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Rosie Ultraviolett

A member registered Apr 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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oh yeah, i forgot to add the swearing warning on here oops. I'll do that  now.

It's essentially my regular artstyle just compressed to fit the resolution.

I like the way the controls work but there's no sound so it feels really quiet and empty.

This reminds me of some flash game I played back in the day but I can't remember what...

Cool game, not too difficult, bonus points for cute bouncy sphere.

The graphics and music are nice but the controls are confusing.

Like Clyde said, this game needs sound effects as it feels quite empty without them. It feels a bit too slow paced which I think comes down to how it takes multiple turns to defeat the enemies at level 1, the fact you have to manually select the characters to do their attacks and also how in level 1 the enemies don't do that much damage. I feel like this game would be so cool with a bit more polish and I find it funny how there's just a gamer play CS:GO while the other 2 are stabbing alien creatures.

Chill little game, very  cool.

Gives me doodle jump vibes.

Well, there goes my hopes of winning. 

I don't really know what else to type here as even though this isn't the types of games I typically play, it's still impressive on it's own merit, let alone the game jam's. My only complaint is that the text is a bit too slow and there's no way (as far as I'm aware) to make it faster. Other than that, congratulations! You've most definitely won here!

Hmmmm...I've opened the file in Firefox and I get a network error. From what I've seen on google and my general knowlege of Godot 3, I assume it's a bug with v3.3 because I first used 3.5 and HTML worked fine. Try exporting in 3.5 or 3.6 (the godot file should still work with later versions of godot 3) and see if that changes anything.

"HTML still not working :("

What game engine are you using?I know for Godot 4 games to work on the web the checkbox "SharedArrayBuffer support" has to be enabled. Not sure about other engines but you could ask on the forums.

Thank goodness this has a slide amount slider otherwise this wouldn't be nearly as fun to mess around with.

Overall: 7/10 would play with again.

Bonus points for using Godot.

Thank goodness this has a slide amount slider otherwise this wouldn't be nearly as fun to mess around with.

Overall: 7/10 would play with again. 

Bonus points for using Godot.

(1 edit)

Made in a month for the 3rd Lospec jam on Itch and Newgrounds with these restrictions:

- 256x144 resolution (scaled up to 1280x720 for technical reasons)

- 48 colour palette

- single touch input (however left click, enter key and space also simulate this for convenience sake)

- 16x16 sprites

In a world where almost everyone has an elemental power in some way, shape or form, you play as The Element of Liquorice as she tracks down and manipulates three ex-superheroes working minimum wage jobs, into re-forming just so she can easily capture them as part of her new job as a supervillain in a really petty organisation. This is one big joke me and my brother came up with that I spent way too much effort on so please don't take this seriously.

Liquorice is also known as "licorice", if you're American.

Itch version:
Newgrounds version:

Also I just want to say, I uploaded the actual game like 10 minutes ago. It says 11 days 1 hour because that's when I made the project file but it didn't have a game in it and was a draft until now. Just to clear any confusion.


I'm not great at pixel art but I'm making a game for the Lospec jam which is 256x144 and with a specific 48 colour pallete so I tried my best. I haven't drawn all of them yet but here's just some of the stuff in case anyone was curious.

Character references (I drew these first):

She's the main character and also the only one out of the 4 who has her visual novel sprites drawn.

UI (it's blurry because I screen recorded the window in it's original size):

Maybe I'll add more sprites here later on.

I should've introduced myself years ago, but I only found out recently itch has forums so here I am.

Hi I'm Rosie Ultraviolett and I make video games but I also do animating, art, music, voice acting, writing, singing and a bit of 3D modelling because I have too many hobbies. I'm more active on Newgrounds but I upload all my games on here too because itch is cool and has a lot of game jams. I tend to make visual novel styled games in Godot with the help of the Dialogic plugin and I love doing everything myself as I'm a bit of a control freak.

Intro concluded!

I've only just realised that itch has forums so I'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum.

