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Quentin Delvallet

A member registered Jul 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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I think this game would really benefit from implementing coyote time!

I don'f think I hafe any piefe of feedback for you, this is a weird unconfentional piefe of interesting media!

ps: i wish i had my teeth still

I finished it, this was enjoyable! I like the concept of not having a set path to take. I only wish you would have explained better in-game how the dash/double-jump mechanic is (having to press 'up' as well as 'jump' for it to work properly)

It is definitely an interesting game, but as it is i'm having difficulties controlling the rewind/time speed with precision, the combination of time scale and rewinding is somehow confusing me on using them to solve the puzzles.

Well that was a very enjoyable vibe!

I did it! I somehow really wanted to go to the end. The mechanics are simple but once you understand how the jump really works it becomes nice. I kinda wish we could see ourselves go full ragdoll when hitting something. As a negative, I'll say that some hitbox feels unfair.

I'm not sure why but on the first level with the 2 checkpoints the game got very laggy on reappearing so I couldn't finish the game :(

Outside of the technical issue I had fun! I think it's a neat platformer, the control are maybe a bit fast so it makes it harder to do precise movements but it's good nonetheless. Musics getting more intense as we go is a nice touch.

I think there's a lot of grey for a candy factory, you could maybe go more crazy on the colors to give it a more "candy" vibe.

Great game!

This is a gorgeous game, I love the visuals. Concept is nice too but I think it currently lacks general gameplay polish as it is. Like we sometime have no choice but to collide with someone, or a score would be nice

Congrats on submitting a game :D

I had fun!

I think the small enemies and shared attacks between the bosses are making it a bit repetitive throughout the game. The game lacks some SFX to make the action more intense, the music is nice but can't carry the audio (almost) alone. These are my hot potatoe feedback but overall it's nicely made and inspired

I wasn't expecting a breakdancing knight

The details on this is insane, like, this thing with the spinning watermelon's voice getting lower as he spins, the dialog when you don't jump down, items descriptions... It was epic and a lot of fun all along, thank you for the game, I felt like I was on a section of a Ratchet & Clank game :D

I don't know what you do to make your games this addictive, but they all are! This is absolutely great fun. I understand it is needed, but I think there's too much stuff before the bosses to feel like a boss rush currently. In the end I don't really mind and I'm sure you're aware but it had to be said.

Fire game, it is simple to understand but action is quick and precise. Loved the second boss concept!

This is a true hidden gem. One criticism I have is the fact we can get hit -and die- during dialogs or in-between phases.

Back to kick some milk and drink some ass

And it's out of milk

I've played it yesterday and it's extreme fire, I love this! The music compliments the action and visuals extremely well and gameplay is very engaging.

I don't mind the boss being tanky as there is currently only one, but if the game is going for more bosses I'd suggest having more variety in our attacks, the boss has many and it's fine but we're feeling some repetitivity in our attack.

I had a lot of fun, thank you :D

Thank you! Four days actually, it was for a game jam

Oh you're right, I've changed the key mapping in the newer version but did not thought of that, thanks!

I did nothing special for the 2D physics to work on web really, make sure to not have too many unecessary collision detections or too complex polygon shapes, you may also have to change global 2D physics parameters in the settings
If you have code around collision you may want to use _physics_process instead of _process, there's lot of direction to work to improve performances

I'll check it out

Ahah ^^ I remember quite well about your game too :D

I say that without lying but it might be the most fun Tetris variation I've played, and there's a lot of Tetris-inspired games!

This is a 10 out of 5 in style in my good, crazy good looking!

I can't say gameplay was as interesting, it's short so there's no time to get bored but it lacks ideas and mechanics I think, it's more of an experience you want to see until the end than a game you want to play

Oh no, I can't find a game, did you guys removed it?

Yes, it broke into multiple part and then lost my parts one by one even if I got new ones

Okay it was definitely a bit of fun, it reminds me of Pink River from GMTK 2020 in concept, but gameplay is new ^^ Artstyle is such a pleasure too. I started randomly dying on level 5 and couldn't figure why though

Gravity is too brutal, we hardly have time to react of can balance on the egg

Hi, your game is a platformer, you should focus on improving the movement feels, adding things like coyote time, buffer jump, improving the hitbox, improving the gravity (character feels floaty). But it's a cute idea in general ;)

Not as powerful as you 8)

Okay so this game keep on surprising, I'd suggest anyone reading this to not quit too early!

Great ideas, thanks!

This is what I call originality! I felt a tiny bit lost at first but I think it's a good thing to not explain to much on gameplay, discovering how things work by yourself is a very good feeling, congrats!

That was a fun concept actually, thanks for also putting giraffes in the game ^^

Supercute game, I love giraffes! Thank you :D

(2 edits)

If you have questions don't hesitate to ask me! It's something I've written very quickly and I assume people have basic Godot knowledge already

Here's a rough description on how to do this ^^


It's a fun platformer  with great visuals!

It's all an illusion using Godot viewports! Might do a devlog this week on how to do that ^^

I can't individually respond to everybody but I love you all for enjoying and playing my game 😭