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A member registered Apr 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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That's great! I look forward to playing it.

(1 edit)

That looks just like I remember Duck Hunt. It's just missing the dog. Really good job recreating the feel. That target AI works really well. It starts off easy and gets progressively harder. I appreciate that it's not constantly following the duck. I died on lvl 6. The duck controls feel really smooth too.

The game looks really good. Cute duck. I like the subtle animations on the crosshair. Great idea and execution.

I ran into a problem where the target was where the duck spawned, so all of my ducks died before I could move.

The idea is just hilarious. The fire hose felt really good. Loved the music and the police voiceover.

Fun puzzles and good choice of commands. Was hoping that the last command would unlock :) Really nice progression in difficulty. I made it through, but not without some retries.

The ability to remove the last selection maybe by using right-click would be nice, since so many times I would click on the wrong command and I would have to clear the whole command bar.

Neat set of minigames. I like the variety of stuff to do. Each of them too me a little while to figure out. They're a little rough, as you wrote, but they're full of good ideas. Great time waster.

The first one was fun, but I felt the bars took too long to complete. I liked how the stuff kept coming, as though the project kept getting bigger. The piano was great. The second one took some time to figure out, though now I know how to play it, it's pretty fun. The third one had lots of upgrades to buy. I appreciated the goals. Once it was balanced, there wasn't much to do, whether the games sold well or not.

I see that there three made this game and there are three minigames. I'm guessing that you each made one? Either way, well done. This is a very creative entry.

(1 edit)

Great gameplay! The map and units were really well designed. There is so much strategy involved. Retreat, get the best unit for the fight, go kill stuff. The units look nice too.

All the units with meaningfully different abilities and weaknesses. I still don't know the best way to kill a slime and maybe that's the key to finding the prince sooner.

This was really fun. It took me a while to get to the prince before he died, but it was worth it.

The score needed to be posted since it was so hard-fought.

I like how dark it was (metaphorically). Something was clearly wrong and I felt it. The way the story is told is cool.

It would be nice to respawn as a boar when I die as one. Replaying the first part over and over got frustrating. I found the boar part to be pretty challenging. I haven't beaten it yet.

Love the goofy character. The art in general and music were spot on.

It's great how the same pieces are used in so many ways. There are many levels, and they're all fun. The platforming is pretty forgiving, which was nice. The game's fun and not frustrating. Good job.

It's a good idea. Once I figured out how to play, it was pretty fun. There is a nice set of effects on the different cards.

I also lost a few times without knowing why.

Love the cat and its home. Cute all around. Baking was a nice idea. The gameplay was simple, but it played well.

This was a pleasure to play. Cute story and it looks great! Loved the acting. You guys are stars.

Sometimes selecting backstage characters needed some shuffling. It was hard to select a character unless they were completely separated from the others.

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Had fun. It was cool seeing the astronaut get stronger. Losing spawn area definitely hurt. It's a nice penalty. It would have been nice to see the astronaut's progress when it deactivates the spawn areas. I love how clicking and dragging spawns a ton of aliens quickly and the sound when they pop too. It's so satisfying.

I haven't managed to beat it without cheats yet. Thanks for providing one so I can see the end :)

This was a great experience. The music pairs so well with the gameplay to create a serene feeling.

It would be nice to have a water meter. For long periods, I didn't see water at all and I wondered if it was ever coming back.

Gah! 980cm, just shy of 10m

Great idea. I liked the level, and the block placement was intuitive. As you and others said below, I can see so many ways to expand this. It was pretty short, but it was fun.

This is a really good game. It's nicely polished. I really liked the penguins with their idle animations, but really, the whole thing looked great.

The levels were tricky but doable. The bonus stars were fun to go for. It would have been nice to see a score at the game. How many did I get?

Really fun. Well done.

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I like how the bullet gives up the hunter's position. The goal was clear. There were periods of time when I couldn't see the shot, but I always eventually found it again.

The trees blocked the view sometimes. It wasn't a big problem though, since the clusters were small, but having some way to see through them would be nice.

The hunter's AI was pretty good. It still easy enough to catch, but not without some evasion. I'm not sure if it's programmed to run by traps, but that happened a lot as though it was trying to trap me.

