Wow, really great game, I'm a bit surprised, I was expecting some comedy with memes but it was a really good game, really innovative.
It's a shame when you think it's just looks like a shitposting game by its cover and you come across something so interesting, try to take care of the cover, the other people needs to test this game!
Of course, there's things to say about the game design.
You should warn when the room is cleared or you can do like mario (when you collect the object you go back to the main world / lobby with a little feedback).
Like i was expecting a comedy, i didn't understand the adventurous part of the game.
The design of chud mixed with the color of the screen reveal seems weird, it's something super smooth vs shitpost hand drawing, if it was indeed intentional, try to put some funny stuff inside or not expected, surprise us!
They are interesting mechanics that could have been more exploited (the limited number of reveal, ).
You made a great story! (I was a bit distracted at the beginning but i replayed it just to listen)
Let's talk about the part of the revealing, it's so cool! It reminds me some game with the mechanics of blind people where you need to make sound to reveal the area, but at the same the monster detect you if you make noise (I don't remember the game, it was some years ago i saw it).
There's voice acting, that's sick! The voice is totally convicing and the actor put effort, we can see it!
This game reminds me a bit of Outer wild in some way, you enter the first room, boom, you discover you can dash and after you go back to the main world / lobby, you see you can take the first object that we saw on the tower and even continue to the left, super great mechanic!
So overall, I had fun! Congratz and keep the good work!