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A member registered May 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you!
We really wanted to have a cursed effect on the keys to show them slowly being corrupted by the temple's curse, sadly time ran out.

Thank you, I (the programmer) was experimenting with input swap for the first time in Unity using the new Input System. I must admit it gave me some trouble but I'm glad the result was enjoyable.

Thanks you for the nice words, we had a blast making the game! There are already 2 updates underway (mostly fixes), they will be submitted once the voting ends.

Unplayable. For unity html5 builds take both folders that appear after the build is created + the index file and ZIP them into a single file. Upload that.

I waited the first minute out of respect, got hooked afterward then was told to wait another 2 for any change. I stopped. I know the theme is out of control but keeping the narrative (the only thing the game has going for it) out of the player hands for this long is boring. I know its tough making all the dialogue options in command prompt given the amount of lines you've written (and I didn't even see al of them) but the waiting subtracted more than it added.

Thanks for taking the time and effort to give us additional feedback.

In the dev version of the game in my PC it is possible to outrun the enemies, you just can't do it without dodging a bit (+ oxygen management).
The extractor wasn't fully functional in the GameJam upload, apologies for the confusion. It is supposed to extract metals from asteroids in order to repair your ship. In the dev version it can already do that but I still need to work on the spawn rate of extractable asteroids and their variation with difficulty (harder to find in higher difficulties).
As for the reload and ammo display for both the machinegun and missile, I'm thinking of making their icons be filled with color clockwise and deplete as you spend ammo, another option would be making an external gauge or a (amount/maxAmount) display that changes to (reloading.../maxAmount).
The UI artist will be working on a better controls instruction panel as soon as he has some free time from work.
When these changes are ready we are thinking of uploading the new version to the game's page, since the Jam's version cannot be altered(I think).

I didn't really understand what you meant by changing velocity more easily,  is it having a higher acceleration or maxSpeed?
Again, thanks for taking the time to share your opinion.

Thanks for the feedback SirNintendo28. I'll let the team know you liked the idea!

Thanks Aescosaurus, suggestion for improvements are always great. I will let the artists know that you liked their work. As for the enemy behaviour variety, I was not able to program the different AIs because the procedurally generated world code took me way too long to make. The shield hull dynamic was in the idea poll, but was not implemented in time,   your idea of a space station as an enemy is something I will be writing down thanks for playing and taking the time to give us helpfull feedback.

Thanks for the feedback Nyx. I'm very glad you liked the control system idea, I had a blast making it. As for the difficulty of aiming and shooting I don't really know how we could change without making the game "too easy". Would you mind giving more specifics as to what bothered you (turning speed, linear speed, enemy chase speed, etc...) that can help us improve the experience.

Thanks Mikaah, It was generated with the same algorithm as the level, so its different any time you open =).

Primeiramente os pontos fortes:

Música fenomenal

Ótimas splashscreens, 

A câmera acompanha bem o personagem.

Cenários muito bons e com layering bem feito

Agora coisas que precisam estar implementadas na próxima versão:

Condição de vitória.

Botões de UI funcionando (opções e créditos).

Botão de sair/retry no GameOver ou reload do menu principal após um tempo morto para aproveitar o efeito da camera subindo e dando overview nos prédios.

Balanceamento ainda que superficial (tempo de ataque estava muito lento em comparação a velocidade dos inimigos).

Coisas que deram valor adicional que poderiam ser trocadas pelas partes essenciais:

Splash de GameOver estilizada.

Efeito de overview na morte/derrota.

layering polido dos cenários.

Coisas que não estavam presentes mas agregam bastante valor com pouco esforço/tempo de produção:

feedback visual em dano/ataques.

feedback auditivo para eventos importantes (troca de BGM na morte, SFX do pulo, etc.).


Bonito, agradável aos ouvidos, mas extremamente frustrante em Gameplay e UI. 

(9/20 ) - Faltou um bom gerenciamento de tempo, o essencial vem primeiro, o polimento depois.

UI muito boa em geral, os botões estão lindos.

os créditos ficaram meio difíceis de entender, mas entendo que faz parte do estilo.

A mecânica de "wallstick", que creio não ser intencional, poderia ser resolvida provavelmente alterando o collider do personagem para um mais simples (costuma ajudar em plataformers) ou alterando o linear drag do RigidBody para 0.

O audio ficou legal, o contraste da música entre a tela de menu e o jogo representou bem a dinâmica yandere. Porém feedback em ações do jogador fizeram falta (som de pulo, pegar chave, etc).

Pode-se ver que testaram bem o jogo para adicionar bastante QOL, Esc para sair é algo que muitas vezes passa batido e no meu jogo passou, mas vocês tiveram o cuidado de adicionar.

O sistema de dano ficou muito inconsistente. O personagem muitas vezes em uma mesma situação, sofre consequências diferentes (teve momentos em que eu pude empurrar o "gato?" para longe sem tomar dano algum e outras vezes perdia instantâneamente).

A temática de sangue ficou bem secundária porém fizeram um jogo válido e com carinho. 14/20

Gostei =)