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A member registered Nov 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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Fun game, lots of potential! The hover cars bounce a bit too much and lose a lot of momentum from the friction, but otherwise the mechanics are good. It feels like a wipeout/kart game crossover. Which is cool.

Very cool idea. Fun game concept!

I really liked the concept, the jetpack and leaping adds a nice twist to the gameplay. Great game idea!

Cool idea, I liked the low poly look and lighting. Holding space to go down felt a bit unintuitive, I'd reverse it and have space go up, just because people are used to jump being up. Could use some black holes or something to avoid, things that steal your light would add a fun dynamic to the game.

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Ground Mosh is a fun little shmup with a unique penned in art-style. Definitely worth a play!


(Man I fell behind on the recomendations, how's it been a week already!?)

Very cool shmup, loved the art style. The animations are great. Could use some health bars and more feedback that you are actually hurting the boss. But still a strong entry! 

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! There were quite a few bugs with the menu transitions it seems. I could have had three or four more levels in the time I spent working on that menu. XD

Not a bad concept at all, you could really do something with this.

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Today I'm recommending Take 2, a competitive arcade game that (unfortunately) requires 2 controllers. https://itch.io/jam/game-off-2019/rate/511672?before=4#post-1076128

If you do have 2 controllers around, give it a shot. Even if you don't, load it up just to listen to it's gloriously retro 80's soundtrack!

Great soundtrack, fun concept, love the neon design. I'm not really sure what the floating things were, they looked like lighbulbs, lol. A competitive game where you have to also avoid a crazy environment, but can manipulate it against your opponent, is a fun idea.

Pretty cool little competitive game. I think a lot of people are going to have trouble rating it when it requires 2 controllers though.

You've got a really good start here, I liked the art and game-play was surprisingly responsive. These survival top downs don't usually have something to defend, so i actually liked that idea. Enemies ramped up way too fast, though. It should either be possible to repel them all without the crystal taking damage, or the crystals health should replenish each wave. It just feels impossible currently.

Really enjoyable! I liked the art and soundtrack. Good work all around.

Glad you liked it! Jazz Jackrabbit was a big influence on the gameplay.

Very innovative gameplay, and one of the most challenging games in the jam so far! I really liked the mechanics, and was impressed how many levels you had for a jam. I really liked the way the pickups returned to their own spawns when you die, that was nice touch. Very good entry!

Awesome! Feel free to highlight some low rated games here if you want.

Zip archive is now available. :)

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You can download the files direct from the github here: https://github.com/pxlgamedev/Punk-Robot/tree/DailySync/Exports/Punk%20Robot

Just need "Punk Robot.exe" and "Punk Robot.pck" in the same directory to run. I will add a zip file as well, though.

Good for you! I wish more people were going through low rated games. I've been going through zero ratings today, and unfortunately, a lot of them are broken or otherwise unplayable. I've spent a too many hours already today trying to get games to run so i could rate them. :/

Over the last couple days though, I found some pretty good entries that are now 1 rated games.

I don't want to give a bad rating without even trying the game, so I left the broken ones unrated for now. I think fixing an unplayable build is allowed in the rules, so I'm hoping they get updated and I can rate them then. 

If anyone shares an unrated game here, that is actually built and runs, or has recently been fixed, I'll check it out as well.

To get this working on Python in Windows I also had to install the arcade module (which is taking a while, btw).

[twenty minutes later...]

Nope, still won't run. Running the script myself from idle it still says "No module found 'arcade.'

I thought so! The art really captured that same sort of Saturday-morning-cartoon zombie vibe, as well. Coop would be an amazing addition. I would love to see this advance to a full game. While playing I was thinking of this Nightmare Murder being like a bonus level in a ZamN clone, that would be fun. Survive the nightmare at the end of each level for bonus points and/or ammo.

Seem to be encountering all the broken games today, unfortunately.

But, "The Unknown" is a standout puzzle platformer, with some real promise: https://itch.io/jam/game-off-2019/rate/526683

And Rennan24's Nightmare Killer above was a lot of fun.

