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A member registered Dec 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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This was a very fun and satisfying game! The art was really nice to look at it and it was insanely satisfying watching the points add up. I noticed a slight problem with the selector, where it would show an arrow despite not having one selected yet, but it was far from game-breaking and just led to a tiny bit of confusion. I found that it was a little too easy to spam crops everywhere, so I think making the crops COST a certain amount of points could make the gameplay a little more interesting. It might also be good to force the player to wait for the points to finish adding up before letting them continue. I also think it would be great if there was a preview of where the plant would go when you dropped it, along with maybe showing the effect it will have on the placed tiles. I get that having to figure it out in your head is a big part of the fun, but I honestly think it could be even MORE fun if you knew ahead of time how many points you could get, allowing you to super-optimize your score. Maybe it could be a separate game mode or something. None of these changes are remotely required, though. The game is already really good in its current state. Great job!

This seems like a very fun idea. I can tell that a lot of effort was put into the spell system. Unfortunately, the particles just don't seem to be showing up AT ALL for me, no matter what i do. I don't know if it's just me, but I tried on several different browsers but the particles are never visible. Without having particles the game is sadly not very playable. I would really love to play this with the particles working though, as it is a really really good concept.

This game is INCREDIBLE! All of the art is absolutely amazing, the idea is SUPER creative, and the gameplay was extremely enjoyable. This has some serious potential to be a really successful full game if it were to get some more mechanics and a more fleshed out story. Even in its current state, it is absolutely amazing. Fives across the board. Outstanding job!

This game was really really fun! It was a little bit slow and janky at times, but that didn't take away from my enjoyment of the game. I really enjoyed figuring out the best techniques for throwing the ladder around. I really loved the way the music changed when you got to the end. I was also so pleasantly surprised to see that there were multiple levels! It would be cool to see this idea expanded upon, maybe adding layers to the music the longer your ladder is. I also think it would be fun if the ladder itself could damage enemies, but maybe that would make it too easy. Great job overall!

This was a lot of fun to play, even in singleplayer, and I think it would be INCREDIBLY fun with two people. It felt like just the right level of hectic. I really liked how different food took up different amounts of the skewer. The art was also incredibly polished for a game jam game, and was an absolute joy to look at. Great job!

I enjoyed playing this! I liked the character designs, and the concept was cute. It was really fun trying to figure out what shape of house each animal would prefer! It would be really cool if the animals would comment on specific things they liked about the building, rather than just saying how generally satisfied they were. Adding a limited amount of money/resources that you have available would also add a lot of substance. My biggest problem was that it did take me a while to figure out how the building system worked. I think having the ones you can't place yet be greyed out would help. Great job overall!

I love this! It is a really good concept and it was really really fun to play. Great job!

This is a fun game! It was really entertaining to go around killing everything. Good job!

I really liked this game! It was a little confusing at first but it was really fun once I figured out how the mechanics worked. Having a time limit per order rather than an overall time limit made things feel a lot more bearable and it never felt remotely unfair. Great job!

This game was really fun! I really liked the concept. I did find that you can get stuck in between the spikes, but that is far from a huge deal. Great job!

I love the aesthetics of this game! The gameplay was a bit frustrating, but the art direction was absolutely amazing. Great job!

The art and music for this were INCREDIBLE! The game was a bit too hard for me though lol. I think adding healthbars for the player and enemy would help a lot. I cannot stress enough how good the animation is, though. Great job!

This game was pretty fun! I was a bit frustrated when I reached the end and found out I missed the keys, but it was still fun to play through. Good job overall!

This game is fun! It feels very satisfying to play. Great job!

This is fun! I do think the camera could use a little work, and a minimap or some kind of direction showing you which way to go would be great, but it seems like it would be really fun to speedrun. Good job overall!

This is an interesting concept! I was a little confused with how to progress, but I do still really like the idea. I definitely think adding a keybind to restart would be a good idea. Good job overall!

