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A member registered Feb 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Love the Trippy visuals 
Dodgin was fun too
I felt the shooting to be a bit bland tho, just holding down F wasnt really engaging perhaps trying adding a limitation of some sort?

Cool minimalist art and interesting idea
The enemies stop spawning after wave 3 tho  

(1 edit)

Hi guys, Here is our entry, we'd appreciate it if you could try our game!
We'll be going through and rating the entries here too .

Space Traffic Control. Its about managing the Chaos of space traffic. Enjoy !


No worries , glad u liked it!

(1 edit)

Cool game! Love the escalating chaos!
Btw spamming R gives me buffs, was it intentional or a cheat code perhaps

Also ,my previous runs' buffs persist on restarting.

We recommend downloading the Windows version

Thank you for playing and taking the time to comment!
We are glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you for taking the time to play!

It looks like I'll have to reconfigure the canvas to accommodate all screen sizes. Thanks for letting me know!

(1 edit)

Great art as usual! Love the music choice!

The interactivity was a definitely a great addition. The math puzzle took me embarrassingly long to solve  (I didn't notice the window above the closet T-T)

The vague delivery was perfect, making the player project their own feelings onto the character thus pulling in player participation.

If I had to suggest something it would be to flesh the world out a little bit. Things seem a bit too vague to keep the player grounded in the scenario. Just small things like maybe you find a book on some history about this world or perhaps an article about how witches in this world are perceived by the common people. Of course I realize that the world is not meant to be the focus here but one can always make the world out to be a reflection of the main character's perception. Small things like that can immerse the player more imo.

The 3D transition was a pleasant surprise.

There were some rendering issues from time to time (just a lil distracting not a big deal)

Overall, a great second VN.  Cheers!

(3 edits)

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it!

The corpse shield was intentional ; )

Thank you for taking the time to play Traveler's Gloom!

The vagueness was a bit intentional at some parts because I wanted the player to focus on Sophie's circumstances rather than the world around them or the elusive plague (that I kept name dropping).

Glad to see you liked the two scenes! I spent a lotta time on it because if nothing else I wanted at least these scenes to resonate with the player.

Originally I had planned for more shops and even a second floor but unfortunately time was not being cooperative with me so I had to cut those out. 

Sad to hear that the game crashed. I will have to learn more about optimization for future projects. Thanks for pointing that out.

(2 edits)

Thank you so so much for the feedback. I really appreciate it. 
The art was a bit of a tragedy yeah... was never the quickest at it. As the deadline creeped closer I had to rush things up a bit and import unpolished assets (The lighting was a desperate attempt at masking the original look, it looked pretty flat) . But I am glad that you liked the the pixel stills though. I spent quiet a bit of time on those , glad to see it was worth it!

Thank you for seeing the game to completion despite its numerous bugs! It means a lot to me.

Had a great time playing this one. 

The gameplay is super satisfying and very responsive. I can totally see a full length side scroller action game that can be made from this core gameplay. Would love to see that.

The only complaint I have is that the game is too short! !NEED MORE !!

Guess Geoff had an ulterior motive after all... He was after the books!!XD

This was a rather novel take on the theme

Really loved the negative effect when entering a shadowy region.

The platforming was a tad bit frustrating at times because the character would keep sliding but it wasn't really that big a deal.

The cliffhanger ending was such a perfect touch it really made the game stand out.

Overall an impactful and memorable game

Great Concept, Story and Backgrounds! 

You mentioned that you forgot all about the deadline but if I didn't know that beforehand I really wouldn't be able to tell the difference because the ending was wrapped up pretty perfectly.

The only criticism I can point is that the dialogue was a bit redundant at points and the grammar was iffy in some places but that's about it.

Looking forward to whatever you come up with in the future!