Absolutely brilliant, that's my analysis.
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Revolving Chambers's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
Spinning wheel to reload. Casino theme with spinning slots.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
The audio assets were made by us. Majority of the art was from asset packs, with some assets custom made by us.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
I relaly like the graphics in this, the movement feels nice and overal mechanics work great, i would advice you add some more visual effect when shooting so that we notice better the type of bullets shot, but its good as is really, I rate graphics, fun, control and fun the most, but all is great really, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
Pretty cool shooter game on a poker table setting, i like it! I was able to kill the bosses, the second one was the best after getting bored of shooting colored ace cards lol. Sweet art too. Congrats on submission. Feel free to try our game.
an overall good game. I liked it. If you want, you can rate my game back!
Really fun game! I enjoyed each boss fight's themes and attacks, though they were each really fun!
(PS: If you're willing to I'd love it if you can rate and leave some feedback on my game! This is my first ever jam and I'd love to see where I can improve for the future!)
Wow I found this a game thatt remembers me the play station 1 era haha.
I liked the boss patterns of attacks using the casino elements.
Nice game!
I like this game a lot, although it only advances to the second boss,
interesting the use of a small player at the table
Had a lot of fun with this game! The bosses each had unique mechanics and attacks which made them very distinct from each other while being fun to fight. It also helps that the bosses are fair and balanced while still being challenging. The spinning wheel for the ammo type and chance for revival is a great way of tying the game into the theme while providing a very unique and intense gameplay experience as the wheel is timing based rather than luck based. The controls are intuitive and easy to grasp. Finally, the music is a bop, with it being unique for each boss.
Overall, very solid game!!
Casino game! Very entertaining .
Please rate my duck boss fighting game.
Cool to see another casino shooter - I think our games definitely share a fair bit of DNA. Great stuff! I really enjoyed the music, and even if most of the art was from asset packs, it was really well implemented. I loved the opening animation and 'insert life savings' button, gave me a good chuckle and was immersive too.
Combat felt really solid in general. I liked the active reload mechanic, though I think maybe having the target at the top of the circle would make it easier to interact with while staying focused on the game... though as I'm typing I've just spotted the green line on the roulette wheel in one of your screenshots and am wondering if I just don't spend enough time in casinos...
One thing I'll note is that I didn't feel like there was quite enough feedback on the plusses and minuses of the different reloads - I could see they were visually different, but it was hard to say (amongst the bullet hell) what made them different enough to be super incentivised to interact with the reloading game - I found often I was performing better when just spamming shoot/reload and accepting whatever I got, rather than waiting for that sweet green reload.
All up, nice and polished, great focused effort. Well done!
It's pretty fun how engrained the gambling imagery is to every boss in this game, I do wish there was a Russian Roulette type element to the gunplay where one of the gun's options damages the player or what have you, I think that would've really made the gunplay very congruent with the rest of the casino setting. Some bosses also didn't have much to do with the setting in terms of their attacks, like the dice that just shoot random projectiles. I think it would've been cool to have them do things only a dice can do to sell the setting more and more, and to really make the most of the theme. I still enjoyed my time with this though, I enjoyed seeing all the takes on gambling games and components within the context of a 3rd person shooter boss rush!
The game is really fun, I especially liked the second boss - the revolving stage was paced just right without feeling like it takes control away from the player, but also still being an environmental factor. The last boss's card trick was nice as well (although it was slightly painful to have to stop watching my character to accurately pick the next round of bullets, which was how I took damage the most). Being a little guy on a casino table for the boss select is excellent flavor and that was a big highlight for me. Well executed and well done.
The game is really fun to play! There are great feedbacks, the environment is consistent, and the music enhances everything. I love the shader chosen (I assume) for the outlines! The difficulty is well-balanced, it pushes the player (at least for me) to play the game in more detail.
Congratulations on the submission, I love it!
Awesome game reminded me of twisted fate mixed with cuphead. Really fun to play and I love the use of the reload theme with spinning. Really hope you guys continue it past the jam.
Great game idea, love the aesthetic. The boss fights are also good. I wish there was a bit more contrast of lighting with the enemies and the environment since the enemies are not humanoid it would help. It's hard to keep track of the second boss, a bit too chaotic for me.
The bullets being a little too small makes it hard to do consistent dmg.
Overall polishing aside, the game is awesome and fits the theme very well.
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