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A member registered Jul 01, 2016 · View creator page →

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that was great, very cozy


Nice work! ^^

The Hero is an original character for this game, but Barbarian is Ittle Dew yes haha.

It has almost no use, but you can meld two golden frogs (or one golden frog and one gold) to make a "Golden Symbol", an accessory that increases Survival by 1.

Yeah, that is definitely the games biggest flaw... I should explain more stuff in game but that's my least favorite part of dev... And there's so much to explain in this one lol.

There should be a little star in the top right corner on the class select screen if you beat the game with them. If there's not, then I have some bugs to hunt!

I gotta learn to make decent ok-ish music at some point...

i've added mac as a download on the itch page, since it seems to work

(2 edits)

well, i tried building a mac version:

but i can't test it and i don't know anything about macs... ^^

oh, there will be melding... this game has three times the amount of items :3

the japanese translation is probably pretty lacking as i cobbled it together myself... maybe it's at least funny :p

yeah, numpad or mouse works (or touch on a phone)

i intend to be more active with working on my games! hopefully this is just the start :)

Thank you, it's crazy that people still remember it haha ^^

(1 edit)

So I had been waiting for my first payout for a while, so I contacted support and they quickly got back and said the reason was there was a number of instances of scrambled e-mail addresses who had bought it and that had to be investigated.
Which I completely understand, I checked the list of buys and there was a whole series of seemingly randomly generated emails and names there. So I'll just wait, I'm in no hurry and it's a tiny amount of money.

BUT my question is... What is the point of this, and is there anything I can do to prevent this in the future?
Like, what do these weird purchases gain by buying my little random game? Apparently none of them had downloaded it either. So what's the scam here? o_o
And before initiating the payout, could I have done something to manually deny/refund/exclude them?

Thanks! Yeah the game is like 8 years old, but I'll keep the feedback in mind if there's ever a sequel ^^;

The characters are all from this game, but some of them make guest appearances in games by Ludosity (Card City Nights 2 and Slap City).

Thank you :3

Thank you very much! I've also thought about how to do it physically but it just seems impossible heh ^^;

if you mean the 10x10 map modes, then the reduced number is because it's meant for 3-4 players i think

this worked brilliantly, thank you :)

(1 edit)

the picture on page 11 confused me a bit, at first i thought it was trying to say you could split a move with an act in the middle. then i realized it was just illustrating two different scenarios (mv+act or mv+mv). maybe throw in an "or" or a "/" in the pic.

very cool game, looking forward to trying it out! hoping for some kind of physical print option in the future.

XESS community · Posted in So cool

Glad to hear that, thank you :)

Thank you ^^

And yes it is a pun lol

(1 edit)

Thank you ^^

I just tried a bit, and won when I started by moving a Flamiliar into the center empty space between the teams. It will be killed right away, but with one or two more reckless sacrificial moves, Jupiter can get out of harms way.

In my testing the AI could never resist the temptation to kill the Flamiliar, but if it didn't and kept with that strategy I think the Flamiliar can just take the Assault Ship and then the base? Maybe

Sorry, there's no plans to put it back there :/

I only got it there by help of the company I work at, and I doubt they'd put resources into reinstating it. On my own I don't have the ability to do iPhone stuff.

I notice Firefox complaining about mixing http and https when trying to use the link here from itch. But if i copy paste the link into a new tab it seems to work fine. Not sure what that is about

(2 edits)

Alright, you can give this a try then

But if that doesn't work, there's not much else I can do heh

Thanks ^^
Always heartwarming to see an old game still being enjoyed

I tried looking into exporting for Mac with Godot in case it was just a matter of pressing a button, but unfortunately it seemed quite complicated. Especially since I don't know anything about Macs. There was a bunch of stuff about signing and notarizing the app and needing a Mac and Xcode and stuff for that... Sorry ^^;

As I am strictly a Linux user, I'm not super sure of where Godot (the game engine) saves user data for Windows.
Here's from their documentation:

Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\[project_name]
macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/app_userdata/[project_name]
Linux: ~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/[project_name]

I have no idea what "%APPDATA%" means though... But maybe you can search for the folder "app_userdata" and find it. I should probably update the patch notes with this info.

As for the window positioning and size, I have no idea. Looked a bit at the code but don't think I do anything special with the window.
My one idea is that maybe the default size of the window (1536 x 864) is bigger than your screen resolution (if for example you use 720p), and that makes it flip out?

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I couldn't remember so I had a look at the code.

It can't summon any kings, and no "glass" units from the puzzle mode. And no "misc" units which is mostly blocks and stuff.

It also additionally can't summon:
Kristian Maria's summoning circles, Soft Swarm's egg, gogo stone, sacrifice, Bonus Man's cornucopia or something called "Terran Warp" (I forgot what that is)

These are the same things that the opponent cannot summon in Endless.

So the spell can summon the unique Endless units. Some of those are pretty good/weird.

The result of summon anything uses a seed of "Your Blood Before Casting + (Opponent Blood * 100)".
So basically every combination of your blood and opponent blood is a different set result. Documenting a few of the common ones at low blood might be useful!

