That seems like the right call.
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Nice! Very excited about the Linux build as a user myself. I’ve made a few Godot game, & I know that creating MacOS builds can be a bit funny sometimes. At least for me though, the web build was just fine.
You didn’t mention difficulty at all, but I’d consider either increasing the difficulty or adding a higher difficulty selection. That can add a lot of longevity to a game.
Overall good. I’m still excited for the eventual full release, but I’d like to comment on a few things.
The art, though charming in its own way, is definitely a downgrade compared to the previous iteration. The best of both worlds would be the use of color present in the new (darker, less saturated palette with bright & saturated player, enemies, & projectiles), with the detail & fidelity of the old, though I’m guessing the change was made mainly due to time?
The difficulty should definitely be raised. If aiming is going to see less emphasis, then more emphasis should be put on dodging. As is, it just feels like aiming was removed, but no compensation was made in other areas. This game should lean more into bullet hell than it currently does, with most, if not all, enemies having a projectile. As is, the game very often feels like waiting for the enemies to die, rather than frantically dashing all over the place, trying to find safe spots, which I believe is the intended play experience.
Fair critiques all around. It's not impossible to make it past that section without attacks, but it is very difficult, and I don't blame you for thinking it was impossible. In retrospect, wall jump probably should've been a separate button, but I figured we were already asking the player to remember a lot of buttons and wanted to simplify things a bit.
It actually is possible to make it past that section without any attacks, but I made it way too difficult to do so. The idea was that it would incentivize players to keep the ground pound. I don't blame you for thinking it was impossible. Definitely should've raised the ceiling up.
Good points on the deceleration and wall jump height as well.
Also, don't worry about sounding too negative. It's critiques like this that make games better!
I'm not sure how this game is meant to be played, but there seems to be no punishment for tip-toeing through each level to never launch passengers and get a max score. It's a very optimal strategy, which is a shame because it's not a very fun strategy. I don't know how I feel about fun equating to high risk, low reward, meanwhile safety and assured victory is low risk, high reward. That seems backwards.
For jam purposes, multiplayer is something I said nope to immediately, but I'd be interested in returning to a project like this and adding some multiplayer. Could make for a good online multiplayer test (not sure if that's what you meant from the get-go).
Regarding strats such as bodyblocking the CPU, that's exactly what I wanted to push players to do: use superior intelligence to beat an otherwise superior opponent.