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A member registered Jun 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot for the feedback! This is my first jam, hopefully I'll get better at delivering more content and art next year!

Thanks for the feedback!! Hope you enjoyed playing 😃

Absolutely, this detaching from the wall is really annoying 😓 but I couldn't fix it on time. Also the behavior of jump when you're touching a wall is a little bit broken, it works well if you're wall jumping, sliding or grabbing a platform but it's buggy if you're on the ground and happens to touch a wall at the same time 😅

Thanks again for playing and dropping a comment ❤️

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Thanks for the feedback and hope you enjoyed playing! 🕹️

The frame rate is accounted for. Probably this confusion is bc I removed all text with instructions in game due to some heavy lagging when processing text that I couldn't fix on time so I dropped all texts. This part you have to hold K (Grab) while wall jumping because without doing this, it should be nearly impossible. There is code made specifically to prevent one from ""abusing"" wall jumping, which limits intentionally extent and wall climbing.

Sorry for the clumsy experience with the game! And thanks again for dropping a comment! ❤️

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🏔️ Celeste-inspired 2D platformer. Instead of dashes you scale platforms.

Movement: A and D or Arrow Keys

Jump: Spacebar (Hold to Jump farther)

Grab Wall/Activate Green Platforms: K (Grab regular walls to facilitate wall jumping)

Reset current level: R

The game is really short as I hadn't much time to dedicate to it but I'm really happy with the concept so far. Hope you enjoy it!

The concept is great! Really polished game for such a short time! Congrats!

It's hard to aim the snake but really fun to play!

Nice exploration on the theme! It is difficult to traverse some sections and I got stuck trying to go up in a section and I didn't figure a way out. Even not completing the game, I really enjoyed it!

I like the concept. It would be fun to explore this with more snappy controls for platforming and a less floaty jump.

I had a really nice time playing it! Congrats!

The music is super relaxed but it was intense taking care of the penguins! Loved to play it, really cute!

Really nice controls and easy and fun to play! Loved the leaderboard!

Very cute! You do get your wrist tired really fast from hitting Space so quickly though!

The gameplay is really nice! I think I could be more constantly pressed but anyway ended up getting everything out of control anyway. Fun to play!

This game is adorable! The instructions aren't very clear though and I missed how the gameplay connects to the jam's theme :(

This is very cute! I found that controlling each duck is very hard, maybe it would help if I could control each one at a time. I got stuck at one level where there seems to be a bug, the eraser doens't work there and I don't know what to do.

I like the concept of photographing and changing the object's size but I found controls aren't there yet, they get in the way of actually focusing on solving the puzzles. Also, I believe the puzzles' difficulty is too easy.