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A member registered Jun 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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I rode the rules before entering the jam and I didn't start from scratch too. I just wanted to say it wouldn't be strange to meet a game like this in steam or play market (and it would be better than many other games present there). 

Interesting solution with the mechanics!
But temp is too slow. Wouldn't it be better not to wait so long between characters moves?

Very professional looking and playing game. Too good for just a jam.

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much for playing my game!

I didn't really get the figures and their moves rules, but I like the idea and implementation too.

Thank you for kind words and a good advice!

The first time I didn't see the steps counter and couldn't understand what is the difficulty of the game. But still it was too nice to drop it and I continued til the last floor.

Sweet game!

Nice! First I thought it's too hard for me, but then I started getting used to it. And then the skeleton fleet found me...

Very nice Irish music!

Thank you!
I'm going to implement controller support too, but it'll be outside of the jam.

Thank you!

Thank you!

My submission for 7DRL 2022:

I thought I'm making a rogue-like. It has randomly generated grid-based labyrinth and enemies positions and peradeath. 

But it's not turn-based as most of submissions I saw so far. So now I'm not sure I've done it right.

Still hope you'll enjoy it.

Thank you very much!

I'm not good enough to follow the virus :)

Is there an end scene if one can win enough games in a row?

Thank you!

Being out of control is the main point here, but I wasn't able to make better level design in time.

Maybe I just wasn't fast enough to use it.

I don't really understand why, but one time I was able to get Perfecto!

Why couldn't I use the knife I found in the other room to defend myself?

I was close to start drawing a map :) But then I thought the rooms order is random..

Nice puzzle!

But it's fully controllable.

Pretty cool puzzle game.

But I wouldn't say that there is something out of control.

Thank you! Yes, that would be good to make some better designed levels later. 

I think I'll add some sounds later. Thank you!

That is the matter of luck and weak labyrinth design of course. To be honest the labyrinth was made in last half of hour before deadline. So, of course, it should be better.

Thank you very much!

I wasn't fast enough this time to make more and better. Sorry for that!

You were out of control ;-)

But you could try to walk your clones to the exit intentionally.

It just casts a circle around current body and choose a new one at random from the cast results.

Switching is random, you can't control it.

Thank you for playing it!

(2 edits)

Before you'll download it, please read it.

The game isn't ready, it doesn't really have a gameplay right now. You can move two spheres with two hands, but that's all.

I submitted the prototype just to participate, but I'm sorry, there is not much to play. More explanations on the game page.

Thank you!

But don't think I could accomplish that scenario in the nearest future.

And personal question, not according to the jam:

How did you do this neon-style levels? Are that some ready assets or you did it using only unity's tools? (I'd like to learn how to do it)

Intence game! I think that's a great solution for a tower defence with one tower! You have to think and you have to switch. And you can't juse see and wait enemies to be killed.

Interesting idea! Really changes feeling while playing tower defence.

But a firepoint often means more then bonuses types. And there is not many spots to choose from. Maybe it would be more flexible, if there were more spots to fire from, but not every spot would give you a bonuse.

On the second level it doesn't look like he puts coils on square area on the left. Should it work?

Funny game!

But the portal closed and took my hand with it. So I couldn't finish all the orcs.

I'm sorry I didn't understand why it changes directions and finally I stuck angled in a corner.

Thank you! Your feedback is very valuable!

Thank you for the resource link.  It will be great to finish this game later.

Will be grate to have more levels later.