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A member registered Jul 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Omg I had to stop bc I have little time and a lot of games to rate but man, this is intense!

The simplicity and straightforwardness of the game kept me in for a good time. Congrats on building the engine in such a short time!

Interesting game! A bit complicated to understand at the beginning, but really rewarding when the input is clear. Congrats!

¡Muchas gracias!

¡Buenas! ¡Muchas gracias por el comentario!

Ya está disponible la nueva versión con el error solucionado.

Simplemente magnífico! Muy sencillo de entender, pero con muchas iteraciones mecánicas que le dan una profundidad a los puzzles impresionante. Además, muy bonito el apartado artístico y sonoro. Chapó!

Brutal! Muy fluido y agradecido de jugar! El arte muuy bonito, especialmente la UI! La música le queda genial y me parece increíble que además del core de juego de cartas, tengáis una capa de combos, sinergias y counters. Felicidades!

Me parece un juego de jam MUY bueno! Un diseño muy robusto y fluido. Además, con bastante contenido y niveles que hacen pensar. Creía que el juego era solo el core que se ve en el primer nivel, pero me quedé flipando al ver que te las has apañado para meter stats y "selección de niveles"...


(1 edit)

Me ha sorprendido la idea. Creo que podría ser una base muy robusta e interesante para desarrollar un juego más complejo!

Super fluido y estéticamente muy atractivo, el sonido le queda perfecto! Felicidades!

Thanks for your kind words! We used Unity.

Wow! Thank you very much for your extended and thoughtful review, Aru!!! This has been our first BulletHellJam, and we were kind of exploring the genre.

We looked at our strengths as a team (2 great artists and 1 programmer) and decided to balance the experience on the art side.

For the next edition, with all this quality feedback we've been receiving, I'll ensure to do something a bit more interesting on the gameplay side!

Thanks again!

Looking forward to see ShaSheeSha 4. Soys unos grandes!

Nice game! It would be really cool to have local co-op. Each player with one of the already created characters! Good job!

Love the aesthetics! The big enemies are quite cool!

Really cool! Love the non-orthographic camera here! And the health orb consumption chain reaction is really cool! Great game!

This is a very professional piece of art! Super responsive and with really good amount of content. Congrats on achieving such a polished game!

Old school hard game! Love the simplicity of it and the gameplay result of the variety of bullet patters.

Great and polished experience. Love the fact that you added a boss fight!

Super cool idea! I have the feeling that some letters were not being counted, though (+ I'm really bad). The tutorial is quite easy to understand and illustrative!

(1 edit)

Nice game! Love the jump effect. 
At the beginning didn't notice that the revolver was automatic and tried shooting by clicking each time, but because of the shoot cadence it didn't shoot every time I clicked, causing a weird feeling.
Congrats on the overall experience!

Love the meta-comunication used for the narrative! Really interesting and fun game.

Great game! Really easy to understand and super intuitive controls!
To give some feedback, it's not clear where player the horizontal limits are. This caused me to get hit a couple of times as I expected to dodge to the right but the spaceship didn't move (I was on the limit). Also the enemy ships can pass the limits so there are some times when you can't reach them.


Grate game. You achieved really cool and aesthetic  bullet patterns!

Incredible! Like playing the good old arcade games. Super polished!

Great game! Really enjoyed the core mehanics and the variety of enemies!
Sadly for some reason the texts didn't render well for on me when playing on WebGL.
Looking formard to see more of this project!
Really sad ending btw :(

Interesting Idea! The tutorial might be a bit too long but can't think of a better way to show the outstanding amount of mechanics you implemented. Great job!

Heya fellas! 

Here you a new game jam project for the #bullethelljam 2024. It may not be a 100% Bullet Hell but hell it features a lot of bullets.
Hope you have fun beating The DON!

Muchas gracias Endorth! Habrá que trabajar en esa puntuación si quieres batir el récord de 34k de un loco del equipo jajaja pero muchas gracias por jugar!

Chulísimo! Muy pulido y cerradito todo!

Ostras Luiserchote ... No sabes lo que me alegra leer estas palabras. Estoy super agradecido y de verdad te digo que me emociono al ver que has disfrutado de la experiencia completa y te ha gustado. 

Efectivamente Crypt of the Necrodancer era una de mis referencias principales!

No podía faltar el agradecimiento a mi gato, ha hecho un gran trabajo manteniendo mi cordura durante esta semanita de trabajo intenso! :D

¡Mil gracias!

Muchas gracias Miquel! 

Muchas gracias por tus comentarios!  Me ha hecho mucha ilusión ver tus reacciones en la review grabada! Se agradece un montón!

Muchas gracias JL-Romero! Ciertamente el punto de entrada es un poco complicado. Estoy trabajando en ello!

Gracias Fancy_skaven! Espero que lo hayas disfrutado!

Muchas gracias Aviss! 

Es cierto que a veces me dejo llevar por la fiebre de los VFX. Lo tendré en cuenta para futuras revisiones del proyecto. :D

Que ilusión! Me alegro de que hayas pasado un buen rato! Muchas gracias!

Muchas gracias Itziar! 

Thx for your comments!

I'll for sure rework the tutorial presentation in future updates. 

I encourage you to play a bit more and check the other rooms: 

At Room 2 the player moves using any NUMBER key.

At Room 3 the player moves using any LETTER key.

I'm planning on implementing new random lists of keys to be pressed for new rooms.