thank you so much!
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sup, i dont exactly know what you mean by shooting thru walls. The game was meant to simulate a 3d environment, that's why you can go behind certain walls like pillars or bottom of a room. Those areas are meant to be walkable and shootable, the perspective here can be deceiving given its a 2d game.
about the controls, yeah they suck. In fact so much that you can periodically save yourself a copy of the page when trying to summon a clone and go down at the same time.
cheers, piotrek4!
Is the game crashing immediately after startup, or when loading a level?
Can you give me your pc specs? If you're using a low-end system, and the game is not crashing instantly at startup, you can press F11 while in the main menu and resize the window to a smaller resolution (default is 1080p), then click the F11 again to fullscreen with lower res.
Loading level may take some time depending on your processor speed, please be patient while waiting and when the game shows as not responding, do not force a process kill.