Rated your game it was a lot of fun check out my game too if you get the chance
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Hey I will check it out here is my game too!
Here is my game I will rate yours too!
Here's mine I will check out yours too!
Really cool game it was super fun to play
Hi Rated your game it was a lot of fun mine is below
Felt buggy and a bit awkward since shooting would cause a camera jump. That being said the visual with the spinning Stonehenge was awesome and I actually ended up playing it over a couple time just because it was a fun experience to shatter the rocks and watch them spin in the vortex around the boss. Very fun feels like it would be a cool boss fight in a full game.
Really cool game I love the creepy vibe and the spin cranks reminded me a little of inside. I also liked the background spin theme with the portals and the vortex at the end of the walkway. I feel like it could have used a couple more pointers to the cranks. the first crank was nice and obvious without feeling out of place but the remaining cranks blended into the background kinda easily and looked similar to the pipe ends without cranks. Overall fun game!