It's a video game due to it's interactive nature but is more like a visual novel in the sense that it's button pressing for different routes, but instead of reading it's animation. I already have like 3 other project ideas currently and this is still in the early stages, but I was curious to see if anyone else was interested.

The "plot" is a typical anime harem, you know the kinds: the deredere, the kuudere, the himedere and the tsundere, all of which are their only personality traits. However the main guy isn't a typical anime protagonist as this guy no-clipped through the floor from a different universe and is designed to be the only one there with actual common sense. There's this lingering feeling of danger as the main guy is a human in an psuedo-Japan high school full of vampires that lack any consistency in their behaviour or thought patterns due to the universe essentially being a badly written lovey-dovey story with all the writing flaws and over the top anime tropes you can think of!

I haven't planned many scenes yet but one I have thought of is how one of the main girls gets introduced by the typical "running into each other" trope. The guy asks if the girl is okay and then gets concerned when the girl nosebleeds everywhere and he takes her to the nurse as he has no idea what's going on but just saw the girl chuck a litre out of her nose and the nurse just kinda stands there and the guy gets freaked out and slowly walks away; all of which takes place without a pause to breathe. The idea I'm trying to explain is what seems to be a satire of anime tropes with the comedy stemming from the main guy being the only one who acts and reacts like a normal human would while everyone else are all over the place in terms of realism. Characters will behave sporadically to their personalities, which combined with the fact that he's the only human in a 10 mile radius and has no idea how anime works as he's never watched any, causes this feeling of unease as (if I do a good enough job at writing him) you will be in the shoes of the guy, trying to survive in a world that seems to keep changing it's rules due to a lack of world building and everything quickly starts to crumble away as the main guy tries to figure out how to get back to his home universe, if there even is a way, while having to deal with 4 horny vampire girls and some other plot that I haven't fully figured out yet, but my idea is like a "chosen one" kind of thing with the main guy just refusing to play along at that point and this parody montage segment where he works out at the gym and is still as weak as he was before and the "ultimate weapon" is a blunt kitchen knife that somehow gets the job done because "the power of friendship" or something idk. The main guy designs clothes and stuff, he isn't a fighter type and he knows it but the world is in his favour when it feels like it which really starts to screw with his mind.

It's essentially an interactive harem (ie, which of the 4 main girls do you trust the most not to try drain you of your blood) with different paths depending on who you pick, that reveals itself to be more and more disturbing, not in a traditional horror sense with jumpscares and loose eyeballs, but in a psychological sense as you follow the main guy as he tries to figure out even just a clue on how the world and it's society works so he can figure out how to get back home, but the fact that nobody acts rational or consistent enough to figure anything out makes him slowly go insane, and paired with the chosen one subplot and yeah, not a fun time for him. Also the fear that at any moment someone could randomly go insane and try to harm him, especially because 2 of the main girls are dangerous people, he's constantly on edge. However the girl that you choose also slowly starts to realise how badly written the world is and becomes less of a 1 traited nuisance, and more of a powerful ally. The challenge is trying to survive long enough to reach that stage though.

My plan is to release it in episodes here on itch and on Newgrounds (each episode being added onto 1 project though) as the animation bit's gonna take too long if I did it in 1 chunk. The voice acting's gonna be in English because I'm not fluent in Japanese, but it'll add to the pseudo-japan-ness of it all with random weeb Japanese thrown in to make it seem like some kind of 13 year old's fanfiction. Definitely not this year though as I have to do more research on this genre of anime as I prefer more serious action stuff but I need to know exactly what I'm parodying first for it to be effective. Is this a good idea? It's still in early stages and I hope I explained my vision clearly enough for you to get the general idea.

Also the fanservice character's name is literally "back pain" in Japanese because her breasts are so big she has trouble keeping balance when walking.

It's so on the nose but I find it funny (I got inspiration for the bad names from Yandere Simulator. Only the main characters have actual Japanese names).

