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A member registered Jun 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Oh, thank you, I'll give it a try :)

*Yup, works great! 

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Very cute art and animation. I like the details in his hat movement when he digs and what you did with the start menu was cool!

Nicely done! worked well for me, though I couldn't seem to adjust the speed. The little characters seem well programmed and I like the premise and artwork.

Great work! I really like this entry

Very cute art, great idea and well executed!

Thank you for the great review, Sustrato.

We'll consider these ideas as we build on the prototype. It's always great to get a fresh perspective and help catch things we missed.

Did it run smoothly on your computer? We're thinking of converting the game to pixel art to enhance the performance.

Thanks again for the great tips and let us know if you can think up any other changes you'd like to see!

*Things we're working on for the next version include: 

-a block/parry system

-improved and added animations

-checkpoints/saving system

-items merchants and a purpose for the soul gems

-extra functions and improved dialogue system  for NPCs to help guide the player

-improved performance/smaller file size

Thank you so much for the review! We're really glad you enjoyed it, and super happy that you noticed the little details like the crossbow animation (You're the first one to mention this). It really made us happy that the platforming has been working smoothly and that people are happier with the overall balance. Thanks so much for taking the time to review our project and for giving us so many nice compliments. We'll keep trying to polish and improve our projects and push the standard of quality and detail as high as we can with our little team :)

Thank you very much. We really tried to make a more polished experience this time and we'll keep trying to improve for the next one!

Thanks for giving it another try. I'm relieved to hear you didn't find any bugs too! Yes, during the previous jam people had some difficulty with the controls and what to do, so we thought the tutorial scene would be very useful. A bit of both, tbh, painting characters takes a long time, and having silhouettes with highlights seemed to work well as a style and as a time saver. Also, the contrast helps identify friend vs foe/trap. I'm really glad you like the visuals. Maybe in a later version, we'll add some daytime scenes and paint the characters in more detail :)

Very cool and interesting game. I especially liked wiping the blood from the sword as part of the healing process. Knocking the lantern into the dry grass was also a cool touch! A lot was accomplished here in the short time frame, awesome work! Very cute art style too!

Definitely  give it a try if you can. The visuals look much better in a bigger screen. I'll see if I can change the web version to accommodate a bigger screen too. Thank you for the compliments and for trying our game!

Thank you very much. Had to make up for the last 2 jams, haha

A very interesting idea, and a lot of progress within the small timeframe we were allowed.  You have a good voice for narration, and I think you would do well with a YouTube channel dedicated to similar themes. The editing and layout of the map was pretty good. In the next competition I bet you could produce a very polished game if you focused on one section of this story.  There is a lot of ambition behind this, but 2 weeks is such a short time for anyone to work. I think there were some spots  it would have been nice to fit in a fight scene, even if everyone lives and the story doesn't really change, a little action can shake up the pace. Bringing an educational aspect to the game was very creative and something I really enjoyed. Keep up the awesome work! 

Thank you very much for the kind review and we're really glad you like it! We'll keep building this game and work to add new environments and visuals that complement the base style :)

Thank you very much for trying it and giving us the great feedback! The checkpoint idea is good. I think the Tori gates will become checkpoints in the next version. The big guy definitely needs some tweaking too. The big guy can be double jumped or spammed with attacks also, so needs some balancing. I'll check out the clipping issue you mentioned as well. Thanks for the kind words about the art style! Most things were hand painted, including the VFX, the characters were modeled in Blender, animated with Mixamo, then turned into 2d sprite sheets with Blender. It seems to help keep the game lightweight and responsive, yet allow complex animations in a short timeframe.

No problem, I totally agree. Having people with no inside knowledge of the game give  it a try is a huge benefit. The last one I made was way too difficult, but we learn and progress with every attempt :)

I liked the visual design and the character mechanics were quite interesting once I found the control info on the game's page. Did someone on your team build the character models? They look really good for such a short time frame :)

Very nice style. the art assets and SFX paired very nicely. This feels like a game world I want to see more of and continue exploring, especially if you keep polishing the movement and fight mechanics. Godot can be a bit tricky to make the ground less slippery, unless you wanted the friction a little loose for the dramatic slashes of course. 

*bug report- After clicking "retry" I tried to rush through the dialogue and the character froze in place.  I notice sometimes this happens in my own code too, key spamming issues can be tricky.

Interesting idea, I like the duel theme. Beautiful pixel art, where did you get the assets from? Particularly the pagoda/castle scene is awesome! Not bad considering you switched from 3d to 2d halfway through. Great idea with the parry system, I really like weapons games that consider the blocking and parrying and it is a particularly good choice here.

That sounds really cool. I gave all the abilities upfront... but adding some new ones and making t more progressive like a metroidvania is really fun too. Thanks for sharing the link, I'm really curious to see how yours turned out too. and see what cool ideas you came up with!

ps: I uploaded a downloadable windows version so you can try in fullscreen if you like. As for the big dudes, you can double jump over them and escape... just a little tricky have to reach maximum height on the double jump and get the timing right :) No need to kill all the oni to get the level keys

The windows version is available now :) Had to make some minor tweaks to the code as the scene change stopped working for this export. * a little Godot issue. Let me know if you find any bugs. There is a grey screen that pops up during the initial load, but not sure if it's my hardware causing the issue.

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Thank you for asking, sure I'll upload a downloadable version for full screen too! 

And thank you for the compliments, basically everything was hand-painted and animated in Krita.

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I can understand that too. The temptation is always strong to keep adding features. This time I just wanted to make something simple that plays well and I'm pretty happy with it. I think I'll keep polishing it after the jam. Is yours close to finished?

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Thank you very much! I sent a message from my discord (let me know if I sent to the wrong account, etc.). I'd be happy to submit if possible!

Here's the current link:

I don't know how I mixed things up, but I was sure There was one more day. Did anyone else goof this up? I put a lot of hours into the project and am pretty proud of it, so I'll post a link here later today anyway. Good luck to everyone with better time management skills! The submission page looks full of great entries :)

:'D  Yes, didn't know about that character. Maybe we'll rename him for the next version

No need for apologies, game jams are like crash-testing half-built cars :) If we keep doing what we did great and keep adjusting what needs improvement, we'll all make great games one day. I'll look forward to your next entry!

:'D That's awesome! You're the only one I know of who found that! Awesome job exploring! I'm glad you enjoyed the art and the level. We'll pay extra attention to the enemy interactions for the next jam and focus on that side of things, as well as more dialogue and a better tutorial system to improve the puzzles and gameplay. Happy holidays and thanks so much for the review :

I think I understand. Sometimes we get so used to testing our own games that we don't even notice simple things that could cause difficulty to others. At least the test audience is free and unbiased here :) Plus, every broken game gets us a little closer to making our dream games. I'll be excited to see what you make next! 

Okay, I'll keep an eye out for it in the next round of testing. Thank you again for the feedback and advice!