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A member registered Jul 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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It's now fixed!

We hotfix it so you can play it. It was an error build, sorry!

Good run to try objects: 1117971920

Got to floor 8, where i had no way out from the spiders. All in all a cute fun game with very satisfying sounds and controls. Really nice job!

Thanks for the feedback! we are glad you had a lot of fun :D


We added the fullscreen button provides, which will let you play. The game does not stretch, but you can see the full window as it is supposed to be. We don't know why it is causing some people the same problem. It was too much stress yesterday trying to build in time :'D

The game files are not changed, we only added the fullscreen option from the page.

Sorry for the inconvenience, hope you can play and have fun! 

Tell us if you do so :D

Where can I report some a bug i found? It does not break the game but it spoils it

A little bit strange moving both characters at the same time but nice mechanics & puzzles. I liked it :D

A little bit strange moving both characters at the same time but nice mechanics & puzzles. I liked it :D

Really nice & fun puzzle game, lvl 3 took me more time than what i would like to admit :'D

Do i have to turn green all the lights? i thought i found the order but not :(

Took me a while to get the hang of it but once i got it fun game!

Really nice & fun game! Took me a while to get the controls but very well finished

Fun game! Liked a lot the pixel art, simple but nice. One thing I would remake is the ship movement.

Fun game! and really nice the explanations on the first levels

Thanks a lot!, hope all biology enthusiasts like it! :))

Por aquí el nuestro, espero que os guste

No lo esperaba así pero está bastante divertido, los gráficos me han hecho mucha gracia

Me encanta el doctor, la animación muy buena, un juego bastante chulo. buen trabajo :D

Bastante divertido, si fuese multijugador local molaria bastante, buen trabajo :D

Super buena idea para este momento, buen trabajo :D

Un juego bastante divertido para jugarlo con un amigo. Lo que mejoraría seria la camara y que las flechas que dispares no te puedan hacer daño, que he perdido una vida por culpa de eso. Fuera de eso un juego  muy chulo :D

Está bastante divertido pero la dificultad hace que te canses rápido de el pero nada que no se pueda arreglar, buen trabajo :D

El arte de 10, un juego divertido para jugarlo con alguien, buen trabajo :D

Me pasó como a todos, al principio no nos enterábamos.  Con un poco de mas tiempo si añadís un tutorial podría ganar mucho. Buen trabajo!

Un juego muy divertido, los powerups le dan un toque muy chulo, me ha gustado bastante. Buen trabajo :D

Me ha costado pillar el ritmo del juego pero una vez te enteras es bastante divertido

No sabía que hacer de primeras hasta que me cansé y dejé que me alcanzase la oscuridad y se reveló el secreto. Buen final :D

A short and fun experience. Cool game but sometimes it  didn't detect the attacks, but it was not much of a problem

Just rated your game, I'll love if you could feedback mine too :D

Fun game man, it happened the same as the other people comment but when you figured it out it's fun :) 

It's a cool game, had fun playing ot, really cool concept of creating puzzles with the use of colors and rewinding, nice job :). I also made a game too with some friends, so if you want to play it it would be awsome, its short so don't worry :))

Just rated your game, it was fun and challenging playing it, good work :)

I also made a game my self, so if you want to come by and see it ill apreciate it :)

Just rated your game, it was fun playing it, the graphics and the way you introduce the gameplay is real cool. Good job :). I also made one Sword of Time, if you could play it and rate it would be awsome :))

Here is mine, hope you like our game :)

here is mine, hope you like it :)