She's the best friend of one of the main 4 (the deredere) so if you go down that route then she starts to realise how she always seems to fall in unfortunate positions (really not looking forward to drawing those) and she tries to look for a cure. You get to know her better too and is really interested in neuroscience but in any other route she's just the girl with the unnaturally large breasts that fell down the stairs, landed on her back in a fanservic-y position, got up, called the main guy a pervert even though he was more concerned that she might have seriously damaged something and is trying to call a hospital to make sure she didn't get paralysis or broke a bone, and then she just walked off like nothing happened while the main guy watches in bewilderment.

Oh and also the main guy is very popular (which is how he got those 4 girls obsessing over him) but has friendship issues due to him having a lot of fake friends in the past as he's the child of 2 famous celebrities who's trying to be known as a separate person and not in correlation with his parents. However because nobody here knows who his parents are, he has a better chance to be successful on his own (he likes designing clothes and stuff) which causes conflict in his mind when he tries to plan a way on leaving.

Basically he isn't the "loser who plays video games all day" kind of MC, if you get what I mean.

I know another review said this, but it feels so empty without any form of sound. I would recommend for sound effects as sound can really improve an environment. Also the viewport gets a bit messed up due to the camera not expanding with the window so playing on a 16:9 ratio monitor looks a bit strange around the edges where it goes to grey. The theme is only really in the towers getting bigger and the gameplay gets pretty boring once you've built 5 towers and saved up to upgrade them all due to the towers being too good at defending the building too early on so there's no sense of challenge or skill but you don't get infinite floods of money either so you just sit there, waiting.

The idea is really cool. It's a shame it seems to soft lock itself when you get past the first screen. The controls are very clunky though and aren't intuitive to use at all and the graphics don't blend too well with the plain looking cube and the rest of the world. Cool idea, needs a lot more polish though.

Fair enough. Physics can be annoying to master.

I've used Godot before. Just not Godot 4.

It's cool how it's in 3D and you can move the camera around with the cursor and the pixel art is charming but the font can be hard to read in places. It's also pretty slow at the start (which I know is the point in tycoon games but when you have no money, you're just watching the soft drinks make their way to the crate) and I feel like if the board started with nothing but the truck, then it would be a lot more enjoyable as it's a bit hard to tell what stuff does what at the start. The interpretation of the theme seems a little forced considering I had to read the game page afterwards to understand where the theme was implemented. It feels like they wanted to make a tycoon game about soft drinks and already had the idea before the jam and just shoved the theme somewhere in there.

Overall it's pretty good and I like the sound effects, but it's pacing could be better.

I feel like if given the time and resources to polish this, it could be an entertaining minigame. I especially like how the theme was interpreted as storage size. However, it's gameplay is confusing if you don't play the tutorial (which is odd to have in a separate area considering the simplicity of this game) and pressing space on top of an item to collect it is a bit clunky. 

I do hope this becomes a bigger game though as I'm curious to see how this gameplay loop can be used in a longer game with polished visuals and sound.

I like how the theme was interpreted but the execution could be better. The flow of the pufferfish is wrecked by the way it glides around the screen and overall would have benefitted if it was slower and the fish was a bit smaller as it feels like playing air hockey in places.


damn it I forgot to add that

This is made in GDevelop. You can see the logo in the screenshots and also Godot projects open in DEBUG mode not a preview mode which further proves my point, so this shouldn't qualify as this is a Godot jam.


go for a combination of the browser and an offline downloadable version of windows and either mac or linux (if you use either of those OSs on your main computer).

i can do basically anything in that list but am also making a game for the jam myself, so if any of those roles are small enough for me to manage on the side then I'll help. I can only code in GDscript though and I can't code anything 3D related.


I think that's a browser thing as it runs fine as an executable.

The window closing at the end is on purpose to show you leaving the demon dimension.

(1 edit)

His murderer did a very sloppy job. Should have gone for the throat.

Also dialogic is an overpowered plugin: saved me hours of copying and pasting code.

You worked with the limitations really well. Having it be a letter was a smart way to do it.

help i can't get past flowey

i love this! this really does have some potential! and the mix of pixel art and typical visual novel sprites works so well that any games I make after the one i'm working on will have that similar style to it :)
