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Ryan Materna

A member registered 64 days ago · View creator page →

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Hey beholdmydemons, how are you? Hopefully you're doing well! Did you play the Guitar parts yourself; they sound like they could be real recordings! Either way, I'm really impressed with the color of your tracks and I can't say that I've heard anything quite like this thus far! 

First, let's talk "Searching For You": I love that you started with a very catchy Guitar Motif and then just continue to build from there! The orchestral part complements the Guitar really well, and I love that you introduced a second guitar that has a different timbre. This piece feels conveys several different emotions to me, it feels solemn, nostalgic, reflective, and even expresses a feeling of contentment to me somehow. Because this piece gave me such a large variety of emotions, I think this track could be used in a variety of contexts, which is great! My only criticism would be that the piece ends a bit too abruptly in my opinion, but beyond that I think this is some great work! 

Next, let's talk "Drifting Off": I admire that you chose you to layer in a really cool ambient track for this piece! The nature sounds (I think that's what those are) add a great sense of place and make me feel like I'm in a tranquil forest or campsite with some friends whom I really love and care about. Just like with "Searching For You", the repeating Guitar Motif is really beautiful and fun to listen to, it never gets old in my opinion! I'm really impressed with those track, great job! 

Thank you for sharing your work, and I'm excited to see what music you make in the future. Best of luck for this Jam, beholdmydemons!

Hey Synlyfe, how are you? Hopefully you're doing well! This composition... this composition is what I WANTED mine to be! Just a PERFECT blend of beautiful orchestral elements, rich synthesizers, and super cool electronic rhythms and percussions! 

     First and foremost, you immediately captured me with the opening Piano Sound, it's just so rich and full! The Solo Violin plays such a heartfelt, moving melody and I'm loving this! I'm feeling INCREDIBLE at 0:55, I absolutely love these Bass and Percussion sounds, they're so moody and fit the soundscape so perfectly! I also love the Flute that you introduce at 1:12, and the increased intensity in the kick (I think it's a kick?) also helps this moment really shine! All of the sounds introduced at 2:15 are just majestic and otherworldly... I really do feel that I'm being lost inside someone's world, or perhaps lost inside my own dreams or imagination.
     This composition is just so immersive, it truly has a sense of place and when I listen to this piece, I really do feel that I'm being transported somewhere. That's something that's very difficult to accomplish and the fact that you were able to give me that experience through your music is INCREDIBLE and a sign that you are a highly thoughtful and talented Composer (in my opinion). If this was on Spotify, I would definitely add this to my playlist and if this was in a game I was playing, I would definitely stop just to listen! I really love this Composition and knowing that you made all of this in just one day... you are beyond impressive! 

Anyways, I really love your music and I'm glad you chose to participate despite your ear injury. I hope that you're feeling better and that your ear recovers soon! I can't wait to hear more of your music in the future and I wish you the best of luck for this Jam, Synlyfe! 

Hey Gunter, how are you? Hopefully you're doing well! Your soundtrack really stands out to me because of hoe rich and atmospheric your tracks sound and because of the way you blended String Instruments with really ambient sounding Synths and pads. I've been looking for a Soundtrack that featured this kind of sound and I think you nailed it! 

First, let's talk "Ship Me To The Moon": I love this track so much! I love that this piece immediately opens with all of these really cool, kind of "echoey" (is that a word?) sounds before introducing the Solo Violin! When the Solo Violin does eventually arrive, there's a really overwhelming Pad or Synth (I'm not sure which) that fills out the texture nicely and also feels really otherworldly and ethereal. This piece does a great job of conveying this wonderful feeling that we're entering a brand new, exciting, and unfamiliar environment and that we're being captured by the wonder of everything that we're seeing. I really love this one, great job Gunter! 

Next, let's talk "Time To Go Home": Simple and beautiful, just as it should be! I think this track perfectly encapsulates the feeling you were trying to achieve, and I'm also loving the Harmonies and Melodies you used in the Piano (I think you used a Minor 4th Chord?). Furthermore, I love that instead of just using a typical Piano sound, you found a way to make this track sound really atmospheric and full just like your previous tracks. As a result, I feel like this composition stands out for its tasteful simplicity and emotional content while still feeling connected to the rest of the Soundtrack thanks to its atmospheric quality. I'm very impressed! 

