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A member registered Mar 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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thank you so much!

sup, i dont exactly know what you mean by shooting thru walls. The game was meant to simulate a 3d environment, that's why you can go behind certain walls like pillars or bottom of a room. Those areas are meant to be walkable and shootable, the perspective here can be deceiving given its a 2d game.
about the controls, yeah they suck. In fact so much that you can periodically save yourself a copy of the page when trying to summon a clone and go down at the same time.

cheers, piotrek4! src code

i kinda couldnt find the exit, fell out the map trying to dig myself through. Pretty nice overall, cheers

kinda shit tbh

jokes on you MotionBrain i got 4k

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Hey! I was planning on adding a loading bar in the main menu, but my voxel system breaks when i use LoadSceneAsync(), so i ditched it. Btw you can also interact with the enivroment by picking up/pulling the object with right mouse button>>>> Thanks for your review>>

Is the game crashing immediately after startup, or when loading a level?
Can you give me your pc specs? If you're using a low-end system, and the game is not crashing instantly at startup, you can press F11 while in the main menu and resize the window to a smaller resolution (default is 1080p), then click the F11 again to fullscreen with lower res.
Loading level may take some time depending on your processor speed, please be patient while waiting and when the game shows as not responding, do not force a process kill.

can you tell which build and operating system are you using?

no but actually. i have a flip phone :'(

i wish you could move the blocks an rearrange them, or make multiple fall at the same time to make it more difficult. Anyways, good job bro

i cant get it to work, its stuck on the loading screen

im sad i couldnt just destroy the earth and end the lives of billions of people. I enjoyed destroying the moon tho

i move too fast!!!

Very fun game, tho its a bit tricky to fight with the physics and put the fruit inside the basket. Its not too easy nor too hard and i like it. Btw level 3 almost always beats itself, and i dont have to do anything :DD

i sadly dont remember the level, but i remember being squished by the falling block and spawning inside/under the ground

why so short :((

what the fuck have i experienced

i dont have android i have nokia 3310 please upload for widows

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very nice bro, but bugged as fuck 

i fell out the map

twoim największym wrogiem są kontenery morskie żyjące w północnej części oceanu spokojnego.

2ez. More traps and obstacles that can kill or damage would be epic

i must say theres some neat art, but the game is a bit difficult for me

i would like a tutorial for noobs like me

level 3 is actually possible without a crate

this type of art is epic, though i wish i could skip the cutscene or add a restart button

didnt see a gameover screen so i think i won

i hate it

i lost it on the level with two crates and a magnet after 78 tries

i got a bit confused when they started to raid me as one big group

i used autoclicker

i love how there's an option to casually dance


how do i know when this guy comes? I dont hear anything ;-;

ten z mlotem rozkurwil mi uszy (in english: i love how the cards are synced with the music <3)

it said i dont suck as a taxi driver and now im considering droppng out school

2easy4me i wish there were more attacks. Undertale vibe ~(-o-)~

is it just me or is there a missing fuel in level 20? Anyways the game is fun af >|:))))

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i cant read spanish :''''(

There's so much going on in this game. I love the transitions and overall pixel graphics. I kinda stuck on the second level and wish i could restart it from there