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Quentin Delvallet

A member registered Jul 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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Neat username! Thanks for playing :)

That was vey interesting, thank you!

Thank you!!

Thanks a lot for playing :D

You must move the camera to find a red person hidden on screen, be sure to scan all your screen! Then the person must be somewhat centered into the camera for it to work. Hope it helps ;)

That's incredible, thank you!

Hi! Sorry, fullscreen is not possible as it is

I got stuck on a ladder (trying to attack) and had to start again :(

Well, it's cool! Perfect mood from start to end, it nearly feels like a finished game already, I'd say it lacks a few VFX on some scenes or actions but that maybe just me. Musics are so good they felt like it came from a Zelda game. I felt the gameplay was a bit too simplistic on the tuto boss but thinking on it on the next bosses, it's great the way it is, very neat action, like a Megaman game. The clostrophobic feeling of those small rooms on a black screen really adds to the game too.

Cool cool game!

Let's get the obviouses out of the way, game feels a bit unfinished, it's gorgeous and bosses are underwhelming.

Outside of that I think a few tweaks would make gameplay much more enjoyable, faster cast time for spells, faster movements, more juice in general (bosses getting hurt visually, screenshake, more sound effects etc.)

But I liked the spells, the boulder one is fun to throw, the fire one is great to use, I really think it's not that far from being really good

Apparently Godot games do that for multiple users, I'll investigate.

The sense of scale is insane, you can't even see how big the worm is in one glance. It's also very beautiful, the effects are incredible too, you are here for an epic fight

That being say, I see two problems, the plane is not slow but it lacks a some flexibility, it's a bit too "realistic" in movements to adapt when the big big bosses are extremely close, and that's a problem because of my other point, visibility is not that great, I had problems identifying the sky, the ground and the boss texture when very close, there's also no indication if I'm looking up or down.

But very fun nonetheless! I had a great time :D


The game is really nice but the "exchanging cards" part feels a bit uninteresting

The racoon-shop was funny!

But you need to improve on polishing the game! The quick attach should start right away, the animation before is too long and makes the game feel unresponsive, we should have a way to tell when the shield is recharged, background pixels being bigger than the characters' pixels is a bit weird.

The boss designs are simple but okay, they are a bit repetitive, bosses could benefit from having one more move each maybe? Like the deer jumping sometimes so it avoids your shield, things like that.

(1 edit)

It was a fun one! While beating the first two boss I was really wondering if throwing sword was worth it but you made it to good use against the knight! To give some feedback, the game could really gain from some juice in battles.

Also, add a fullscreen!

Overall a solid game with some cool boss design, I really liked the hydra! The sprites are also quite good. One downside I see to the game is the character controls, not bad but the dude is really floaty and it really removes to the action!

Yes, I had a lot of feedback and will change multiple things during next week, thanks for playing!


That's a very fun game with lots of details, I really had a good time on this! Arguably, aren't "survival" and "starvation" often the same thing in games?

It's fun but the platforming could be improved, with a less floaty "gravity" and pore precise hitboxes. Also, the game is nearly playable with only the "E" letter.

Oh! It's simple but indeed the game would gain from having a sound for apple spawning, thanks I hadn't thought of that xD

Edmo now has many friends 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸

Many engines ship games as a single .exe, it is not suspicious at all. Also, Itch.io has internal tools to get rid of viruses. It is very safe to download and play.

I felt a bit confused at first but this is definitely a great idea! I could is it work really well with more polish and gamefeel :D

Don't put a key on escape though, it made it quit fullscreen mode each time!

It is definitely very cute !

Well done ^^

It would be nice to have the bullet be half-transparent !

Hey thanks! Some of my friends actually finished the game is less than 15s but I don't have their proof ^^

This really reminded me of Viscera Cleanup Detail

I did it in 159 seconds, it's a bit hard actually!

38, I am not sure it's that good ^^

Somehow the music just hit my Pokémon nostalgia ^^

At first I was like "ugh, the classic you are the monster theme", but I have to say you fully dedicated to the idea (The second phase, the reversed "defeat" or "win" messages...) and I liked it!

Thanks! I am just so proud of the car hitting sound and violence 

Surprisingly, negative bpm is the best way to survive

How is this game both wholesome and terrifying?