Unfortunately it seems pretty broken. On entering the cave, I don't get very far before the walls bug out, and I try to keep going it just seems to put me outside the level. Which doesn't apear to be very large. I never encountered any monsters.

I liked the visual style though, and the audio. Had a Chex Quest vibe. I was ready to bash some Flemoids with a hammer.

Let me know if you can get it working, I'd be happy to try it again.

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Interesting mechanics, the graphics are nice. I like the gray-scale rocks, and at least the first two plants stood out enough. They could either be brighter, or one of the first spells you get should highlight plants. Needs a lot more basic things, like some sort of introduction. Right away you give the player an increased jump hight, but there's far too many invisible walls on places that look like you should be able to land on them. 

I'd be interested in seeing this in the future, but it's unfortunately far too unfinished right now. I don't know if you included any audio, but there was no sound for me. I gave good marks for innovation an theme interpretation though.

Also unable to play the windows version. If you get it working, I'd be glad to give it another shot.

Really well done!

Fluid controls, sound is great, art is wonderful, I got a real Zombies Ate My Neighbors vibe! Shotgun and sub-machine gun were just about perfect, the pistol was pretty weak though. IMO it should either fire faster like a semi-auto, or do more damage like a revolver. But that's minor, obviously meant to be the weakest gun for if you run out of ammo.

I'd definitely be interested if you develop this further.

Thanks for the feedback!

"when you die and go to the menu and start a new game, it goes back to the score count screen"

That sounds like a bug. I had a lot of issues with the comic book style scene changes and made a few too many shortcuts for time. I already spent a week of the jam working on the menu instead of the game. XD

Stuff falling when you shoot it is intentional, a lot of the gameplay is based on Jazz Jackrabbit 2, which does the same thing with collectibles. Just an interaction I always liked and wanted to recreate for absolutely no gameplay reason, lol.

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Why thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Yours looks pretty fun, I'll move it up the list! 

EDIT: Just as fun as it looks!

No worries, I can see how the intro could be annoying. It's an unfortunate last minute fix for an engine bug I encountered. After restarting the level too many times, the lighting would permanently break. There's no reason I can find for it, but when restarting the whole game it doesn't happen, so I had to change the code at the last minute, or the game really did become unplayable.

I'm sorry you encountered bugs in a game jam game. Would you mind explaining what they were? I don't know why the UI would be blurry for you for one, that sounds like a bug.

I'm confused, you said easy mode is too easy? The intro is also skipable through the industry standard ESC button, and the menu can opened and closed with the same method. I apologize if that was confusing.

Decent start for a puzzle platformer. I liked the atmosphere, and the puzzles were nicely thought out. 

I already commented on the main page, but I'm doubling up here for posterity.

This is a very enjoyable little puzzle game, and I hope more entrants give it a shot!

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EDIT: 241 now, seems a couple entries were bugged.

I've got a long ways to go though. lol

I'm trying not to just spam through them too fast, and get an accurate impression of a few games each day. I figure 10 games a day ought to do it, and maybe double up on the weekends. I also want to bring some attention to submissions being overlooked.

Today's winner of "Best low-rated game!" is "Retro Chase" https://itch.io/jam/game-off-2019/rate/527199

There's not much more to say about this. I've been following your progress on r/godot as well. Just an impressive entry all around. Rated.


This a great little game that grows on you!

I really liked the way levels transition, and the tileset gets higher res. Great touch.

I agree with the other poster, if the sword did more damage the bigger it is it would feel a little better. Just being able to one hit those enemies you've outgrown right before the end of the level. 

Minor nitpick: "You can now double jump!" In the future that might be better if it was like a new different colored mushroom. It just feels slightly better to actually pickup a powerup, than to be granted one at the start of the level, imo. Just a small thing though.

Ha, another fun little diversion game. I could see this maybe being a fun little mobile game someday.

5/5 for innovation and theme interpretation. If there was a rating for the name, that would be a five too.

Haha, made me laugh! There's a bit too much going on at once for the slow firing speed, especially when so many things take more than one hit. But it's fun.

As a retro game enthusiast, high-five for doing a c64 game!!

I'm actually impressed, gave you a good rating.