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Thanks! We're happy with how that transition turned out.
Thanks for checking it out :D

ahaha that bear gets everyone the first time!
Thanks for playing :D

Thanks for playing it on stream!
Was great to see your impressions live :D

Thanks for taking the time to check it out!

Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! :D
Funnily enough that was always the plan, just didn't get that feature over the line in time.
We will have it in the post-jam build :)

This was our first ever game jam and first ever game. Would love to get your thoughts!!

Would love to know what you think of our game! It's our first one :D

Thanks for checking it out!

Thanks for the feedback! Glad to see you appreciate a lot of the details and design choices :D

haha true! In the end it is pretty much a test of your kiting skills. Thanks for playing :D

Thanks for playing and taking the time to leave feedback! Cheers :D

5/5 for the theme bahahaha
flappy bird vibez

Really enjoyed the gameplay of this! Very relaxing and satisfying.
Only feedback is I wish things progressed a bit quicker.
I grew tired of things at around level 32 and didn't find the storm threatening enough.
Not sure if I missed anything to come after that point but nonetheless enjoyed my time with Astral Storm.

Well done :D

Super cool gameplay! Really enjoyed the upgrade system.
Game was well designed and I felt like my choices really mattered in moment to moment gameplay.
This game has potential for some super cool sound effects, would be good to hear that!

Well done :D

Would love to get your feedback on our game!
Thanks! :D

Art and sound are very amazing! First playthrough I felt stressed because of the ticking clock and I could not remember recipes, but second run through I was able to appreciate the game. Well done!

Great work on your entry!
Well done on the visuals and music, it's super cohesive and looks/feels great :D

Really enjoyed playing through this! Well done building a cute little world here with a story to drive the gameplay.
The art and music are great! Loved the dynamic audio transition for when you are seen, just wish it also transitioned back to the calm music when you lose their attention.
The various mechanics were excellent, loved the smoke bombs and ladders to give you a greater perspective to find the citizens you needed to talk with.

Great job all round!
-plz no war hahaha

Can see the vision here! Hopefully you have time to expand upon the project and flesh things out.
Well done on the wind mechanic, that was unique :)

I really enjoyed wrestling with the controls as a mechanic!
I liked how things got progressively more difficult and you hard to start making strategic choices when to take hits from things in order to get through the level.
Nice work! :D

Great take on the theme!!
Got a bit hung up on that towel/cloth looking object for a bit but figured things out once I realized you could go through the doors.
Well done :)

Glad you enjoyed! Happy with how that turned out :D

Glad you enjoyed! We had scary versions of the toys to swap to at night but that feature got de-prioritized so we could get the project submitted in time. Thanks for playing! :D

Really well made jam and I love the aesthetics of the design choice!