I’ll have to look at that. Thank you for pointing it out.
I’m planning to work more on the game, maybe extending it to a fullish release. Hope you’ll check back once it’s here ;)
This was very nice, I like the concept. A bit hard to start, maybe have the recipe book on the counter so you know you can click on it at the beginning. I would have preferred only mouse control, using the keyboard for moving the window was a bit janky. Maybe just allowing to change view by putting the cursor on the border. Also it was difficult to understand if the stuff was dry or not. The graphic is incredible!
Good job on making a pico-8 game. That’s though. I was gonna complain about the pathfinding of the enemies, but I guess it was intentional or some level wouldn’t have been possible to complete. Need some audio and a better progression but it’s a cool addition to the pico library!
By the way, I think you didn’t plan for anyone to kill all your zombies in the final wave ;)
Nice idea! I can see this as a cool boss battle in a longer game. The only issue I see is that you have to give a reason to the player for not sticking to a corner and keep shooting in the direction of the mosquito. Maybe have them spawn from multiple sides. I’ don’t know if it was me but I didn’t have any sound
Thank you so much for the great feedback! I wanted to avoid text for the tutorial, so I put a image on the wall in the room with the coffin of the guy pushing the coffin. I should have found a way to make it more clear. For the double sliding, that shouldn’t really happen! I’ll double check the movement mechanics. Hit me up in the DMs if you can give some more details on the bug.
This is very fun! Noce Idea for a game, murdering innocent villagers to dress up is very villanous https://dpg-ecal-calib.web.cern.ch/view/DT/job/dt-rr-lock-test/58/console. The audio and graphics fit perfectly.