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It’s Whitney!

A member registered Dec 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Omg thank you so much 🥹

thanks so much! I am not very good at rhythm games either, but I think I’m finally get a hang of it lol 

really nailed the creepy/spooky vibe. definitely feels unsettling but also calm at the same time. i loved the sound, the color palette, and the monster designs. totally scared me when the creature attacked me from the bushes lol 

Your gameplay loop is fantastic and the graphics are beautiful -- so gameboy-esque! If you do plan to add more levels I'd love to see what you come up with. good job! <3 

thank you so much! :D 

thanks so much! the rhythm game part kinda overtakes the gameplay, but it's all good! we had to cut a lot unfortunately :( but all in the spirit of a jam!  

I don't blame you! haha. I only got to about 69~% for the second song and about 60 for the third! but thank you! :D 

Thanks so much! Glad you liked it. The songs are stuck in my head now! lol 

(1 edit)

Nice color scheme and I love the font you chose. The ending screen is also pretty chilling. The fast enemies scared me! Great job! :D 

Cute! I love the ghost sprite. :) 

Really neat idea gameplay wise. very atmospheric and spooky! :D 

Perfection. The animations were incredible. The game was easy to pick up -- although i got the bad ending, haha. I just can't get over how wonderfully stylish this game is.

The graphics and sounds are unsettling in the most wonderful way. Seeing the fortune tellers mask change each time i asked a question was a nice touch -- adding to the spook factor. Truly a unique experience! :D 

Fantastic! I love how you twisted the pet sim genre and made something truly unique. <3 10/10

Haha, I loved the cheeky humor. The sound effects were really good and the art was spooky. I loved the intro and outro animations too. Great job! :) 

Super cute. The noise the cats make when you pick them up are so great. 

Totally captures the gameboy soul. The graphic and sounds are great. :) 

Cute! :)

oh that is so cool! thank you so much.

Hey! I’m Whitney. I’m an artist looking for a team to join. I’m US based, on the east coast. 

I’d like to upfront say I’d prefer joining a team where I am not the only artist or just the sole person animating. If it doesn’t work out that way, it’s okay! 

Also, I will be going on a vacation the 21st and 22nd. I’ll still be able to lightly contribute those days though. 

Here is my instagram to see my artwork:

I’ve worked on a previous pico-8 game as an artist, and completed one ‘game’ jam (except it wasn’t a jam with a game as an outcome - just an idea).

message me here or on discord my user is bluwit 

thanks so much! I just love those genres. I’m glad it shines through my work here :) 

thank you! I had a blast and I hope to do more in the future. 🤠 

thank you Becky😭❤️

wow. This is beautiful! I’m truly blown away by your creativity and execution!! 

thank you so much!! I really felt connected to this project and went all out. So happy you like it! 

aww thank you so much :D

ahhh I love borderlands so that is a huge compliment. I feel like fallout, borderlands, and other games similar have heavily influenced my work lol. 

And thank you 😂 the robo cacti just had to happen 

Thank you!!! I’m so freaking proud of this 

where is that quote from? It’s PERFECT for this! 

And thank you so much! I appreciate you helping me decide to do a UI screenchap!! 

This is beautiful! It sounds like a blast. I’d totally be into playing as a wizard!