liked the way the upgrades integrate into the movement, and they felt really good to play around with!
The attack felt a bit weak and unresponsive, so that could be polished a bit. I liked the bosses, and the final boss was a nice way of closing the game.

The platforming also sometimes felt a bit too tight, almost like you weren't supposed to be able to reach some places and you bugged your way up there.
But overall an enjoyable game, good job!

(1 edit)

Although very simple, I felt like the graphics fitted well and were very consistent. Presentation wise I really feel that you could have used some kind of background music, it felt very silent at times, but I liked the sound effects you already have in it.

The wall jump and attack could use some work on feeling better to use but they were serviceable. 

Good job overall!

The node based upgrade system it's very interesting and fun to fiddle with! I think the game it's really fun, although I think you could make it a bit faster from the start (enemies and attacks be a bit faster)

I didn't really saw how this one fits into the metroidvania genre though, which would be my biggest complain about it. But ignoring that it's a very solid game with very good potential.

Really solid entry! The weakest part is the graphics, there is no consistency, but I think the music and sound were okay.

But other than that, it had everything I expect from a metroidvania, plenty of upgrades and reasons to go back and use it for exploration, a decently sized map, good enemy variety. I think with a bit more polish in gameplay (some jumping values, feedback on actions, and some enemy balancing) it could be really great!

The aesthetics, sound, and idea were really good. I love the rocket mechanic, maybe adding a way to stop it by hand could be good, but if it was made like it on purpose, I feel like its okay too!.

Sadly I didnt enjoy it much because a lot of the hitbox on enemies and traps were a bit too inconsistent and made some sections really hard (couldn't get past the roof)

I really liked the arrow mechanics and how you use them around the world! The game did lack some polish, but the only thing that really hurted it was the camera some times suddenly clipping around and making it hard to platform around (specially when you get one of the around upgrades).
Very solid overall!

Good little game! It felt like a very complete metroidvania, and I liked the variety that you get from finding the different weapons and spells, besides your more focused explorations upgrades.
The level design in some sections could be improved (blind jumps, some frustrating enemy positioning) and specially the ranged enemies felt a bit bad to fight against, but very enjoyable overall.

I was able to launch the game, but I wasn't able to do anything, just look at the ship in the map

I think the idea of a metroidvania with the movement that you have is very interesting! But in it's current state I found it more frustating than anything else (maybe because I was on keyboard, and it looks like it would feel better with a controller).
I think with a bit more tweaks to the level design it could be a lot more enjoyable!

Although very short and basic, it's a complete experience  and I think the artstyle is very cohesive and nice!

I think the movement and mechanics area a good base for a game to maybe iterate on, they feel okay, and the idea of using cards could be further explored, there is potential there.

The world environment looks good, but it seems like it's not really in a playable state (unless I did something wrong?). You can move around and nothing else really, just fall through the level