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Rafael Carlos Lopes

A member registered Aug 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! Maybe later I can try to implement both keyboard and mouse attack, letting the player choose. And I already played and left a comment on your game :)

Great game, liked very much the art and atmosphere, sometimes the game ate my input and I didn't jump, especially on slopes. Other than that it felt really good to play, good work!

Even though it has two levels, I had a blast playing them over and over trying to get a perfect score, it was great! With a little more polish it could be a great game to training your typing. Voice and sounds were great too. You even added everyone's favorite band, The Bootles! Good job!

Wow, great job on finding the secret! So... it was supposed to show a different screen, nothing much, just different text about you finding the real treasure and being the master of the die-geon, but somehow I screwed that, tested it before but the build version I uploaded doesn't show it. As I said on other comment it's not a very good idea to start working on credits and such like two hours to end the submissions, but you know, a jam is a jam. Really appreciate the comment :)

So... you can move with WASD, did you have some problem doing it? I used the axis of Unity, so you were supposed to be able to make either with arrow keys or WASD.

Thanks! What part of the controls were awkward? The movement? Attack? Both? Other?

Man, I just LOVE this kind of art style. Gameplay, sounds, everything looked so good. I tried to hit the boss in his death animation and that log that opens with the game gave me an error, maybe you can still hit him after he is dead? Probably something like that. Would definitely look for a full release of that game. Good job!

Thanks man! I appreciate it. My inicial plan was putting a menu screen with the instructions, back to menu and both screen options, windowed and full, thats not very hard on Unity, but you know, in jams we usually don't finish everything we plan. Either way I'm very proud with what I got, thanks again! 

Very fun game! Got some problems with dialog, names and images got messed a little, but i really liked it, good job!

That was a very fun game! I don't know if it is intended, but there was a place in the last day where i found A LOT of rocks together and got 55 gems in one day, my alien got super OP, with 7 hearts and very high power, I kinda got sad by the other alien hahaha. Good job!

Yeah, is just something with the one tile collision, resolve that and maybe the jump and the game is perfect.

Thanks! I wasn't so sure about one or more hits, so I tried to make it "easy" with slow enemies and never having a game over, strongly inspired by the game Minit. Certainly will put some health if I decide to continue the project.

I think if it was a full release or something out of the jam it was good, for game jams you might want to create something that passes your idea, but not too hard. With so many games people probably won't finish the game. I didn't have time yesterday but today will try to finish it.

Oh, I get it

Cute and fun game. Would make that plataform a little more visible. Other than that is looking good.

Loved the concept of each artifact having a diferent effect. Did not like very much the one that takes your health hahaha.

Really fun game. It looks perfect for 2 players.

Man, that was really really fun to play. The plataforms at the end were slippery and felt injust, but was a ton of fun to play anyways.

Good game and smart concept. The eye stopped fllowing me after the fisrt hit, other than that, no problems whatsoever.

Fun litlle game. I think the sound of the rocket was too loud in comparison with music, but good job!

The art is on point. The gameplay is very fun, although really hard in some levels, but man it looks great!

Thanks. To be honest me too, it looks sllippery. I thought I changed that, but it was too late when I saw it. And really it was just 10 seconds to change a single line of code. Welp, gonna spend more time with playtesting next time.

A cute fun little game. Maybe you can show the others score and make like a scoreboard for them, instead of just telling your score at the end. But really liked it.

Simple, but very fun! The only problem for me is that the movement looks a little slippery. But very good indeed.

I liked the ideia. Tecnical issues aside, is a fun game. And I see what you did with the double jump price

Thats a really fun (and hard) game. I had a great time playing!

A little fun game, really liked it! The only problem is the sliding. Saw you saying you use getaxis, but that doesnt go from 0 to 1 imediately. It rises and decreases a little, thats what problably is causing the sliding, if you use GetAxisRaw, that jumps form 0 to 1 or from 0 to -1 instantly, that should fix the problem.

Thanks! I apreciate it. I think the same of the opening text, and that aplies for credits, but let that be a lesson, dont start working on menu and credits 2 hour before the submit time ends hahaha. About the spawn point, it was supposed to be an general spawn, to make easy entering any level from, but spawning from the entrance of the room is not a bad ideia either.

That is a really good game, only problem for is that there were some parts where it looks like you have to get hit to proceed. Other than that it was really fun!