Thanks for playing ^^

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for some reason the file didn't want to start by double clicking for me either (also Mint), but I opened a terminal in the folder and wrote ./ to start it that way and it worked :)

Edit: I now read you already tried the command line, so maybe this was a different situation (or you forgot the ./ for executing it)

Thank you ^^

Until someone finds something overpowered, I'm just going to pretend it's balanced :p

ps1 homebrew is very very rare, you should pretty much always expect that a game is just "ps1 style", and be happily surprised if it is an actual ps1 game.

i'm going to guess by design, since the PS1 didn't have analog sticks until the later introduction of the dual shock, and even then they weren't used much.

cool :D
i like the graphical style going on here

oh, thank you ^^;

also, what about your own concept?

I'm making a Zelda 1 type game that takes place in a 64x48 room world (Zelda 1 is 16x8).

Starting to get the basic systems down, here are some test rooms:

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Some stuff was fixed!

I'm assuming the Summon Anything bug was related to the "opponents spell costs are wrong" bug that was fixed, which could cause a desync in what the game though each players blood amount was (as players would use spells, but the cost would differ).
But if it keeps happening, do report it.

XESS community · Created a new topic Changelog
(4 edits)

Remember: Players with different versions cannot see each other online at all.

--- Changes v14 ---

Added Spectate option to Online. Spectator needs to "Spectate" a host before a second player joins. Tell me if it's broken.

Fixed bug where if you held a unit when time up, it looked like it had moved but next turn it would snap back to it's real position.

AI more aggressively attacks the center, especially if opponent capture rate is high.

If you open your settings.txt(after starting v14) you can change "free_anna" to "ban_anna" and she'll wear a top (normally only happens on Android)

Android version up on Google Play

Swapped location of Levels and Story menu choices

--- Changes v13 ---

Fixed bug where Reset spell deleted upgraded units.

Fixed bug where the wrong spell would increase in cost for opponent online.

Nerfed United Earth by removing two Artillery pieces.

Fixed bugs with mirror match units looks when upgrading a unit multiple times.

Changed both of Tokinkos spells to be both better and fit more with the Shogi theme.

Changed Mazarin Level 4.

Changed Tokinko Level 2.

Fixed bug where certain spells couldn't be used in Levels mode.

Fixed bug where some summoned units didn't upgrade (they shouldn't upgrade same turn they're summoned, but they never did at all).

Character Select can now be exited with a button next to OK, or by pressing Escape or Backspace.

Unit ability "Blood Lust" receives 5 blood instead of 3 (ability found on KM knives)

Unit Blood Reaper has 2 HP now.

Instead of having her start with blood, you can just make the first use free. Initial cost and how much it increases in cost with each use are separate variables.

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Puzzles: I actually renamed the puzzles to "levels" because I realized doing tight puzzles for everyone was too hard... So sometimes it's more of a "situation", potentially really easy to solve. But I'll take a look at the ones you mentioned, if a puzzle is intended but easily sidestepped that's boring of course.

Tokinko: Yes, the problem is of course that she has to be "Shogi". But we can do whatever we want with the spells, to try and fix her. Right now they're just kinda weak attempts to imitate a drop rule. The suggestion to revive dead units is a good one. But in Shogi, you actually drop the pieces you capture from your opponent so what puroseki says, it could be a spell that revives the last captured unit as yours. And then the second spell... Some suggestions:
1) "shield" - give a unit +1 hp
2) "dash attack" - make any unit move 4 steps forward, attacking if it lands on an enemy
3) "promote" - activate a units "upgrade" without fulfilling the actual upgrade requirements

I think the third one, promote, could be pretty fun. Especially in combination with being able to revive opponent pieces, that you could then upgrade.

The desyncs from Summon Anything might be related to what puroseki said about the blood values not updating correctly for the opponent. Since the spell relies on both players values to decide the result.

As for the puzzles...

You're right, I guess I didn't consider Mazarin has extra HP... I'll see if I can fix it.

But Metonym 4 is doable without the spell! There's one unit that has exactly one way of reaching the king...

Thanks for the feedback!

Music: This is the part of game making I can't really do well myself... Maybe someone else at Ludosity can do it for me, but they're all pretty busy at the moment.

Tutorial: I feel that as long as you can learn a game by playing for a while, a few matches, then no tutorial is really needed (there's a joy in learning after all)... That said, some pointers might be good like "these are your spells" or things like that. Perhaps the first story battle should be untimed and have hints. Unfortunate that Ancient King isn't the first match in story.

Escape Key: Literally pressing escape or backspace could be a good option to add... You see, the reason there's no back arrow on character select is that it visually doesn't fit anywhere without ruining the screen visually... lol

Puzzle Editor: Actually might not be that hard to do, I could see it happening in the future.

Metonym: A lot of characters are mostly made on a whim, hoping to balance them after they've seen some play... So she could totally be bad right now!
Maybe she could benefit from Gogo Stones (puts more blood on the board) or Sacrifice (to pull units back without blood cost)?

Spectre: True, I hadn't really thought that one through... If Spectre turns out to be bad, that would be a good target for a buff then.

Kristian Maria: Panties on top of tights is the new thing, you heard it here first!

I've had this puzzle crash reported from someone else as well, it's very puzzling.

I'll look into the near-timeout desync, I have a decent idea of the problem there.

As for the wait there, the thing is this online (my first!) is built sort of on top of the "play by message/e-mail" system where you send codes back and forth. It's too annoying to fix, but I've learned my lesson for future games.

And it's pronounced Excess! Because there's just too much of it ^^