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A member registered Aug 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! I do think the visuals turned out pretty well considering everything, but gameplay wise the game is simply lacking. I agree that if I were to continue development I would basically need to rethink the entire gameplay loop

That’s some great feedback. There is actually a way to die, and staying inside of the orbs does do damage, but I guess it’s bugged for some people. You can actually take 3 hits before you die but I didn’t have time to properly show that to the play. So that could also be part of the issue

Glad to hear might do so :D

Right I guess it isn't super obvious The randomness aspect is that your orbs change their type every 15 seconds to a random one. And you have just 2 orbs to control. Thanks for the feedback thoug

Yeah I also encountered the wall problem. But I didn't find any other bugs. It's very well made with a lot of polish and effort put into the art music and gameplay. I found It a bit easy to get quite powerful put overall I would say the game is very well put together.


(1 edit)

Honestly a really fun game. Took a bit to figure out but after I got it, it was really enjoyable.

The dialogue is very funny. I now feel bad for even trying to hurt the frog :(

The game Is very well-made and has quite a bit of polish. I liked the unique mechanics and animation. Overall a great entry. WELL DONE!

Here are the controls for the game





MOVE BALL with your left mouse button


QUIT game with ESCAPE

Nice and simple, good controls, appealing character designs, and an overall great entry. Good job!

Glad you liked it!

(1 edit)

The death mechanic was something I implemented 2 hours before the deadline so it was really poorly done.

Damn this game made me whip out the graphics tablet lmao. Really well done

This was really fun to play! I really liked the concept. The only real problem is that it's too short. A few more levels would really round it all up into a nice little package of cool pixel art and fun gameplay.

The controls are a little weird but I feel like once you get used to them they become pretty natural. The game also breaks a bit if you try to play it on full screen. Other than that great submission!

If there was one thing I would change, that would be it. It was just a case of me totally running out of time.

The original idea was to have 3 separate days, where you would only get one list of requirements per day. They were supposed to get more inclusive as time passed as if the doctor wants you to reach the conclusion that everything is human.  His intentions for doing so are that he wants you to think that you yourself are human, despite you being one of his experiments. It was just one of those things that I didn't have time to implement properly.

Overall a great game!

You made a cool little game, but it's just a bit too hard and it sort of makes the game feel unfair :(

The game is really fun to play and looks amazing! The only thing that stood out to me was the demon creature's ai. They just sort of run into walls and are super easy to dodge. Other then that great game :)

I really liked the mood of the game, that difficulty curve tho is really steep.

Damn I wish my first game had this much polish. Well done my guy

I think it's giving windows defender a false positive

so turn off that and it should be fine


Thanks for the feedback! The inconsistency in pixel size was kind of a problem that I didn't think about during development. I think a better way of doing things would have been drawing the assets in full res and then using a post-processing shader to pixelate them, but that would have been too complex for a game jam. The ending was a bit anticlimactic, but time was tight. The idea behind the pose of the knight was that he was meditating in a way - you can say he was trying to become one with void, but that's up for debate.

Thanks man really appreciate it. :)

Thanks man!

Thanks for the feedback. The gals I worked with really helped me with that one. It really adds some divercity to the game.

The main mechanic is really quite interesting. The player is slow, but that forces you to get tactical so you can avoid your ever growing hole and the surrounding zombies. Cool game!

The game has a really fun concept. The player moves a bit slower than he should in my opinion, but the fun puzzles make up for it!

The game is fun to play at the start, but after a bit it gets a bit repetitive. The visuals are nice. The game just lacks overall polish, but it is still quite nice!

The concept of the game was pretty interesting. The 3d models looked fine. My only issue is that the difficulty curve is a bit too steep. The game starts too easy. And the third level is almost unbeatable. Still a great submission, keep up the good work!

The game was pretty fun to play. Some of the enemies were unkillable. But other than that the game was well made. Good job!

Cool sabmition. The only thing is the game gets a bit repetitive. I get shown the same messages a few times in a row. Other than that, there were no other problems. GOOD GAME

I was originally aiming for more of a story driven platformer, so gameplay was not my top priority, that was a mistake on my part. When that plan fell apart I had to stitch something together and this is the result. I simply didn't have the time to add something to spice things up.

Firstly, thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it. Secondly, I absolutely agree. The gameplay is very bland. Adding some enemies or some other obstacle to spice things up would have helped, but sadly I didn't have the time.

The game was really fun and quite difficult, but it might just be my platformer skills. My only problem is It was really hard for me to teleporet up. All things considered It was a great game.

Really cool project. The amount of work put into this is very respectable. Overall great game with quite a lot of polish.