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A member registered Dec 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey, thanks so much! It's great to see the stuff that worked as intended, and sorry about the frustrations too haha! Writing a character controller from scratch was tough and that part especially definitely needed more polish, sadly takes away from the intended experience a bit but glad at least some people have been willing to stick with it! :)

Some really cool things in this, I liked the visuals, the feel of the running and mostly liked the jumping (somehow I kept misjudging some jumps though, and it's costly to barely miss a ledge in this game). Conceptually, I loved the upgrades and how you can gain double/triple jumping. In practice though, it didn't work for me... I guess maybe due to unlucky level generation, but I didn't feel like I got to use my new abilities most of the time. I first got ladder climbing because I had walked by a ladder on my way to the first ship, then I went back to the ladder excited to explore... then I got to the top of the tall ladder, only to see a single empty platform at the top with nowhere to go. Okay, kept going, no ladders until second shop, so I got wall jumping, and kept going forward because I knew there were no wall jumping places before... but in the next area there were also no ladders or places to wall jump, then i ran out of time not long after that. Second run was similar. I really wanted to like this game and it has great potential, but the level generation was too random and didn't present me with interesting traversal in the end. Well done overall on everything though, especially the 'game feel'!

Hey, thanks for the feedback, I really don't know why I turned off the space key for jump when i had it before haha, it's a good lesson for the future! Yeah the physics is a bit janky, it's hard to write a character controller from scratch (with a physics engine i haven't used before) in this short time that works well with moving platforms heh. Btw, for the puzzle you mention, the trick is that you have to shoot the bubble down while jumping the gap. It's a bit tricky, but the center of the bubble (smaller than the player) is the only thing that collides with walls. I wanted to make it visually clear but no time as usual. Yeah a lot of possibilities with the mechanic for sure, I feel we barely scratched the surface!

Damn this was very cool! With a bit more gameplay polish this would be an excellent game. Main issues:

1. should be easier/simpler at start to teach concepts, I actually didn't even understand that killing enemies got recorded until the second map!

2. died many times from the attack animation causing me to bump into enemies

3. the first level probably should be shorter, or maybe later in the game it's fine but it got pretty frustrating repeating the whole thing when trying to do stuff at the end and still not fully understanding the game etc at first

Again though, this was super cool and congrats on making it!

Well done, it's a nice chill experience, thanks for making it! I do think there's a bit of a conflict between some game elements though, there's a limited amount of time, but you don't know where you're going and you don't have any way to tell if you're going in the right direction or not. Definitely makes you feel lost so I guess that's good hehe.... some suggestions: the game could have used some simple landmarks or a few unique shapes so you could remember where you've been. a little more control for the player (sliding is cool, just a bit less), some radar/sonar system to tell if you're generally moving closer/further from your companions. the way the time is displayed is very cool, but yeah the time element most took away from the experience I think, was cool exploring and seeing your simple but effective visuals.

Dunno if you're able/allowed to fix it since deadline is over. I hope you can, the screenshots look very cool and the concept sounds great, but I can't play! When i click start, nothing happens, and in JS console this error appears:

Coroutine couldn't be started because the the game object 'transitionScreen' is inactive!

Pretty good overall, I'd say a tad too difficult, could use an extra 0.5-1 second of time, but more importantly a checkpoint or level system so you don't have to repeat everything if you fall way into the run. Also maybe the cube pickup are could be a bit bigger. Very well done for the allotted time though, nice work!

This is a really great concept and fairly well executed! I found the timer split-up to be confusing, and even though I got through many levels I still didn't fully get it, as a result I generally just tried to split the time about equally and hoped for the best. Other than that it's a cool mechanic that you plan how long you need for each segment ahead of time! Definitely a great use of the limitation!

hey thanks so much! yeah agree that controls could be better, i should have reenabled space for jump (which was active before). other than that the bounciness is because i wrote the character controller very quickly just for this game so it's janky, and not enough time to tweak it more at the end. glad you enjoyed the game and my cousin Faisal's amazing art!

Really love the visuals, and the controls are pretty solid! Just needs variation in gameplay after a while, but this is a very impressive creation, well done!

Hey, thanks so much! Glad to hear it runs well for you, and hope you enjoy more of it! :) Agree threejs is very cool and we hope more people start making games with it!

Wow this is very impressive!! Occasionally impossible (screen basically covered) but mostly surprisingly well balanced and polished! Fun stuff!

Such a cool concept beautifully executed, great stuff!

This is very cool, great work!