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A member registered Mar 10, 2022

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It's such a cute little game. :) I loved the game mechanic of being able to teleport. I thought it would make the game too easy to get through but I found it the right amount of challenging. It was engaging but not too frustrating. I was able to figure out pretty quickly what the blue blocks meant but there wasn't a formal introduction to them in the game. I also didn't realize that using the teleporter stopped me mid-fall. I had to figure that out on my own. I would just suggest finding a way to introduce that a bit better. 

I loved the graphics and the audio. The audio made it feel really fun. I really liked that you had a background that made the world look bigger. 

I didn't enjoy the narration. It was weird how the character introduced that they were using collectibles of themselves as ammunition. It sounded like some type of innuendo. But that's me personally. There's probably someone who would really enjoy that. 

I did enjoy the controls and killing zombies. It felt really simple though and I wasn't sure when I won the game or if it was never-ending. A timer or a score counter or something to help mark progression would be helpful. 

I did think it was original to have a witch defending her tower against zombies. I wouldn't normally think of zombies and witches together. The art style was cute too. :)

I love the idea and story you chose! The brick character is so cute and I love his little anime arms when he's running. I think being the chosen brick to fight for the tower against the construction workers is such a cute idea. I had trouble with the controls though. I loved that you painted on the walls the instructions on how to do different things. I could seem to get past the wall on the second floor with the spikes where you needed to jump up. I think I needed to jump and use the left mouse click but I couldn't be sure. I kept dying there. Maybe put a clue there to figure out how to get past that part or make it a little easier?

I loved the little hammers being thrown by the bad guys. They definitely killed me a few times. lol. The music was lovely and made the game feel more retro and cute. 

I tried downloading but Windows stopped it saying it was a virus. :(

I could not get past the first level. lol. I did enjoy the game though. I think creating easier levels to hook a player in before going so hard would be a good idea. I did really love the art and the sounds were super satisfying. My favorite were the sfx when placing the blocks and removing the blocks. A simple but really fun game, even though it's super frustrating. :)

Overall I really like this! The ambience is super cool and I love the layout of the game. I think the audio is very well done too. I ran into a bug on day 4 though. Polis was marked as enemy territory on the map but the game apparently though it was friendly. I lost points because I marked a supply drop as "enemy" and a bombing on Polis as "friendly". I swear I tried to find the last frequency for day 4 but it wasn't there. 

The gameplay does get really repetitive especially as you're forced to wait the whole day for these radio transmissions. It would be cool to see another element of the game come in, or perhaps making the game shorter. I did really enjoy reading the newspaper articles, especially about the cabbages. lol

So cute! I love the idea and art style. I had a hard time with using the controls on my keyboard. I didn't like that I needed to keep holding "e" to stay on the rope. Is there a way you can make the play automatically stick to the yarn? It was hard trying to swing the yarn with the left and right button while holding "e" and then also using the space bar. The other thing I got frustrated with is that I couldn't jump from underneath the cat towers. Maybe you planned that to make the game harder but I personally didn't enjoy having to move around all the low cat towers so I could jump. 

I loved the music and how polished the game seemed overall!