Anyways, I think you've done a great job Gunter! You seem to have a knack for creating simple, beautiful melodies and harmonies and then combining them with AWESOME Sound Design in order to create these really full, almost overwhelming compositions that are super satisfying! I'm glad you chose to share your music and I look forward to hearing more of your work, best of luck for this Jam Gunter! 

Hey Kraftware, how are you? Hopefully you're doing well! This is awesome... I enjoyed this whole Soundtrack but there's a couple of tracks that I want to talk about specifically! 

First, let's talk "Let the Adventure Begin!": Holy crap, this composition is awesome, my first thought was "This person deserves an entire real-life orchestra at their disposal because their orchestration is so good!". This piece has so much personality and charm, all of the textures complement each other so well and there's absolutely zero stale or dull moments throughout! I really can't think of a valid criticism, my only complaint is that hearing how good this composition was with VST's has got me ITCHING to hear it with a live orchestra! I think this was a great way to start off your soundtrack, and I really admire your work here! 

Now, let's talk "Playing In The Sand": I also this composition and right off the bat, I enjoy the fact the instrumentation between this piece and the Main Theme are connected. This ultimately creates a feeling of a cohesion and although this piece has much different emotional content than "Let the Adventure Begin", I still feel that they belong together in the same world (which is great)! The main motif that we're hearing in the Woodwinds is SUPER MEMORABLE and this piece also has a ton of great Percussion and Rhythmic Drive, I'm feeling all of the tension and urgency! Just like with your Main Theme, I'm really struggling to find any great criticisms, I genuinely love this piece so much! 

Anyways, thanks for sharing your music, Kraftware. I think you're an exceptional composer and I'm excited to hear your work featured in some big video games moving forward! Best of luck to you in the Jam Kraftware!

Hey JaClay, thank you for sharing your music! 

I'll start with Follow Me; I absolutely LOVE the Piano Sound you used and the harmonies + arpeggios were both very pretty and moody (which is great)! This piece made me think of someone quietly reflecting on something as they sit alone late at night under the cover of the moonlight, and I think the imagery and storytelling that your piece put into my brain aligns well with what you were hoping to achieve! I just wonder if the Strings and Synths could've been a little more active at certain points... I love that you were going for a more ambient feeling (which often implies some stillness), but I'd like to see if the Strings and Synths could add a bit more life to the piece. Beyond that, I love this piece because it gave me a STRONG FEELING and some Vivid Imagery, which means that you did a great job in my opinion! 

Now let's talk Finding the Way Home: I really like this one! I love that you steadily introduce new sounds and ultimately build a really cool soundscape, you start with this bell like instrument (not sure what this one is), and then introduce the Piano, some Strings, a REALLY NICE Synth and so on so forth. I also really love the kind of chromatic wilt you use from about 0:32 to 0:40 to transition into the next section, that felt really good! I honestly can't think of a great criticism for this one (you did a great job), all of I have is a matter of personal taste; I wish the track was a bit more atmospheric, meaning I wish the instruments were less dry and had a bit more reverb, I also wish that instruments blended together more and that there was a maybe a Pad in there in order to make the sound fuller and rounder. This is just a matter of personal taste, I honestly love this piece and it has great character, really nice work JaClay! 

I had a lot of fun checking out your work, I hope more people see your music and I wish you the best for this Jam JaClay!  

Hey Chris, I love that you're offering to do this and I would love to get some feedback from a professional! I'm super excited to check out your tracks as well, until then!

Rate "Inside Her World" Main Theme by Ryan Materna for OST Composing Jam #7 -

Yes, thank you so much! I'll send you an email ASAP!

Here is a link to my OST Jam #7 Music if anyone is interested in checking it out still, thank you! 

"Inside Her World" Main Theme by Ryan Materna (

I'm honestly embarrassed to admit this but despite numerous attempts and having the extra time provided by the Grace Period, I couldn't figure out how to successfully upload my Project to the Composition Jam. I followed the Instructions provided and although I'm sure I did something wrong; I have no idea why my Soundtrack didn't upload to the OST Composition Jam #7 Page. I know that the Submission Period is closed, but is there anything I can do? I'm genuinely baffled as to why it didn't upload and given how much time and effort, I put in to finishing this Music and trying to upload, this is honestly pretty crushing. I understand if nothing can be done at this point, but I would be incredibly grateful if there was a way for me to upload my Music to the Composition Jam still. Thank you in advance to anyone who reads this!

I know this is coming late... but I wish everyone good luck and I hope everyone gains something positive from this experience!