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Aspect - Psi

A member registered Aug 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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I like the art and music

The game is kinda confusing though

Makes me think of the early pre-release builds of karlson from dani... the real question is how does this use either theme?


I like the different gun varieties although the revolver and the glock are bit too similar.  I also think that music would have been great to really knock ur game up another notch. But all in all the arts really nice, the guns all feel good to use, all of the different enemies are good, I like how if you pick up health when ur at full it gives you a little buffer, all in all good game.

Super addictive game

I love the fact that you have to run over the sections where you kill the enemies to get the score because it prevents you from doing the boring strat of just running away indefinitely 

The only thing I recomend is making it so you can see what your score is before restarting because I had a hard time keeping track of my PB whenever I died

Very quality game that reminds me heavily of the Robot Wants series

High Score - 2922

Fun game and I really love the post processing

However in the description it mentions abilities and I couldn't figure out how to activate those or get them or what have its

Despite that it stills its a good experience 👍

High Score - 216

This game is pretty cool and a really good base game loop for additional features - I think adding in some music would go a long way 

All in all 👍


The game is really hard but I do think that its a cool concept. My main suggestion is to make the go straight up and down so that just waiting can't accidently cause you to be unable to win.

Very cool mechanics that take a bit to figure out. I only thing is that since the same hand is used for both rolling and for activating the abilities there is a tendency to do the wrong thing. The art is really nice as well.

This is a very creative concept and I so far haven't seen anything like it. The main problem is that I'm still not sure what Training does. Overall good job.

I'd greatly appreciate it if you rated my game

This is really well designed  and is fun the main thing that I feel could help is limiting the rerolls on each screen would help because I never lost anyone because I could re roll non-skull people until I had enough re rolls to save everyone. But Other than that Its a really unique take on this theme and was well executed.

I'd greatly appreciate it if you rated my game

Very simple idea executed perfectly honestly I can't think a single major problem

I'd greatly appreciate it if you rated my game

Idk maybe like the  next obstacle is shown as a die roll instead of a button press? I just feel like this game doesn't need to be about dice the dice were only used in the art

I'm.... so confused 7/6 game

I like the puzzle mechanics but I think adding like a move counter or something to prevent random movements to win would be nice

I'd greatly appreciate  it if you rated my game

Like you said on the page it feels more like a proof of concept and I can definitely see this being really fun once fully implemented. I feel like the most important things is to make the instructions make more sense (though I didn't do much better at that in my game) and to make the bullets have more feedback when they hurt an enemy.

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to review my game

I really like the idea the main things that is holding it back is the animations and dice rolling sections are to long in my opinion, and (in the small section I played) their is really no choices past rerolling which makes the game feel more like just clicking until you win or loose.

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to review my game

I really like the art and presentation. The concept is cool but requires a bit of tweaking so that there is less randomness when moving the dice so that you can properly plan which is important in games like this.

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to review my game

I really like the concept and execution of it the art is cool my only request is to make the dice not move around as much because with the current setup you have practically no clue what stats you will have after killing an enemy

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to review my game

The art is just absolutely stunning and the gameplay is super interesting. I kind of wish that each type of die was introduced in its own round instead of starting with a bunch of different ones but other than that amazing.

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to review my game

I like the idea its just that the game moves so fast that its almost impossible to have any control over the player.

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to review my game

I like the entire idea and the way that it all works I do feel like making different types of enemies would bring a lot of depth to the game

I like the aesthetic of the game but i feel like the theme isn't used to its fullest extent. I do suggest that you make the obstacles fall slower at the start so that you have to to get your bearings before the true difficulty.

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to review my game

(1 edit)

I like the idea of having the starting things randomized but with such a sort time period implementing the number of stats that are needed for that to be fun is hard. Also you should add a pause before the first wave so you aren't just immediately surrounded.

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to review my game

When I first heard the theme I was expecting a lot more RPGs like what me and you made. I like the fact that you get re roll dice that was originally one of my ideas in my game but I never got to it. I wish there was a little more options that you got because I never felt like I fully got choices past what die to roll

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to review my game

This has a reallly interesting game idea executed really well.

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to review my game

I like the idea of this but the controls feel really unresponsive and you move super slowly which doesn't make the game hard just time consuming. The models used are pretty cool and the game overall has a nice look just the actual gameplay needs some work

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to review my game

The game is really aesthetic of it. I do feel like the theme wasn't fully used to the games advantage but still cool.

I like the feeling of this game my main suggestion is to make the difficulty curve higher so that it doesn't feel as same-y as time progresses. I like the fact that you made the dodging mechanic and the bonus points mechanic connected so you both have to pay attention to the value of the dice and your value. I also think that it would be better with a more free movement system instead of snapping to the grid.

Cool concept. executed fairly well. The only thing is that the art could be better, but other than that good job.

Also I would Appreciate it if you played/rated my submission

(1 edit)

Great Concept and mechanics. The only problems are 1) every piece of art has a different resolution which makes that every thing looks weird and 2) There is no consistent art pallet between sprites. But the Puzzles and mechanics were made really well.

Also I would appreciate it if you play/rated my game.

Really good Graphics.

Thank you for the feedback.

(1 edit)

Ok thanks for the clarification

The game has interesting Idea the main thing is that I feel like it is a bit to easy.

Also I would really appreciate it if you played/rated my game

Interesting Idea. I like the art and SFX.

Also I would Appreciate it if you played my game

Cool Idea. The art fits the game. One thing is that maybe the timer should be shorter and the darkness should be darker because I never really needed to worry about the timer or pits because (at least on my screen) they are still clearly visible