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A member registered Mar 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm here after watching your Youtube vid. The sprites are super clean, gonna grab them in case I ever do want to do a Sonic fangame. I just recently started learning pixel art myself and it's tricky! Let me know if you want any feedback for the game, I've been working in Godot for a little while and it clicked really well for me so I enjoy working with it.

The isometric aesthetic is amazing, loved how the models looked too. The concept was interesting and I think it did fit the theme. I would recommend putting a popup somewhere that tells you that your soldiers can only shoot while you aren't moving if you were to continue this project as I would have never been able to make it past level 2 without that knowledge imparted to me by a comment on the itch page. What's more I couldn't figure out how I was supposed to beat level 3. I tried it about 5 times and it definately seemed like if you got caught by the turrets your men would be gunned down in seconds and when you lose too much firepower your run is basically dead. I would really like to see this game continued, I'm a huge fan of isometric games with this aesthetic, but it definately needs some balance tweaks or checkpoints. If you just want to make small changes and nothing major nerfing the firepower on the turrets would help, and reducing their healthn if their meant to be killed (I never managed to kill one after trying twice so I assumed they weren't meant to be killed since I had a lot of guys shooting it and it wouldn't break.) 

was only able to beat the second level thanks to this comment, you should definately put a popup in the room with charge that tells you soldiers only shoot while not moving.

Yes!!! That was my exact idea!!!

It took me so many times to save the first sheep on level three!!! It was so difficult! It would be really good if you had a pause menu that let you restart or a restart button so I didn't have to feed my character to the wolves each time to restart. Eventually I did save it though! The game was really fun and it felt nice to move around, I think controller support would have been a godsent in a game like this where you need to hit fences at precise angles to push right through them, especially in the previously mention level three. Also the pixel art was very nice!

That was amazing! The top down platforming felt so smooth and satisfying to play around with, although it would have felt a lot more natural for me if I was able to play it with controller! This game was amazing! Also getting all the hidden notes was a nice additional challenge to hint at the ending... 

Was able to buy all the upgrades except investor in just one run, which made investor a bit redundant, though my first few runs I didn't realise I could buy them since the shops looked empty. I'd probably balance the prices of the perks a bit to make investor a bit more worth it. I think showing the players gold at all times would be good so it's clear how much each type of coin is worth. Other than that it was pretty fun, the dash was nice and after getting some perks to increase movement and firing speed it was really fun to do combat.

Yeah, not sure why the screen got tinted red but the issue where you lose the ability to shield is one we're aware of but haven't been able to figure out its cause just yet, hopefully we can fix the issue when we decide to continue developing this game after the jam!

That was a fun little mini game. Thought there was only three levels there is quite a bit of content since the levels can take a long time or be super quick depending on how well you can use the gold multiplier. I was also super hyped to see you added VN style scenes to your game! I really wanted to do that for the game I was working on as well but didn't get time since I ended up making particle effects and additional mechanics instead! It must have been tough to make so many portraits in such a short time frame!!!

That game was pretty fun! Loved the pixel art it was very cute. Timing the jumps kept me invested in the gameplay while pursuing the objectives. Getting all the enemies was simple enough but getting them quickly seemed like a whole other challenge, I'll have to give it another go and see if I can get a gold star for every level... Although... do the graffiti artists really deserve it? Isn't jumping on their heads from extreme heights with a pogo stick a bit extreme? (Only joking! This game was heaps of fun!)

That was pretty fun! The hearts dropped made it so it never felt like you run was doomed as there was always a chance for some health to appear. I didn't manage to beat it the first time since I didn't find the gatling gun on my first run and the boss hit me with a death lazer. But second try with the gatling gun I managed to beat it! The game was great and the couple levels in there gave a good idea of what it would look like expanded, it could also make a really fun endless game if you made some procedural spawning mechanics!

Really interesting take! The difficulty really ramps up on stage 21. Stage 23 I got so close to winning but then one of the guards got stuck in a thin hallway and I couldn't walk past him while possessing another guard! I did end up beating it in the end though! All the mechanics made a lot of sense and they made it a really interesting stealth game!

I got 34 on my first try! It's really fun! Gives me Plants vs Zombies mini game flashbacks. Would definitely like to see more of this! It also runs on mobile decently, you should make this an app!

Yeah! If you click multiple enemies before the sword hits them it'll pursue them all in order of being clicked! You can use this to your advantage to take out larger packs of enemies at once by clicking two enemies that have a large group on the path between them.

I coudn't jump over the catus TAT

The game was fun! Took me 8 minutes to beat because I got stuck in one room with two sawblades and I died so many times on a wall next to a sawblade I couldn't see where it was under the bodies. I died 90 times but it was still a blast.

Pretty fun, combat managed to stay interesting despite being simple, I didn't instinctively understand how it worked but I pretty quickly found out it's set to heal by default. After that it took me a bit to figure out what the items did, but once I opened the inventory I could kinda get the gist of what the loot I was collecting was for. I found myself trying to avoid most enemies, to the point where I almost ran past the first boss not knowing I needed to defeat it to win. Once I did beat the first boss however I did realise that was my main objective. Definately a creative way to make combat interesting, I enjoyed it!

Was fun and short. I felt it was kinda difficult in the beginning but once I discovered the medpack and ammo behind you at the start it became a lot easier. You tend to snowball in strength as you pick up equipment and once I realised how often ammo pickups appear I realised there was no reason not to use the gun, but I did end up using the melee for the tentacles because they seemed to miss a lot and didn't do much damage. One complaint I do have is that it wasn't clear what areas where traversable and what wasn't. I often felt I needed to get closer to some items because they weren't centered on my screen, but all you had to do was click them. Other than that it was really good!

We might! We had tonnes of ideas for how we could continue the story and additional game mechanics that would make the game more interesting that we didn't have time to implement. If enough people are interested in us expanding the game we'd be happy to develop it further some time in the future!

There are hidden items on the ground you can collect, eating them restores hit points. You're also able to run from any battle except for Jamthulu, so if you're low on health you can skip battles you don't want to fight.

Sneaky Bug Catcher, a cozy game about catching bugs on an alien planet, has finally been released! My team and I have been working on it for over a year now and we're finally happy to call it complete!

In Sneaky Bug Catcher your goal is to catch bugs. You're given 2 minutes to catch as many bugs as you can and are awared points based on how many you caught. You're also awared some bonus points if you end the day early, provided you've caught over a certain amount of bugs. After your 2 minutes have run out you're sent to the base. In the base you're able to sell and store bugs. Selling bugs will award you a certain amount of credits depending on how rare the bug you sold is. You can then use the credits you earn to upgrade the capacity of your inventory or unlock new areas to explore. The game also auto saves so you can close the game and come back without loosing progress.

I hope you'll give it a try and leave a comment to let us know what you think!