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A member registered Jan 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Loved this! Really great art and fun gameplay, the potions all felt fun and unique! Some more damage feedback (both taking and dealing) might be a nice idea for the future but genuinely amazing work for the scope of a game jam!

Really cute, once I got into the swing of things it was really fun managing everything, the messages to help you know if you were on the wrong screen were a GREAT UX decision ahhaha. I also really liked having a different set of controls for day/night, a nice little touch to make them feel distinct

Cute! Well designed puzzles (that I found quite tough!) that introduced new mechanics well throughout :) 

Developer Walkthrough

Hi all! For anyone wants to hear a few thoughts from myself on the development of the game and see a full walkthrough - here's a video of me playing through the game! Obviously this has full spoilers to the solutions of the game, so I'd recommend finding as many as you can before watching!

Thank you for playing! The tone and feel were so important to us so glad it's landed with you :) Honestly could have spent an additional week of development just putting more easter eggs/jokes in haha

Thanks for playing! The little touches were probably the most fun part of the dev experience for me so really glad you enjoyed them ^^

So glad you enjoyed it, it means a lot to us that you persevered to try and find everything! The religion one has definitely proven to be the trickiest, we had plans to allow you to spread it in a number of ways to make it simpler but ran out of time! Maybe try ordering something after you've got the pamphlet.... ^^

Awesome concept! I was really impressed by the art style, it all looked and felt amazing, and it was so creative to weave the minigames into other computer apps.  Would be cool to see where this could go with more time to add more games and story!

Fun game, tight movement and combat for the most part. Simple art but the fire spreading animation on the objects was amazing! In the future, it'd be nice to have slightly clearer feedback when you're taking damage (i'm an idiot and often miss this lol) but you got a lot together for the game jam so well done!

This was really fun! Great premise matched by great dialogue and a world that felt really alive (amazing job with the art!) 

Very fun, mixing the colours mid battle was surprisingly intense and the art style as a whole was really solid. Only recommendation I'd give is adding more feedback for when you take damage,  sorta missed it the first few times haha. Congrats on a great submission!

This game is so cute!!!!!! The art is incredible and the gameplay was a simple and satisfying loop.  Congrats on making a lovely experience guys!

Thanks, now my neighbours are going to be asking why I was shouting at birds in my home xD
Super fun game, the minigames made progression really fun and it was quite a challenge! Kinda love Steamy and his little smile too. 

Would be super cool to see some upgrades or something in the future for my workers to help me stay alive in the later bits!

This was a really fun and satisfyingly game loop! Enjoyed trying to work out the best strategies for where to plant my strawberries (got too greedy a few times and the infection spread!).
If you continue work it'd be great to get some more visual indicators for things like what action you've got selected, and where you can or can't do them.
Super well done for your first game jam!!

(1 edit)

If you go to edit your game on the page, it blocks you from uploading any new files but allows you to edit the details still. So looks like it's a no on any post deadline fixes but you can change the page if you need to clarify or maybe pre-warn of any issues if you like!

So cute!! Really well polished and a great level of challenge. So impressed you got it to this state in such a short space of time!

Really polished game, the movement felt great! Liked the interpretation of the theme too, was cool to see if add so much to the core mechanics

Very fun, and I'm a big fan of the theme! Had the same issues as Alkyer with Slimes spawning in Golbins once or twice but the concept is very solid and the art/music/design is amazing for such a short project - congrats!

glad you enjoyed (and that you found the secret dance bug that was too good to take out hehehehe) ^^

Very fun, loved it! Simple but effective, gonna play again to see if I can beat my score hehehe

Me! First time doing any game development really, and I agree that the 2 week timeframe was really good - long enough to dedicate myself to making something my team was proud of but short enough to keep us to a realistic scope haha. Congrats to everyone here on giving this a go! I'd love to see your submissions, i'll have a look through some profiles ^^

Love this idea! So cool to see this art piece in game form, and excellent job with the fluid physics!