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Randy Larson

A member registered Jul 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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I wanted to let you know that we’ve refreshed the Mac version today. You should have better luck with this one. Thanks for hanging in there.

Thanks for the info. I take it that you don’t see these odd colors with other programs you run on your computer? Are you on Windows or a Mac? What is the make/model of your monitor? I’d love to dig into your problem more. I don’t believe you’ve joined our Discord server. This may be easier to diagnose and chat about there (no pressure), if you are comfortable with that. There’s a link on the tile page of the game.

Yikes, this is definitely not what we were intending. To help look into this, can you tell a few things, please:

  1. Have you ever played when the color scheme was not like this?
  2. When did you first play the game?
(1 edit)

Hello! I am sorry that I’ve been quite for a couple weeks. I wanted to tell you that a new build has been uploaded. It includes an update that should fix your mouse problem. We’ve had a couple people (who also had your same problem) tell us that it has fixed the bug for them. If you are still interested, I would very much like to know if this fixes your issue. I hope you are well. Thank you.

Thanks so much for trying that out for us. I was very hopeful that running without the table would have worked for you. We will be posting an update soon with some changes that may help. Thanks again for sticking with us and helping out. Your English is amazing, by the way.

Petri - hello - it has been a few days and even though we don’t have an exact fix, we feel that it has something to with multiple input devices. We were able to reproduce the clicking problem on a machine with a tablet. We remembered that you also had a tablet attached. Unplugging the table from our machine resolved our immediate issue - running the game after this was fine. We plugged that tablet back in and the game continued to work. This is not a long-term solution, for sure, but I am curious of this would work on your machine as well. Thanks!

You have all the good feedback. We are working on an update for next week (hopefully). I have a couple tweaks in that build that may be of help to you. If you are willing, I’d love to hear your feedback on that update. Thanks again.

Thanks for that. One more question for you - when you are in your apartment and you’ve placed your first gift plant, can you click on the pot to get the detail about the plant? You do this as part of the tutorial, so I’m guessing that yes is the answer here.

Interesting - it sounds like everything seemed fine when you went through the tutorial, meaning you were able to do all the steps and complete it without a problem? That is a nice clue, if so.

Thanks for your continued assistance and fortitude!

Thanks for bringing it up to us. I’m a bit stumped, but a couple questions for you, if you don’t mind:

  1. Does this happen if you skip the tutorial in the plant store?
  2. Does this happen if you go directly to the art store to buy something?
  3. Does this happen if you play the game directly in the browser from the itch site?
  4. Do you happen to be using something aside from a traditional mouse, or have does anything that remaps the left and right mouse buttons?

Thanks for any info you can provide!

Thanks for coming by our game. Nothing like a jam to test out a couple ideas, eh?

The design choices with the lights are excellent. I love the look of my little dude!

Work life balance, indeed! I like your art and walking animation!

Fox in the henhouse! I guess I know where that saying comes from now. Very cute. I really like how focused the game is on its goals.

You should be happy with this (as you said), it is quite fun, challenging for sure, but I feel myself getting better with each play.

Only if I didn’t have to give that person the calculator. I suppose the good deed may find its way back to me someday :)

Very cute. Loved the music.

Loved it. Actually, loving it, as I paused it to leave you these comments. So cute, so relaxing. The dual timers are sweet, too.

Thanks. I’m glad we had time to get a global leaderboard built-out. It is fun to see it change!

Good feedback, thanks. We were trying to get more feedback in of the timer around the cat, but it didn’t make the time cut. We’re glad you enjoyed it!

Your pixel art is very eye catching and pleasing and I liked it a lot.

Submitted with 7 minutes and 30 seconds left. Did you stay up? Time seems to move faster as the deadline approaches, no? Thanks for bringing back Donkey Kong flashbacks.

I was hoping to jump to those other platforms. I need to dig deeper into 3D development. Thanks for some inspiration.

(1 edit)

No, the player is moving at a reasonable speed for me. One of the enemies did bump me to the outside of the playing field :)

I love the background - it sets a nice tone that reinforces the paper theme. As I was playing, I was imagining an iteration of this game where the enemies cut themselves from the background and peel themselves into the scene. Very cute idea.

Oh my goodness, how cute is this!? Very is the answer. The look of this game is terribly cute and there is something about simply moving thru the halls that reminds me of game from long ago.

Oh my goodness, how cute is this!? Very is the answer. The look of this game is terribly cute and there is something about simply moving thru the halls that reminds me of game from long ago.

Would you like to play a game?

How refreshing. I didn’t actually win, but what would that mean in the grand scheme of things anyhow? I did find myself wishing to discard on occasion. I’ve added this to my collection in case there are updates in the future.

almost.. almost.. 3 minutes was in sight, but alas I’ll have to try 20 more times and see what I can get to. Nice use of post-processing volume effects!

Super nice. My finger coordination is lacking, but got better with some practice. I love that you have a tutorial built into the starting level! Well done.

Ah, time goes so quick on a jam schedule (and in life, right?). You squeaked it in with a 1:34 remaining, well done!

A tower-defense not quite finished? As others have posted, if you add some description on how to play (and a new build, I think you can still do that), I’d love to swing back by.

Great idea to build something multi-player. Sadly, I have no friends close by. I’ll have to come back around when a buddy comes over.

Great idea to build something multi-player. Sadly, I have no friends close by. I’ll have to come back around when a buddy comes over.

So smooth and soothing. It is very nice to be able to sit and let my brain wander ahead into the puzzle a bit. This is a lovely experience you’ve put together.

Wow, it seems like your team didn’t get a lot of sleep :)

Wow, things get going pretty quickly :) A few game plays and I got the hang of it. I hope the jam has been good for you so far.

The phases of the game are neat and easy to grasp. I like that the controls are simple to pick up. My games are over quickly, but getting a bit longer each time!

That was a hoot. Thanks for putting the time in to bring it to us.

Hey, thanks for those nice words. I would love to continue to explore level variants as well as general balancing. I like the damage numbers as feedback, but entirely agree that they are too big. If I do this next year, no typography might have to be a goal (or me just being better at creating small resolution font usage).

If you are serious about takes on VS, I’m working with a group on a VS’esque project (entirely different code base, engine, not minimalist, etc). We will be looking for good play testers and constructive feedback. Lemme know if you are interested.

Thanks, good feedback.

On the rotation, true. There were a couple prefabs that I missed when turning off the facing property. Certainly the rotation that is present isn’t needed and doesn’t add much except for fractional pixels.