I really liked the bear control. It was just a little slow to change directions, which added a degree of challenge.

The animations for both characters were really good too. Well done.

(2 edits)

The top-down camera angle changes to avoid looking through buildings. It rotates up when there's a building behind the camera, and back down when there's room for it to go back down. Clearly it wasn't the right approach, and I really appreciate all the feedback. I've been practicing making art, so thanks for mentioning it :)

Thanks for commenting, and thanks for playing!

This was really fun. The driving felt good. The good music gave me a badass taxi driver feeling. I didn't even care that I was running over my clients. I like the choice of roof colours. It's a pleasant aesthetic for a top-down city game.

I wasn't aware that there was a score, time, or lives until I saw the screenshots. That info is hidden on 24:9 monitors. It was fun despite this.

That was chaotic! Fun game, and great idea. Love the story.

This is a fun game. It's good looking, the movement feels good, and it's really polished.

The dice of doom has too much doom. I can play with burn, but I can't even really jump with swarm.

This was a great idea. I like the art. The platforming was fun. I could have played many more levels of this. I found that I had to be really precise with the jumps on the last level. That was hard!

Good game.

Great idea. I like the blueprint look. It could use some more levels though.

Fun game. Clever use of the background.

Wind changes and the storms were cool. Pressing left to fire was definitely an added challenge. It made flying the plane feel erratic

The plane swapping confused me until I read that there was plane swapping. I guess some planes don't fire, which is neat and out of control, but it wasn't obvious to me that this was happening.

Good ideas and good job.

This game looks incredible. The dancing, strapped-on flower just makes me smile. The animations, the "CAT!" messages, the music.. it's all so good.

Between days, the sun and water meters don't go back up, and because there are no water or sun sources for 5 seconds or so, I found that I need a buffer. This killed me my first play-through.

Cute game. Good art and sound. I love the humor. 

It was fun ...and I'm sure that their insurance will cover the damages.

This was fun for the first few levels, but it needs another element to make it interesting for longer. The game looks good, and the swimming feels good.The shooting is a good mechanic that definitely fits the theme.

This was really difficult for me, but I still had fun. Nice art/music. The controls and physics felt good, and I liked the 6 directions of thrusters.

That's a cool idea. I like how the spell bar is visible, even though I had no control over it. I liked the variety of effects too. The enlargement spell was just hilarious.

This was really fun. You nailed the theme. The game art was nice. I liked the story and its art too.   Once those chairs started piling up, there was an extra puzzle aspect that I appreciated.

I wish there was an option to retry a level. Maybe that's not necessary, since I found a shortcut. Esc from the start screen appears to be an instant win.

There's a nice variety of puzzles in there. Those three abilities go a long way.

Nicely done.

This is really good. The abilities work well together.  It's really polished. You nailed the feel of the game. The ordering mechanism is a little confusing. When there are a few of the same class, I can't tell which one to select. This, of course, is really minor. This was some good work.

This is a nice looking game. It's super polished, with nice aesthetic. I love the animations everywhere. The music is nice and calming, and it suits a puzzle like this. The different functions tied to different tiles was cool.

I felt like I was brute-forcing every level. I saw that there were points, but I didn't see their purpose, since the goal was to align the 3 golden tiles, so I rushed to get those 3 tiles together.

All in all, this was well done.

This was fun. It looks and feels good. The kickback and ricochets really get chaotic - they make the game interesting. I managed to get about 1k points per run. I liked all of the functionality of the start screen. It's a nice touch.

I played the browser version. The restart button didn't seem to work.

There is no next level. It's just really short. I think I needed to raise the difficulty a lot.

Thanks for the feedback.

I'm wrecking stuff. What's not to like?! The level was well designed, and the bull controls worked well with it. The next iteration of the game would benefit from some goals.

The mooloop was too much mooing.

The flying felt good. The models look good, and I especially liked the combustion effect. The difficulty was balanced well for me. I appreciated the two boosts. They both had meaningful effects which made me want to hit as many as possible. I had no sense of progress though, since the meters were all off screen for me (24:9 ratio).

Good job.