This game has a lot of potential! It was admittedly very very frustrating to play, and I was not able to get very far, but I think with some more work this could be really great. I do think it would be good to have SOME way for the player to move, even if it is extremely slow, because it is VERY easy to get completely stuck. I absolutely ADORE the art, though. Great job!

I liked this game! It was pretty fun to try to get through, but I did not make it all the way to the end. I do feel like the life system could be a little more forgiving, but aside from that, great job!

This is incredible! Everything is extremely well polished! I absolutely love the inclusion of a trophy system, it really motivates the player to finish the level quickly. I have absolutely nothing that I didn't love about this game. Outstanding job!

This was unexpectedly really really great! It was a really funny concept and I really enjoyed playing it! I do think the tutorial should be mandatory, as I completely missed it the first time and was VERY confused. While it does not fit the speedrunning theme extremely well, I still really really liked the game. Great job!

This is a fun concept! It was very challenging and I did not end up fully completing it, but from what I played it was very engaging. I do feel like the clouds are a bit slippery, but that might just be by design. Good job!

I think this is a pretty interesting concept! My only big complaint is that the controls could use some work. It might be interesting to make the symbols you're matching be pictures rather than letters, just to match with the game more thematically. Good job!

This game is really well made! It was a joy to play and all of the mechanics felt really well thought out! It was honestly easy to forget this was even made for a jam. Great job!

I really really liked this game! It was really fun to play and I like how the levels are nice and short. I do definitely think the camera needs some tweaking, but besides that this is a pretty polished game! Great job!

This game was really fun! I loved the double jump mechanic and playing through it was a great experience. Great job!

I am a big fan of this concept! I think if it was given more time and polish it could definitely be really good. I think adding a preview of the player's trajectory could be really helpful. Great job overall!

I think this concept has potential. The game could obviously use some work, but for being made in such a short time frame I am more than willing to look past that. I think if you developed this concept more, it could be pretty great!

I like this game! It was very fun to play and I liked the controls. There were points where it felt a little unfair, though. It would have been nice to have a way to move the camera around to see further ahead or further below me, so I could tell just how far I was about to be falling. Great job overall though!

Although I didn't finish this game, I did enjoy it! It felt a bit frustrating at times, but it was still a fun concept!

I really like this game! I did not end up finishing it but it was very fun to play through what I did manage to do. It was quite frustrating at times but it never felt unfair. Great job!

This is very interesting! I love the variety in the ways the pieces can move. It was sadly not super engaging to play against the AI with the random movement, but I think if you take the time to make a proper AI for this it could be very fun. Good job overall!

This is very cool! I love the concept and it was surprisingly very engaging. I did find that the braking particles were a little extreme and made it hard to see, but if that was the intention it's not a bad thing. I do think it might be good to show the contents of each box before they start spinning, since it was sometimes difficult to tell which boxes I had to pay attention to with everything moving so fast. Great job overall!

This is a really fun and creative idea! I was very confused at first so adding a tutorial would be a good idea but after I read the description it was very fun and very challenging. It would be a big change but I think it could be interesting if you had to place your towers which would survive for a limited number of turns and you could switch between them with the number keys or clicking. Great job overall!

This is very challenging! It is always super close when you make it, which makes it super satisfying to do multiple in a row. It might be good to put multiple gaps in some hexagons to make the rotation less extreme, or to add a faster rotation option maybe by holding shift. Great job overall!

i dont remember tbh lol but i didnt get super far

This is really good! I loved when the third layer was added and the enemies started moving back, it really added to the tension. It may be cool to add a sort of upgrade system and have enemies get more powerful as you progress. Great job overall!

This is a really cool idea! It took me a while to figure out but it was very fun once I got it. I did manage to get the game to break by scaring the wizard out of the entrance, but that can probably be fixed. I do think putting a tutorial in the game would be a good idea to help get people started. Good job overall!

This is very creative! I really like the concept of building a balanced dungeon. I think it would be cool to add doors that can block off rooms from visibility or walls that just block them entirely. Good job overall!

This is a great idea! Very difficult but still fun. I really like the concept of a reverse board game. It might be a good idea to show the stats of the climbers or to add different types of climbers that play differently. Good job overall!